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边框和页面边框区别? word页面边框,设置边框大小?英文双语对照


边框和页面边框区别? word页面边框,设置边框大小?英文双语对照



1. 边框(Border)是指元素周围的边框,通常用于增强页面的视觉效果和结构层次。边框可以应用于所有HTML元素,如div、p、table、img等,可以设置边框的宽度、样式和颜色等属性。通过设置边框样式,可以使边框呈现不同的效果,如实线、虚线、双线等。

2. 页面边框(Page Border)通常指网页body区域的边框,用于固定页面宽度和布局,而非强调单个元素的边框。通过设置页面边框的宽度和颜色,可以控制页面的边距、尺寸和对齐方式。



要设置 Word 页面边框的大小,请按照以下步骤进行操作:

1. 首先,选择您要应用页面边框的页面或整个文档。

2. 然后,点击“布局”选项卡上的“页面边框”按钮,以打开“页面边框和页码”对话框。

3. 在“页面边框和页码”对话框中,选择“页面边框”选项卡。在这里,您可以设置边框的样式、颜色和线条宽度。

4. 选择“样式”下拉菜单中的边框样式,例如实线、虚线或点线。

5. 在“颜色”下拉菜单中选择边框颜色,或者单击“自定义”以使用自定义颜色。

6. 最后,在“线条”下拉菜单中选择边框线条宽度。您可以选择从 1/4 磅到 6 磅的线条宽度。

7. 点击“确定”按钮以关闭“页面边框和页码”对话框并应用所做的更改。
















































1. 首先,可以使用“UNFRAME”命令删除CAD文档中的边框。打开CAD软件,进入命令行界面,输入“UNFRAME”并回车,然后选择需要删除边框的图纸并确认即可。

2. 另外,您还可以使用“MTEXTED”命令编辑文字内容,也就是删除CAD文档中的文字。在命令行界面输入“MTEXTED”,回车后选择需要编辑的文字内容,删除即可。

3. 如果您只需要删除CAD文档中的边框文字,可以使用“QSELECT”命令进行选择。输入“QSELECT”命令,并在弹出的对话框中选择“Text”和“Annotation”选项,然后单击确定按钮。系统会自动选择文档中的所有文字和注释,您可以直接删除它们。



One, frame and page frame distinction?

Frame and page frame are two common term in webpage design, both has certain distinction:

1.Frame (Border) it is to point to the frame all round the element, use at enhancing the visual effect of the page and structural arrangement normally. Frame can apply at all HTML element, wait like Div, P, Table, Img, can install the attribute such as the width of frame, style and color. Through setting frame pattern, can make frame presents different result, wait like solid line, dotted line, crewel.

2.Page frame (Page Border) the frame that points to webpage Body area normally, use at securing page width and position, and rather than emphasizes the frame of single element. Through installing the width of page frame and color, the side that can control a page is apart from, dimension and to neat means.

Simple for, frame is the frame that uses at individual HTML element, and page frame is the frame with the Body outer area that is located in HTML documentation.

2, Word page frame, set frame size?

Want to set the size of Word page frame, undertake operating according to the following measure please:

1.Above all, choose you to want to apply the page of page frame or whole documentation.

2.Next, click " layout " on option card " page frame " pushbutton, in order to open " page frame and page number " dialog box.

3.Be in " page frame and page number " in the dialog box, choice " page frame " option gets stuck. Here, you can install the style of frame, color and line width.

4.Choose " style " next frame styles in pulling menu, for example solid line, dotted line or dot line.

5.Be in " color " color of next frame of the choice in pulling menu, perhaps click " define oneself " define color in order to use oneself.

6.Finally, be in " line " width of next line of frame of the choice in pulling menu. You can choose to arrive from 1/4 pound the line width of 6 pounds.

7.Click " affirmatory " pushbutton in order to shut " page frame and page number " the dialog box applies what what do to change.

Ask an attention, you also can be used " the edge is apart from " on option card " define frame oneself " pushbutton comes from definition page frame. In " define frame oneself " in the dialog box, you can change the position of frame, width and span, choose different line type and color.

3, unilateral casing and bilateral casing distinction?

The implementation means that unilateral casing and double frame are CSS style frame, basically distinguish those who depend on frame to present means to differ. What unilateral casing points to is to be in to just reveal frame up only, have only for instance left or on the right side of have frame, and what bilateral casing points to is reveal frame at the same time on two direction, for instance left and on the right side of have frame. The main distinction of these two kinds of frame depends on bilateral casing can showing a removed extent between frame, and unilateral casing won't, effect of the vision when be being used accordingly will be distinct. Besides unilateral casing and double frame, CSS style still has a few otherer frame realizes way, if round horn frame, shadow frame is waited a moment. In applying actually, can design according to specific requirement and UI, choose different frame type to present more likely vision result.

4, how does Cad frame set form frame?

We know those who revise to the form in the scale in Cad is OK, the frame of the form that inserts below acquiescent circumstance is unified line, will look how to set frame in the form of the scale in Cad below.

Tool / raw material


Method / measure

Above all the Cad file that we open good form of a scale, click us to want to alter the unit standard of frame next.

In playing the form tool column that go out we click unit frame.

19cad tags a number how to alter aleatoric numerical value or written language

In playing the unit frame character that give I choose immensity casing.

As demonstrate to express our setting to be immensity casing.

The open of dynamic input in 27CAD and shut and install

After the setting that express a head is good later the form data that we select lower part, choose the form frame pushbutton in clicking form tool column again next with mouse casing.

How is the width of font changed in 3cad

Our choice line is broad in playing the character of unit case frame that give for 0.5mm.

How does 18CAD revise a setting the line is broad

Next we click lower part outside casing, the line that clicks the frame outside be installed certainly next is broad for 5mm.

If need,can set a line model.

How is project practice tagged in 6cad

This is the table that we had set, if cannot see the change with broad line, can be to did not open the pushbutton with broad line, can click in subjacent pushbutton open.

The line that in the watch head of form upper part we see is not printed.

The 2nd graph is we print previewed map.

How scale bridge reinforcing steel bar is sectional in 5cad

5, orthogonal frame and distinction of round horn frame?

1, orthogonal frame and distinction of round horn frame are appearance different. Orthogonal frame looks clean swift and fierce, and round horn looks more kind, downy.

2, the price is different. Price of round horn casing is more expensive, the price is in 30 yuan, but relative safety, orthogonal casing is low-cost, the price is controlled in 25 yuan.

6, is Iqoo frame metallic rim?

Of Iqoo in casing and frame are a metal, the individual feels quite pretty good still. This mobile phone besides will carry brave dragon 870 outside the straight screen that still used 144Hz is brushed high. Cooperated FHD+ resolution, it is to give young associate absolutely people the picture feeling of fluent clarity, at the same time this mobile phone is having the batteries capacity of 4500mAh.

To young associate people longer bide one's time time, make you OK put flying ego optional free plays.

7, what is cate cate?

Hello, I am the P peach sauce that love eats, producer of video of domain of a cate.

Very glad to answer your question.

Cate- - just as its name implies, it is delicate food. Do not have an individual to differ to delicate definition so, the cate that he thinks is different, so the characteristic cate of the home town northeast that P peach lists peach of a few P to think:

Boiler includes the pork- - pork tenderloin, brawn flavour wrap on fried bean sauce, next boiler tick off Gorgon euryale to be made. Golden crisp, taste acid is sweet, love by the girl.

The chickling stews dawdle- - use evaporate steamed bun and chicken collocation to boil stew, flavour is delicious, what all show dawdle is full-bodied and delicate with chicken sweet tender.

Kill pig dish- - the dish that kill a hog is northeast country originally after year of hog is being killed when spending the New Year, the fresh pork, pickled Chinese cabbage, dish that black pudding stews together, very delicious, p peach is greedy. . .

The ground 3 delicacy- - the dish of traditional the daily life of a family that T3 delicacy is a northeast characteristic, hum, use aubergine potato and green pepper to match, taste not only Xian Nong, more nutrition is rich, xian Shuang is clinking.

P peach listed cate of northeast of a few distinctive, greeting someone else is compensatory, the hope can help you.

8, does aluminous gusset plate have frame and immensity casing distinction?

If aluminous gusset plate has frame and the distinction that do not have frame bigger still, the edge of aluminous gusset plate that has frame says relatively more strong, that is to say not only it is deputy keel fixed to a of aluminous gusset plate, and the brim also has certain side bearing the effect, there can be a place that cut out when aluminous gusset plate is accepting a margin especially, say to have a side so the effect will be a few more good-looking do not have an edge want all but.

9, extremely narrow frame and immensity casing which good?

Immensity casing is good.

The monitor of immensity casing is more popular, it seems that screen appears utilization rate is higher. To knowing the common friend of monitor parameter for, the video that chooses a Yan Zhigao is very important still.

10, does Cad take frame character frame how purify?

If you want written language of character and the frame in purify CAD, frame, can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Above all, can use " UNFRAME " the command deletes the frame in CAD documentation. Open CAD software, enter command travel interface, input " UNFRAME " and carriage return, choice need deletes the blueprint of frame and affirm next can.

2.Additional, you still can be used " MTEXTED " content of command editor character, delete the written language in CAD documentation namely. In the command travel interface is inputted " MTEXTED " , the choice after carriage return needs editorial character content, delete can.

3.If you need to delete the frame written language in CAD documentation only, can use " QSELECT " the command undertakes choosing. Input " QSELECT " command, choose in shooting the dialog box that give " Text " and " Annotation " option, click affirmatory pushbutton next. The system can choose all characters in documentation and annotate automatically, you can delete them directly.

Attention: Before any elements in deleting CAD file, back up original document brings about data to lose with preventing to be operated by accident without fail please.

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