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1. **鸡年相关的元素:** 选择与鸡年相关的符号或图案,比如鸡、鸡羽、鸡冠等,以突出自己的生肖属性。

2. **吉祥的图案:** 选择传统吉祥的图案,比如红色、金色等,这些颜色和图案在中国文化中常被认为是吉祥、幸运的象征。

3. **个人喜好:** 根据个人的爱好和喜好选择头像,无论是动物、风景、艺术品还是自己的照片,都可以反映个人特色。

4. **充满活力的形象:** 选择充满活力、阳光的形象,能够给人以积极向上的感觉。



The person that belongs to chicken can consider the following aspects when choosing head portrait:

1.** chicken year relevant element: ** choice and chicken year relevant symbol or design, for instance chicken, chicken feather, cockscomb, in order to highlight oneself any of the twelve animals attribute.

2.The design with lucky ** : ** chooses traditional and lucky design, for instance gules, aureate wait, these color and design are considered as in Chinese culture middling lucky, lucky indicative.

3.** individual be fond of: ** chooses head portrait according to the individual's hobby and be fond of, no matter be animal, scenery, artwork or oneself photograph, can reflect individual distinguishing feature.

4.The figure with red-blooded ** : ** chooses the figure of red-blooded, sunshine, can give a person with active up feeling.

The place on put together is narrated, the person selected choose that belongs to chicken can consider above to suggest when head portrait, but the most important is the design that chooses to be able to express him individual character and love.
