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  • 元宵节,又称为元宵节,是中国传统节日,庆祝时间是农历正月十五日,标志着春节庆祝活动的结束。这是一个家庭团聚的时刻,人们欣赏灯笼展览,品尝象征家庭团圆和繁荣的汤圆(甜糯米团)。这个节日具有丰富的文化意义,并伴随着各种活动庆祝,包括舞龙舞狮、猜灯谜和放烟花。


    Lantern Festival - 元宵节
    Yuan Xiao Jie - 元宵节(拼音)
    Lunar calendar - 农历
    Glutinous rice balls (tangyuan) - 汤圆
    Family reunion - 家庭团聚
    Lantern display - 灯笼展览
    Dragon dance - 舞龙
    Lion dance - 舞狮
    Fireworks - 烟花
    Riddle-solving - 猜灯谜
    Lantern riddle - 灯谜
    Family unity - 家庭团圆
    Prosperity - 繁荣
    Traditional festival - 传统节日
    Cultural significance - 文化意义


    The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month. 元宵节在农历正月十五日庆祝。

    People gather to admire the beautiful lanterns that light up the night. 人们聚集一起欣赏照亮夜晚的美丽灯笼。

    Eating tangyuan is a way to wish for family unity and a prosperous year. 吃汤圆是祝愿家庭团圆和一年繁荣的方式。

    The dragon and lion dances are traditional performances during the Lantern Festival. 舞龙和舞狮是元宵节期间的传统表演。

    Solving riddles on lanterns is a popular activity that brings joy and intellectual challenge. 猜灯谜是一项受欢迎的活动,它带来欢乐和智力挑战。


    The Lantern Festival is a time of joy and togetherness in China. As the first full moon of the lunar year rises, families come together to celebrate the conclusion of the Chinese New Year. The streets are adorned with colorful lanterns, creating a festive atmosphere that is both enchanting and warm.

    People of all ages participate in the festivities, from the elderly to the young. The highlight of the celebration is the lantern display, where intricately designed lanterns in various shapes and sizes are showcased. Children carry lanterns made of paper or silk, while adults enjoy the more elaborate lanterns that tell stories from Chinese folklore.

    A traditional food of the Lantern Festival is tangyuan, which are round and sweet, representing completeness and happiness. Families prepare these delicious treats and share them while enjoying each other's company. The round shape of the tangyuan is a symbol of family unity and a prosperous life.

    In addition to the lanterns and tangyuan, the festival is also marked by performances such as dragon and lion dances, which are believed to bring good fortune and ward off evil spirits. The night sky is often filled with the brilliant colors of fireworks, adding to the magical experience of the Lantern Festival.

    As the lanterns are lit and the fireworks burst in the sky, people make wishes for the coming year. The Lantern Festival is not just a celebration of the past, but also a hopeful look towards the future.






    上一篇:娃哈哈 Wahaha 是谁的童年?