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Wu source county, treat Tsinghua with old county " Shui Zhiyuan of ground close Wu " and renown.

The contented that according to be opposite and other places of village of calm of hill of churchyard be apt to, Jiang Cun, cogongrass sends disinter earth is spun round, stone net falls, authentic of Tao Pian of terrine of grain of spacer screen of spicula, zhuan3huan2, Yinwen, zax, stone, be in 4000 old before, wu source district has dweller activity. Inchoate those who live in this landscape is aboriginal first civilian, belong to " more " . They " fish of drink paddy a thick soup " " igneous agrarian water weedings hoe " , here fatigue cultivate haunt, live those who settle is primitive farming agrarian life.

Before the Western Zhou Dynasty, wu source district is belonged to " the region of Yangzhou " . Period of age the Warring States, vassal contend for hegemony, wu ground belongs to Wuguo feudal. Zhou Yuan king 3 years (before 473 years) , the country that be jumped over is attacked destroy return more; Wu Wangfu's poor cornstalk Wu Hong also is exiled hill of Wu source lake. Zhou Xian king 14 years (before 355 years) Hunan destroys after jumping over, wu source district delimits Hunan country domain, till Qin Wangzheng 24 years (before 223) Hunan country is ruined.

Qin Tong after 16 countries, clique arms Na Zheng falls " 100 more " , at Qin Shi emperor 31 years (before 216) district of city of occupational Gu Hui, set black (hind change " Yi " ) , inhale 2 counties, attributive Zhang county; Wu source district inhales with belonging to prefectural ground subsequently county of Zhang of be subordinate to. To " Zhang county " renown, the Zhang of 3 the emperor that because Wu source is upper,says a department (big Zhang hill) and. The Western Han Dynasty yuan hunting 2 years (before 121 years) , county changing Zhang is Dan Yangjun, wu ground changes the Yang Jun that belong to red along with inhaling county again. In period of this Qin Han, those who live in Yi, inhaling district is aboriginal jump over a person, because can't bear the despotic rule of feudal dynasty, escape into hill in succession, form " hill is jumped over " . Hill jumps over a person slash-and-burn cultivation, "It is course of study with cut down of fishing and hunting, hill " , escape slash Yu Shanlin, live a kind of insular life.

Last years of a dynasty or reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty, tripartite confrontation of the Three Kingdoms, dan Yangjun becomes Sun Wu set up a separatist regime by force of arms one of ground. Build install 13 years (208 years) , after arms of clique of Sun Wu political power subdues hill to jump over, ground of administer of cent inhaling county gains place only then decide newly, newly, plow (hind change " goosefoot " ) in relief, owlet (change before long " cease " ) in relief 4 counties, add former Yi, inhale in all 6 counties build new Dou Jun; Wu source district is belonged to cease in relief (the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor of Wu Yongan of the Three Kingdoms is incognito " Hai Yang " ) county. Wu Jiahe 3 years (234 years) , the hill of quiet room clough jumps over person change to give mountain forest, end what here history culture and society develop to close condition, the mountain that makes half primitive form jumps over jungly society to transform to the feudal society gradually.

The Western Jin Dynasty too health the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor (280 years) die, change new Dou Jun to be Xin Anjun, county of this world changing the sea is Hai Ning county,

The Sui Dynasty opens emperor 9 years (589 years) inhaling city of Xin Anjun instead, 18 years (598 years) instead of Hai Ning county rests peaceful county, wu ground belongs to inhaling city to rest peaceful county.

Tang Kaiyuan 28 years (740 years) , analyse rests the land that peaceful county returns jade countryside and country of gold of the happy bosom that make the same score a county, build Wu source county, treat Tsinghua, subject inhaling city. Yuan with 7 years (812 years) , delimit country of the happy Dan Yang that make the same score a county returns Wu again; Chinese Changsha king also follows Shi Laoshan when Wu Rui grave (today renown " gallinaceous hill " ) domain of immigrant Wu source. Day answer the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor (901 years) , wu source county treats You Qinghua Yi Zhiran city.

The Five Dynasties 10 countries period, wu source follows inhaling state early or late subject Ning Guojun, Na Tang is built power military control administer. Na Tang yuan 2 years (938 years) , the 1500 Guan Xijun's soldier of guard Wu source, respectively have garrison troops or peasants open up wasteland and grow food grain " cropland of abundant of cropland of character of brook of cropland of car of brook of land for growing field crops of Wu Xi sweet cropland, Sai Xi, Lian, float, Gu Xi " etc place it is in order to plough always course of study,

The Song Dynasty opens treasure 8 years (975 years) Na Tang destroys, wu source enters the Song Dynasty along with inhaling city. Announce mixes 3 years (1121) inhaling city is incognito badge city, wu source subsequently subject badge city.

Yuan to yuan 13 years (1276) , badge city (immediately following in time district of year of instead badge city) into yuan, wu source follows be subordinate to. Yuan Zhenyuan year (1295) , wu source county promotes state of the source that it is Wu (next cities) , district of subject badge city (to seat of government of state of badge of 24 years of instead) .

Ming Hongwu 2 years (1369) , wu source city answer county of the source that it is Wu, still seat of government of subject badge state. Clear edge bright make.

The first year of an era or the reign of an emperor of the Republic of China (1912) , dismiss seat of government (badge state seat of government) leave a county, the Anhui province of straight be subordinate to of Wu source county. The Republic of China 21 years (1932) belong to the Anhui province the 10th canton; The Republic of China 23 years (1934) delimit Jiangxi saves the fiveth canton; The Republic of China 36 years (1947) delimit a the Anhui province the 7th canton.

On May 1, 1949, the Chinese People's Liberation Army the 2nd field army 16 army 48 division liberate Wu source, answer by Jiangxi of Anhui put under, belong to zone of bridge of Le Ping, float early or late.

1952, belong to on forgive zone.

1971, belong to on forgive area.

2000, to go up county of forgive city administer up to now.

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