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每日翻译: 所谓岛屿,就是一块四面环水的陆地,地球上有无数的岛屿,从最大的格陵兰岛到只有几米宽的小点块陆地不等。中国的两


每日翻译: 所谓岛屿,就是一块四面环水的陆地,地球上有无数的岛屿,从最大的格陵兰岛到只有几米宽的小点块陆地不等。中国的两

  • 每日翻译:


    • The so-called island refers to a piece of land surrounded by water on all sides. There are countless islands on the earth, ranging from the largest Greenland Island to small pieces of land only a few meters wide. Taiwan and Hainan are the two largest islands in China.
    • An island is a piece of land surrounded by water on all sides, and there are countless islands on Earth, ranging from the largest Greenland Island to tiny pieces of land only a few meters wide. Taiwan and Hainan are the two largest islands in China.
    • Islands are defined as pieces of land surrounded by water on all sides, and there are countless islands on our planet, ranging from the massive Greenland Island to small dots of land measuring just a few meters wide. Taiwan and Hainan are the two largest islands in China.


    An island is land completely surrended by water. The earth has countless islands, ranging from greenland, the largest one, to tiny spots of land that are only a few meters wide. China's two largest islands are taiwan and hainan.

    • Island (岛屿)
    • Land (陆地)
    • Completely surrounded by water (完全被水包围)
    • Countless (无数的)
    • Ranging from...to... (从...到...)
    • Greenland (格陵兰岛)
    • Largest (最大的)
    • Tiny spots of land (小块陆地)
    • Only a few meters wide (只有几米宽)
    • China's two largest islands (中国最大的两个岛屿)
    • Taiwan (台湾)
    • Hainan (海南)

    • Passive voice: "An island is land completely surrounded by water." (被动语态:一个岛屿是完全被水包围的陆地。)
    • Adverbial phrase: "completely surrounded by water" (副词短语:完全被水包围)
    • Comparative structure: "ranging from Greenland, the largest one, to tiny spots of land" (比较结构:从最大的格陵兰岛到小块陆地)
    • Prepositional phrase: "of land" (介词短语:陆地的)
    • Adjective: "countless" (形容词:无数的)
    • Superlative form: "the largest" (最高级形式:最大的)
    • Descriptive phrase: "tiny spots of land that are only a few meters wide" (描述性短语:只有几米宽的小块陆地)
    • Possessive form: "China's two largest islands" (所有格形式:中国最大的两个岛屿)
    • Proper nouns: "Greenland", "Taiwan", "Hainan" (专有名词:格陵兰岛、台湾、海南)