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甲醇无色、透明、高度挥发、易燃液体。略有酒精气味。分子式CH4O。分子量32.04。相对密度 0.792(20/4℃)。熔点 -97.8℃。沸点 64.5℃。闪点 12.22℃。自燃点 463.89℃。蒸气密度 1.11。蒸气压 13.33KPa(100mmHg 21.2℃)。蒸气与空气混合物爆炸下限 6~36.5 % 。能与水、乙醇、乙醚、苯、酮、卤代烃和许多其他有机溶剂相混溶。遇热、明火或氧化剂易着火。遇明火会爆炸。

皮肤接触:      脱去污染的衣着,用肥皂水和清水彻底冲洗皮肤。眼睛接触:      提起眼睑,用流动清水或生理盐水冲洗。就医。吸入:      迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处。保持呼吸道通畅。如呼吸困难,给输氧。如呼吸停止,立即进行人工呼吸。就医。食入:      饮足量温水,催吐。用清水或 1%硫代硫酸钠溶液洗胃。就医。


















1. 联系当地消防局或相关机构:您可以通过电话、电子邮件或亲自前往当地的消防局或相关机构,咨询他们是否提供消防包或应急包,并了解领取的具体流程和要求。

2. 参加培训活动或教育课程:有些地区会组织消防知识培训活动或应急教育课程,并在活动中提供消防包或应急包。您可以关注当地新闻或社交媒体了解这类活动,并通过参加活动来领取包裹。

3. 社区或企业赠送:有时社区组织或公司会为居民或员工赠送消防包或应急包。您可以留意社区公告、企业活动或志愿者组织的相关信息,看看是否有这样的赠送活动。

4. 网上购买或其他渠道:如果您无法通过以上途径获得消防包或应急包,您可以考虑在网上购买或在相关的商店或超市购买。这样您可以根据自己的需求选择合适的包裹。






























防水夜光背包 1个 2 3000HZ高频哨 1个 3 防风防水火柴 1盒 4 3-4小时蜡烛 2个 5 多功能应急手电 1个 6 保温应急毯 1个 7 指南针 1个 8 防滑手套 1双 9 防尘口罩 2个 10 长条创口帖 1个 11 异形创口帖 1个 12 方形创口帖 1个 13 胶带 1卷 14 不粘垫 1个 15 绷带 2卷 16 三角巾 1包 17 应急卡 1个 18 20米军用伞绳 1根 20 折叠水桶 1个 便携食品 自备 饮用水 自备 备用衣裤、内衣裤、袜子 自备 洗涑用品 自备 卫生用品 自备 重要文件复印件 封袋自备 少量人民币 自备 防灾应急手册 急救干粮、应急水、超薄保温雨衣、防灾兜帽、折叠水桶、多功能应急手电、应急求救哨 、防滑手套 、蜡烛、火柴、药品等生活及自救必需品。


One, does the manage of methanol change property and lash-up to deal with?

Methanol colorless, transparent, height volatilizes, combustible liquid. Somewhat alcohol odour. Structural formula CH4O. The element is measured 32.04. Relative to) of density 0.792(20/4 ℃ . Melting point - 97.8 ℃ . Boiling point 64.5 ℃ . Flash point 12.22 ℃ . Spontaneous combustion nods 463.89 ℃ . Steam density 1.11. ) of ℃ of vapour pressure 13.33KPa(100mmHg 21.2. Steam and air mixture lower explosion limit 6 ~ 36.5 % . As can acting as water, alcohol, ether, benzene, ketone, bittern hydrocarbon and dissolve of a lot of interblend of other and organic dissolvent. Encounter hot, bright fire or oxidant easy catch fire. Encounter bright fire to be able to explode.

Skin contact:      Shuck off contaminative dress, rinse the skin thoroughly with suds and clear water. Eye contact:      Mention palpebral, with flow clear water or physiological saline are rinsed. Go to a doctor. Inspiratory:      Break away from the spot quickly to come air is fresh place. Maintain respiratory tract unobstructed. If breathe difficulty, give oxygen therapy. If breath stops, have artificial breath instantly. Go to a doctor. Feed:      Warm water of drink full amount, urge spit. With clear water or gastric lavage of solution of 1 % sodium thiosulfate. Go to a doctor.

2, does the content of benzene change property and lash-up processing?

Stupid volatile, it is sealed above all good, if volatilize, open a fan

3, does Bao Hemin of lash-up of people's air defense prevent lash-up to wrap distinction?

Bag of lash-up of combat readiness of people's air defense is branch of people's air defense the goods and materials that be raided in the light of air defence and deploys is portable bag, emergency treatment of stock medical treatment basically matchs inside the bag bag, save oneself each other saves the lash-up such as equipment and individual protective equipment to save oneself article, apply to sufferring air attack or the natural disaster such as accident of shake of hair virgin soil, fire, traffic or the personnel when sudden incident undertakes lash-up saves oneself each other is saved.

Civilian defending a product is special product, belong to goods and materials of lash-up combat readiness, do not use at ordinary times, the lifetime that can save his or saves others is used when disaster.

Of the standard civilian prevent lash-up to wrap a person operating from within in coordination with outside forces to include a hand report, whistle, muti_function sabre flee for one's life kind of tool, the lash-up food such as ship biscuit, drinking water and emergency treatment medicine chest. A lot of metropolises that visit town extend civilian prevent lash-up to wrap, the purpose is to let a citizen flee for his life when accident happening save oneself, processing is accident.

4, achieve article lash-up beforehand case?

1, citizen words and deeds is civilized. Civilization is begun generally, social conduct is good, civilized diction is popularized energetically, science, civilized, healthy lifestyle is formed basically.

2, the environment is neat and beautiful. Urban distribution is equitable, appearance of city of the appearance of a city is neat and beautiful, urban afforest level is higher, the environment gets be protectived effectively, happen without great contamination accident.

3, social order is favorable. Insist to order city lawfully, order of security of society is favorable, public manage with social life orderly, yellow, bet, filthy phenomenon gets the society such as poison effective keep within limits.

4, of all kinds service is excellent. Service of various Party and goverment officials is high grade and efficient, the industry serves normative civilization, health of social welfare career develops, community service network is perfect; Social security system is built perfect.

5, Wenwei of science and education develops. Science and education promotes municipal plan to perfect, measure is fulfilled, of all kinds education coordinates development, educational level rises ceaselessly.

6, infrastructure is complete. Town planning work out is finished, urban construction is scientific and reasonable, the society is public establishment is complete, traffic facilities construction amounts to mark, sports facilities (place) basic form a complete set.

7, constituent leadership is strong. The origanization construction that start a city is perfect, plan is feasible, step is strong.

8, found effect remarkable. The job that start a city obtains certain result, the citizen is approbated.

5, how is bag of lash-up of fire control bag gotten?

Bag of the fire control that get or the specific measure that lash-up includes are possible because of area and relevant policy differ somewhat. It is the general approach that get below:

1.Contact bureau of local fire control or relevant orgnaization: You can pass phone, email or the fire control bureau that head for place personally or relevant orgnaization, seek advice from them to whether offer fire control bag or lash-up package, understand gotten specific flow and requirement.

2.Attend groom activity or educational courses: Some areas can organize fire control knowledge to groom activity or lash-up education courses, offer fire control bag or lash-up package in the activity. You can pay close attention to local news or gregarious media understands this kind of activity, get package through entering an activity.

3.Community or enterprise give: Sometimes community is organized or the company can give fire control wrap for dweller or employee or lash-up is wrapped. You are OK and advertent activity of community announcement, business or the pertinent information that the volunteer organizes, look to whether have such giving activity.

4.Buy on the net or other channel: If you cannot pass above way to acquire fire control bag or lash-up parcel, you can consider to be bought on the net or be bought in relevant shop or supermarket. Such you can choose appropriate wrap up according to your demand.

Ask an attention, in the light of specific lash-up circumstance (wait like earthquake, fire) , fire control is wrapped or the content of lash-up bag may differ somewhat. Before get or be bought, you can seek advice from relevant orgnaization or professional personage, understanding what article is necessary, undertake choosing according to individual demand.

6, does lash-up reserve packet of concept?

Lash-up reserves to wrap even if fall in the situation that produces disaster, let stricken people can save oneself actively each other is saved, and strive for an a series of article that await rescuing time for them.

Mix besides necessary lifesaving water inside lash-up bag outside lash-up food, also laid in the emergency treatment things such as emergency treatment bag, and a few lives and save oneself the requisite that each other saves, can maintain temperature effectively for example prevent blanket of cold heat preservation, help to suffer the person that strand to dig rubble and the area that involve rope climbing demand the glue glove, radio that can know outside news.

7, does lash-up include article detailed account?

Mobile phone, charger and charge treasure.

Outside bag of basic meet an urgent need, can you consider? Zuo tries to leave matter


Mobile phone, charger and charge treasure;

Prescription drug and reserve glasses;

Infantile food and diaper;

The water that additional need uses pet food and pet; Cash and pocket money;

Important domestic documentation, the connection means of record of account of the carbon of the insurance document that is put in waterproof and portable box for example, identification, bank, urgent contact;

Lash-up reference material, for example the free information that emergency treatment manual and governmental orgnaization release;

Prepare sleeping bag and warm rug for everybody, if climate is chilly, the consideration prepares some of bedding more;

Of complete set change wash clothings, include to grow sleeve shirt, trousers and strong shoe. If climate is chilly, the consideration plans some of clothing and other articles of daily use more

8, does lash-up of people's air defense include effect?

Bag of lash-up of people's air defense is the goods and materials that branch of people's air defense is raided in the light of air defence and take precautions against natural calamities decreases calamity to need and deploys portable bag,

Extend to citizen family bag of lash-up of people's air defense, can enhance the sense of combat readiness of people's air defense of masses, raise consciousness of lash-up take precautions against natural calamities, popularize take precautions against natural calamities to avoid danger knowledge,

9, does lash-up Bao Shen receive a demand?

Current, only Jinan area can avoid Fei Shen to get lash-up of combat readiness of people's air defense wrap, specific explain get a method to be as follows:

1. The first pace: Sign up on the net explain get

Every population of this city census register all can census register family reports a name in the net for the unit explain get.

2. The 2nd pace: Explain the requirement that get a person

Can be householder, the member; that also can be family of this census register family of every census register only but explain get, repeat explain get invalid.

3. The 3rd pace: Sign up explain get time

From September 15, 2021 9:00, to on September 24, 2021 17:00 stop.

For must, equipment lash-up bag had Shandong Jinan city only at present 2021 extend freely, and explain leading way is it is the net reports a name first, but every family can be gotten only, if a family had a member to undertake explain get, other member is cannot explain get.

10, the article detailed account that seismic lash-up includes?

Waterproof and luminous knapsack a 3 the root of fangfeng prevent a 2 3000HZ high frequency chirp extreme misery bavin candle of hour of a 4 3-4 2 5 muti_function lash-up hand report blanket of lash-up of a 6 heat preservation a 7 compass 1 8 prevent slippery glove 1 pair of 9 dustproof guaze mask 2.

上一篇:幼儿性教育怎么引导? 怎样对幼儿进行性教育?英文双语对照
下一篇:风行菱智质量如何? 东风风行菱智质量怎?东风风行菱智质量怎样?英文双语对照