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1. 首先,准备一支毛笔和墨汁。
2. 在一张纸上,先用毛笔写出“道”字。道字要写得端庄、简洁,可以参考楷书的写法。
3. 在“道”字下方,写出“家”字。家字的写法要稳重、清晰,字形要整齐。
4. 在“家”字右侧,写出“供奉”字样。供奉字要写得端正、工整,表达出尊敬和虔诚的意思。
5. 最后,检查整体布局和字迹是否符合要求,做出必要的调整。



Brush of Taoist school consecrate is composed commonly " Taoist school consecrate " , can undertake writing according to the following measure:

1.Above all, prepare a brush and prepared Chinese ink.
2.On a piece of paper, draw up with brush first " path " word. Path word should be written dignifiedly, concise, of OK and referenced regular script write a law.
3.Be in " path " word lower part, draw up " " word. Of domestic word write a law to want sedate, clarity, the glyph wants orderly.
4.Be in " " on the right side of the word, draw up " consecrate " model of written characters. Consecrate word should be written rightly, carefully and nearly, expression gives respect and devotional meaning.
5.Finally, whether do examination whole layout and handwriting accord with a requirement, make necessary adjustment.

After finishing, whole is written dignified and should easy, handwriting clarity is beautiful, in order to show devotional to Taoist school esteem and respect.
