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Blood Tests 血检


Blood Tests 血检

  • Blood tests, also known as blood work, are laboratory tests done on a sample of blood to help diagnose and manage various health conditions. These tests analyze components such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, and other substances like glucose and cholesterol.


    Blood tests are an essential part of medical diagnostics.

    They provide physicians with valuable insights into a patient's health by analyzing various components of the blood.


    1. Purpose of Blood Tests

      • To detect diseases or conditions such as infections, anemia, or diabetes.
      • 检测疾病或状况,如感染、贫血或糖尿病。
    2. Types of Blood Tests

      • Complete Blood Count (CBC): Measures the levels of different types of blood cells.
      • 全血细胞计数 (CBC): 测量不同类型血细胞的水平。
    3. Preparation for Blood Tests

      • Fasting may be required for certain tests to avoid food's influence on results.
      • 某些检查可能需要禁食,以避免食物对结果的影响。
    4. Procedure

      • A healthcare professional will draw a blood sample, usually from a vein in the arm.
      • 医疗专业人员通常从手臂的静脉抽取血样。
    5. Interpretation of Results

      • Abnormal results may indicate a health issue that requires further investigation or treatment.
      • 异常结果可能表明需要进一步调查或治疗的健康问题。
    6. Common Blood Test Abbreviations

      • WBC: White Blood Cells 白细胞
      • RBC: Red Blood Cells 红细胞
      • Hb or HGB: Hemoglobin 血红蛋白
      • Hct: Hematocrit 红细胞压积
      • PLT: Platelets 血小板
    7. Importance in Healthcare

      • Blood tests are crucial for early detection of diseases and guiding treatment plans.
      • 血液检查对于早期发现疾病和指导治疗计划至关重要。
    8. Potential Drawbacks

      • Discomfort from the needle prick.
      • 注射针刺的不适。
    9. Future of Blood Testing

      • Advances in technology are making blood tests more precise and accessible.
      • 技术的进步使血液检查更精确和易于获取。
    10. Cultural Considerations

      • Awareness and understanding of blood tests can vary among different populations.
      • 对血液检查的认识和理解在不同人群中可能有所不同。