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心理健康的名言? 心理健康名言?英文双语对照


心理健康的名言? 心理健康名言?英文双语对照


以下是几条关于心理健康的名言:1. 心灵的健康关系到身体的健康及时时事的幸福感!——爱默生2. 在黑暗深渊中心灵的光辉,是无量的美与善,即是真正的健康。——丁尼生3. 沉溺于困苦之中,会令思想变得软弱无力,而这种软弱也会染上身体。——罗大佑4. 要把精神的生命力注入实际工作之中,而不能使工作成为一种枯燥无味的任务和束缚。——艾滋兹德5. 心理健康就像身体健康一样,必须时刻保持,才能更好地适应生活中的各种挑战。——未知这些名言提醒我们关注自己的心理健康,并时刻保持积极向上的心态,以面对人生中的挑战和困境。


“快乐不是因为拥有更多,而是享受更少。” - 华特·亚当斯(Walt Adams)

“你不能控制所有的事情发生,但你可以控制你的反应。” - 约翰·麦克劳德(John Maxwell)

“成功的秘诀就是对失败的快速反应。” - 丹尼尔·凯尔曼(Daniel Coleman)

“爱和关怀是最好的治疗方式。” - 塞缪尔·哈奇(Samuel Hahnemann)

“你的内在世界创造了你的外在世界。” - 鲁道夫·施泰纳(Rudolf Steiner)

“信任自己,你知道你想要什么。信任你的能力去达到目标。” - 梅尔·罗宾斯(Mel Robbins)

“成为最好的自己,比成为任何其他人都重要。” - 朱利安·班尼特(Julian Bennett)

“只有当你真正接受自己,你才能真正改变自己。” - 卡尔·罗杰斯(Carl Rogers)

“不要让过去的阴影挡住你未来的阳光。” - 安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)

“快乐不是一个目标,而是一种旅程。” - 马塞洛·马斯特里安尼(Marcello Mastrianni)


















1 “身心健康,快乐人生”

2 心理健康是指个体在生活和工作中,能够积极应对各种压力和困难,保持良好的情绪状态和行为习惯的状态。


3 有很多名言可以帮助人们保持心理健康,比如“心静自然凉”、“心平气和”、“保持微笑,保持平衡”等等。


















  2) 一切有意义的战争,都在我们内心进行。

  3) 恨由于互相的恨增加,但可以为爱所消灭。











One, the logion of mental health?

It is a few logion about mental health below: 1. Interior health matters to the happy feeling of the healthy and seasonable current affairs of the body! -- Emerson 2. In the brightness of the heart in dark abyss, it is the beauty of boundless and be apt to, it is true health namely. -- Ding Ni is unripe 3. Indulge in pinch, can make the thought becomes limp, and this kind of weakness also can acquire system of the upper part of the body. -- Luo Dayou 4. Should work vitality infuse of spirit actually in, and cannot make the job is become a kind of dry task and manacle. -- heart of AIDS at present 5. Mental health resembles healthy same, always must maintain, ability gets used to all sorts of challenges in the life better. -- sealed the mental health that these logion remind us to pay close attention to his, always keep active up state of mind, in order to face the challenge in life and dilemma.

2, mental health logion?

"Because have more,joy is not, enjoy however fewer. " - Huate Adams (Walt Adams)

"You are incontrollable all things happen, but the response that you can control you. " - John MacLeod (John Maxwell)

"Successful recipe is the quick response to failure. " - Daniel · Kaierman (Daniel Coleman)

"Love and consideration are best remedial means. " - Saimiaoer Haji (Samuel Hahnemann)

"Your immanent world created your explicit world. " - accept of Shi Tai of · of rash path husband (Rudolf Steiner)

"Him accredit, you know what you want. Trust your ability goes achieving a goal. " - Robin of plum Er · this (Mel Robbins)

"Become best oneself, more important than becoming any someone else. " - bright red benefit installs · Bennett (Julian Bennett)

"Accept oneself truly when you only, you just can change yourself truly. " - Carl Luojiesi (Carl Rogers)

"Do not want pervious shadow to hold off the sunshine that you did not come to. " - Frank of the · that install Ni (Anne Frank)

"Joy is not a target, however a kind itinerary. " - Masailuo Masitelianni (Marcello Mastrianni)

3, is the sentence of mental health brief?

Mental health is very important, because only mental health ability enjoys the life truly, develop individual latent capacity, establish good relationship with other, and actively answers the challenge in the life.

Additional, mental health also is one of healthy assurance, once psychology appears problem, also can affect directly healthy.

Accordingly, we should note centre of gravity to foster and maintain of manage health, loosen through lying fallow appropriately for example, the means such as active communication communication, good Morpheus convention will promote mental health.

4, the logion name of mental health sentence?

Famous mental health celebrated dictum is: "Health of body and mind, get ill by the mouth; Buoyant, disease expunction " . This logion tells us the importance of health of body and mind, the close connection between the body and psychology. If we maintain cheerful peace in mentally judge, our body ability resists better quite disease. The is used to pair of health influence that logion still reminds us to value food and daily way of life. Outspread content is, want to maintain good mental health, we need to accomplish the way of life with good dietary convention, orderly rule, still hobby perhaps loosens his recreational activities. In the meantime, want to handle gentle in time to see pressure, build good gregarious network to have mentality placatory.

5, is mental health children's song brief?

" the mood is cheerful " " interior example " " happy country " " bouncing green " " embracing future " " you are so serious " " everythings on earth flies up " " the country of life " " without complain do not have regret " " happy good " "

6, is mental health statement brief?

Advocate harmonious state of mind, advocate healthy psychology.

Be close to that a bit heart to be apart from, accomplish that one health!

Have healthy mentality, ability has healthy life.

Healthy psychology brings up healthy life.

In wanting a heart only, have scene, where is not beautiful sweet full garden.

Psychological health resembles a dish, acerbity, sweet, suffering, hot, salty, be adjusted completely by oneself.

Irrigate a tree to irrigate a root, know arms intimate.

7, is mental health celebrated dictum epigrammatic?

1 " body and mind is healthy, happy life "

2 mental health are to point to individual in the life and job, can answer all sorts of pressure and difficulty actively, hold good mood position and the position that behavior is used to.

Maintain mental health to be able to improve life quality, increase to individual ego manages and answer ability.

3 have a lot of logion to be able to help people maintain mental health, for instance " calm nature is cool " , " calm " , " maintain a smile, poise " etc.

These logion remind us to want to maintain calm, active, hopeful state of mind, be not mixed by the mood that outside element affects him behavior, maintain health of body and mind thereby.

8, is logion brief?

1, most of deficient is not to have ability, most of cheap is not to have annals. -- Johnson

2, big desert Sha Ruxue, swallow hill month is like a hook. -- Li He

3, 1000 grind 10 thousand attack tough still, hold the post of wind of Er southeast northwest. -- Zheng Banqiao

4, you want study to think, be composed next again. -- Buwaluo

5, the flower has reopen, the person is not had again teenager. -- Guan Hanqing

6, like abiding by a promise to be just like the honor that guards you. -- Baerzake

7, the success of career of be a hindrance to of simple and honest guileless. -- John Clark

8, dauntless lofty quality can go this takes refugee. -- Pulaotusi

9, did not guess boldly do not make give great discovery. -- Newton

10, wasteful time makes waste, pare make the living with time. -- raise case

11, the best method that sincerity is social act. -- Huaiteli

12, assiduous it is lucky mother. -- rich Lan Kelin

13, it is only in affliction, ability knows ego. -- Xierdi

9, is the celebrated dictum of mental health epigrammatic edison?

Erudite, cross-question, shen Saizhi, of bright argue.

2) all significant wars, undertake in our heart.

Because commutative hate increases,3) is hated, but can eliminate to love place.

10, is content of elementary school mental health brief?


Popularize mental health basic knowledge, establish mental health consciousness, the psychology with simple understanding adjusts method, understanding psychology is unusual phenomenon, and preliminary control common sense of psychological health care.


Intelligence trains, help a student build scientific knowledge to intellective essence namely, be aimed at intellective different composition, wait like attention, observation, memory and design different training activity to wait.


Study psychology is directive, help a student build scientific knowledge to learning mobile essence namely, education student forms motive of healthy and positive study attitude, study, train the study with student good nurturance to be used to, the study method that masters science.


Affection education, church student holds and express oneself mood feeling namely, the society is controlled effectively, adjust the inactive affection with reasonable him drain, experience and observe and the mood feeling that comprehend others, undertake the training of relevant skill.
