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  • 劝架(mediation)是指在冲突或争吵中,第三方介入以帮助双方平息争端、恢复和平的过程。劝架者通常需要具备良好的沟通技巧、中立的态度和一定的调解能力,以便在不偏袒任何一方的情况下,帮助双方找到共同点,解决分歧。劝架的目的是通过对话和协商,达成一种双方都能接受的解决方案,从而避免事态进一步恶化。  


    Mediation - 调解 Conflict Resolution - 冲突解决 Peacemaker - 和平使者 Intermediary - 中介 Conciliation - 劝解 Negotiation - 谈判 Compromise - 妥协 Dispute - 争端 Reconciliation - 和解 Neutral - 中立的


    As a neutral party, I can help mediate the dispute between you two. 作为一个中立的一方,我可以帮助调解你们之间的争端。   Let's try to calm down and find a compromise that works for both of you. 让我们试着冷静下来,找到一个双方都能接受的妥协方案。   I understand both of your points, but let's focus on the issue at hand and work towards a resolution. 我理解你们双方的观点,但让我们专注于手头的问题,努力寻求解决方案。   It's important to listen to each other's concerns and try to understand the underlying causes of the conflict. 倾听彼此的关切并试图理解冲突的根本原因是很重要的。  


    Mediation plays a vital role in resolving conflicts and restoring harmony in various settings, from personal relationships to international disputes. A skilled mediator can facilitate communication between the conflicting parties, helping them to express their grievances and find common ground.   调解在解决冲突和恢复各种环境中的和谐中发挥着至关重要的作用,无论是个人关系还是国际争端。一位熟练的调解者可以在冲突双方之间促进沟通,帮助他们表达不满并找到共同点。   The process of mediation involves active listening, empathy, and a focus on the future rather than dwelling on past grievances. It's about guiding the parties towards a mutually beneficial solution that addresses the core issues of the dispute. This approach not only resolves the immediate conflict but also builds a foundation for a more peaceful and cooperative relationship moving forward.   调解过程涉及积极倾听、同理心以及关注未来而非沉湎于过去的不满。这是关于引导各方朝着解决争端核心问题的互利解决方案。这种方法不仅解决了即时的冲突,而且为未来更和平、更合作的关系奠定了基础。