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YASHICA数码相机? yashica什么牌子相机?英文双语对照


YASHICA数码相机? yashica什么牌子相机?英文双语对照




这是一台数码傻瓜机,没有变焦镜头,只是一个定焦镜头,更没有自动对焦系统,只有手动对焦 ,太傻瓜了,不值得买!



雅西卡成立于1945年,前身是八洲精密制作所,主要生产钟表和电气仪器。1949年改称八洲精机株式会社,开始进行照相机的生产。1956年公司又改称为八洲光学工业,确定 yashica商标,1958年改为yashica株式会社。1983年,日本京瓷(kyocera)公司合并了雅西卡公司,推出了一批用kyocera牌号,但由雅西卡电子技术和蔡司光学技术结合的单反相机


Yashica就是日本的雅西卡啊。雅西卡成立于1945年,前身是八洲精密制作所,主要生产钟表和电气仪器。1949年改称八洲精机株式会社,开始进行照相机的生产。1956年公司又改称为八洲光学工业,确定 yashica商标,1958年改为yashica株式会社。1983年,日本京瓷(kyocera)公司合并了雅西卡公司,推出了一批用kyocera牌号,但由雅西卡电子技术和蔡司光学技术结合的单反相机。



1956年公司又改称为八洲光学工业,确定 yashica商标,1958年改为yashica株式会社,同年推出yashica 44和yashica 35 相机。

1960年公司推出第一台单反相机yashica pta matic,1966年发表了yashica electro 35,开始了35mm 自动曝光相机的生产。 雅西卡的双镜头反光相机具有悠久的历史。1953年推出6×6cm的yashica flex,1958年推出4×4cm的yashica 44,1970年生产的yashica mat 124g运用了电测光技术,可使用120和220两种胶卷,被专业和业余摄影人员当作主力机。

70年代yashica公司与德国镜头生产名厂卡尔蔡司公司合作,发挥各自的技术特长,在1974年的科隆博览会上发表了contax rts单反相机。


1980年的contax 137 md 相机率先把石英振荡技术用于照相的数字显示,1985年的contax 159mm将最高快门速度提高到1/4000秒,1990年的contax rts ⅲ相机应用陶瓷压片以提高相机的焦点精度。


1986年推出的kyocera 230-af率先采用了后来在单反相机上十分普及的双闪光灯设置,1991年的kyocera 270 af使双闪光灯实现了ttl调光,而1993年的kyocera 300 af则被称为世界上最小巧的全自动单反相机,京瓷公司在照相机的设计上独具匠心,在技术上,无论从测光、曝光、对焦和变焦等自动化功能都跟上了时代的节拍。由于yashica的知名度远远超过了kyocera,京瓷公司保持yashica作为本公司所有产品的注册商标,yashica作为一代名机继续在世界各地畅销。


电瓶的型号标志是工业部标准规定, 是分为3段5部分组成的。6代表6个2伏单格组成,就是12伏电瓶。3就是6伏电瓶,8就是16电瓶。EVF所带表的是电动道路用阀控式的,象Q带表启动型的G代表固定型的等。35代表电瓶容量,35安时。













Yashica B和Yashica A是两款非常相似的相机,都是由日本相机制造商Yashica于1950年代推出的。这两款相机的外观几乎一样,都采用了120胶片格式,都拥有优秀的透镜和坚固的机身。

然而,Yashica B和Yashica A还是有一些区别的,这里列举一些主要的区别:

1. 快门速度:Yashica B的快门速度范围更宽,可以达到1/500秒,而Yashica A的快门速度范围只有1/300秒。

2. 焦距范围:Yashica B的镜头焦距范围更宽,为80mm至120mm,而Yashica A的镜头焦距范围为75mm至90mm。

3. 重量和尺寸:Yashica B比Yashica A更重,机身重量为1.28kg,而Yashica A的机身重量为1.05kg。此外,Yashica B的体积也稍微大一些。

4. 拍摄模式:Yashica B拥有一个拍摄模式选择器,可以切换不同的拍摄模式,而Yashica A则没有。

需要注意的是,虽然Yashica B的快门速度和焦距范围更广,但是这并不意味着它就一定比Yashica A更好。选择哪一款相机还要考虑个人的摄影需求和偏好。

八、雅西卡YASHICA DX300 5.6镜头?

雅西卡(Yashica)DX300 是一款早期的单反相机型号,配备了不同的镜头。针对您提到的 "5.6 镜头",可能是指该相机所搭配的镜头最大光圈值为 f/5.6。

光圈值是镜头的一个重要参数,它表示镜头的最大开放口径,影响到相机的光线进入量和景深表现。较大的光圈值(如 f/1.4 或 f/2.8)意味着更大的光线进入量和较浅的景深,适合低光摄影和背景虚化;较小的光圈值(如 f/5.6 或 f/8)意味着较小的光线进入量和较深的景深,适合全景景物或需要深景深的摄影。



Yashica A和Yashica B是早期的双镜头反转相机,都是非常经典的老式相机。两者在外观上非常相似,但它们的一些功能略有不同。

Yashica A比Yashica B更受欢迎,因为它有更多的功能,包括光圈优先自动曝光(B模式)和手动曝光(M模式)。此外,Yashica A还有一个可旋转的前景网格,使您更容易地对准照片。

相比之下,Yashica B只有手动曝光模式,没有前景网格。但是,Yashica B的优点在于它比Yashica A更便宜,更简单易用。因此,如果您是初学者或只是想购买一个便宜的老式相机进行拍摄,那么Yashica B可能更适合您。

总的来说,Yashica A是一款更全面的相机,而Yashica B则是一款更经济实惠和简单易用的相机。最终选择取决于您的预算和需求。




One, YASHICA number camera?

" Yaxika " , Japan 2, small-time camera manufacturer, camera of LOMO of this a number, play casually.

Problem of a concept must make clear Hunan: Scorch and right anxious it is two different matters, do not have automatic scorch to say more, be opposite automatically only anxious! ! !

This is a number goofy machine, without scorch camera lens, it is one focuses camera lens only, do not have more be opposite automatically anxious system, only the hand is moved right anxious, too goofy, undeserved buy!

2, watch for a chance of Yashica what sign?

The Yaxikapin that Yashica is Japan card camera.

Yaxika held water 1945, predecessor is 8 continent nicety makes place, main production is horological with electric instrument. Changed 1949 call machine of 8 continent essence the company limited, begin to have the production of camera. The company changed again 1956 call 8 continent optical industry, decide Yashica brand, 1958 instead Yashica company limited. 1983, japanese Beijing porcelain (Kyocera) the company incorporated Yaxika company, rolled out a batch to use Kyocera name, but the sheet that by Yaxika electronic technology and Cai manage optical technology is united in wedlock turns over camera

3, YASHICA what brand is this?

Yashica is Japanese Yaxika. Yaxika held water 1945, predecessor is 8 continent nicety makes place, main production is horological with electric instrument. Changed 1949 call machine of 8 continent essence the company limited, begin to have the production of camera. The company changed again 1956 call 8 continent optical industry, decide Yashica brand, 1958 instead Yashica company limited. 1983, japanese Beijing porcelain (Kyocera) the company incorporated Yaxika company, rolled out a batch to use Kyocera name, but the sheet that by Yaxika electronic technology and Cai manage optical technology is united in wedlock turns over camera.

4, which country is Yashica camera?

Of Japan. Yaxika the predecessor of the company is 8 continent nicety makes place, held water 1945, main production is horological with electric instrument. Changed 1949 call machine of 8 continent essence the company limited, begin to have the production of camera.

The company changed again 1956 call 8 continent optical industry, decide Yashica brand, 1958 instead Yashica company limited, of the same age rolls out Yashica 44 and Yashica 35 camera.

The company rolled out the first sheet to turn over camera Yashica Pta Matic 1960, published Yashica Electro 35 1966, began the production of camera of 35mm automatic exposure. Double camera lens of Yaxika glances camera has long history. Rolled out the Yashica Flex of 6 × 6cm 1953, rolled out the Yashica 44 of 4 × 4cm 1958, the Yashica Mat 124g that produced 1970 applied report to measure optical technology, can use 120 with two kinds of 220 film, be regarded as by major and spare photography personnel brunt machine.

Company of 70 time Yashica and Ka Ercai of factory of name of production of German camera lens manage the company cooperates, produce respective technical specialty, contax Rts sheet was published to turn over camera on the division grand exposition 1974.

After this, rolled out a series of Contax sheet turns over camera product.

The camera of Contax 137 Md 1980 takes the lead in oscillation technology uses a quartz at photographic number to show, the Contax 159mm 1985 raises highest shutter rate 1/4000 second, the camera of ⅲ of Contax Rts 1990 applies sheeting of pottery and porcelain in order to raise the focal precision of camera.

1983 Japanese Beijing porcelain (Kyocera) company incorporated Yaxika company, rolled out a batch to use Kyocera name, but the sheet that by Yaxika electronic technology and Cai manage optical technology is united in wedlock turns over camera.

The Kyocera 230-af that rolled out 1986 took the lead in using camera is turned over to go up in sheet later very setting of all-pervading double flashlight, the Kyocera 270 Af 1991 makes double flashlight realized Ttl to move light, and the Kyocera 300 Af 1993 is called the most cabinet on the world full automatic sheet turns over camera, beijing porcelain company shows originality on the design of camera, on the technology, no matter from measure smooth, exposure, right anxious caught up with with the automation function such as scorch the metre of the times. As a result of Yashica famous degree exceeded Kyocera far, beijing porcelain company maintains Yashica to regard our company as the registered trade mark of all products, yashica continues to sell well in world each district as generation name machine.

5, what cell does Yashica35 use?

The model mark of storage battery is regulation of industrial ministerial standard, cent is comprised for 3 paragraphs of 5 parts. 6 delegates composition of simple case of 6 2 bend over, it is storage battery of 12 bend over. 3 it is storage battery of 6 bend over, 8 it is 16 storage battery. Dynamoelectric road charges pattern what EVF place area expresses with a powerful person, like Q belt the watch is started model G delegate is fixed model etc. Capacity of 35 delegates storage battery, 35 when installing.

6, how is Yashica35me camera used?

Switch is opened to press after memory of batteries of YashiCa35me camera mount gets stuck take a picture key takes a picture use

35 millimeter camera fastens the floorboard of the camera of use 35mm film. Sensitization is become it is 24*36 millimeter like picture size.

35 millimeter camera is current undoubtedly most all-pervading machine is planted. Its volume is minor, weight is light, operate simply, and often can produce favorable technical result.

35 millimeter camera basically has:

Pocket camera

Turn over illumination camera besides single shot, other general class what 35 millimeter camera points to is pocket or pointed the camera that takes. . This kind of camera is turned over than sheet machine is more deft, but its stationary camera lens cannot change. The main design flaw of pocket camera is, what the setting that its see through place of window of find a view and camera lens place see is not identical. When close quarters films, this meeting causes error of composition of a picture, chopped the upside of the head of the body that be photographed in the picture for instance. Be photographed to be helpful for be opposite of body have precise composition of a picture, major pocket camera sets parallactic and corrective number in viewfinder.

The hand moves sheet to turn over machine

Move glue package proceed with sheet turns over machine hind, can use coil a lever general film roll to straight start position, between picture and picture also must armrest is moved roll piece, after adjusting good aperture and shutter rate, exposure is measured to be able to issue correct exposure signal inside, the hand moves sheet to return the focus of machine is rotational adjuster, control the image on focusing screen.

Automatic sheet is turned over machine

Although such as was defeated by the function of an and so on automatically to simplify to operate, but advanced automatic sheet is turned over machine the regulator that still has a lot of different functions, so that use,rise become very complex. When choosing this kind of camera, check camera to whether have mechanical shutter please (in case batteries invalidation) , and when necessary whether need not automatic focusing and automatic exposure function.

7, consult Japanese camera Yashica, B, a distinction?

Yashica B and Yashica A are two very similar camera, roll out at taking the place of 1950 by Yashica of Japanese camera manufacturer. The outward appearance of these two camera is almost same, used 120 film form, have outstanding lens and solid airframe.

However, yashica B and Yashica A still have a few distinction, here lists a few main distinction:

1.Shutter speed: The shutter speed range of Yashica B is wider, can reach 1/500 second, and the shutter speed limits of Yashica A has 1/300 second only.

2.Focal length limits: The range of camera lens focal length of Yashica B is wider, come for 80mm 120mm, and the limits of camera lens focal length of Yashica A comes for 75mm 90mm.

3.Weight and dimension: Yashica B is heavier than Yashica A, airframe weight is 1.28kg, and the airframe weight of Yashica A is 1.05kg. In addition, the bulk of Yashica B also a little a few bigger.

4.Film mode: Yashica B has to film mode selector, can switch films differently mode, and Yashica A is done not have.

Those who need an attention is, although the shutter speed of Yashica B and focal length range are wider, but it is better that this does not mean it to compare Yashica A certainly. Choose which camera to consider photography demand of the individual and preference even.

8, Yaxika camera lens of YASHICA DX300 5.6?

Yaxika (Yashica) DX300 is an inchoate sheet returns camera model, deployed different camera lens. Be aimed at the " of "5.6 camera lens that you mention, the likelihood is the camera lens that shows this camera place is tie-in value of the biggest aperture is F/5.6.

Aperture is worth a be camera lens important parameter, it represents the largest open line of action of camera lens, the light that affects watch for an opportunity enters quantity and expression of depth of field. Bigger aperture is worth (like F/1.4 or F/2.8) mean bigger light to enter quantity and more shallow depth of field, suit low smooth photography and setting empty to change; Lesser aperture is worth (like F/5.6 or F/8) mean lesser light to enter quantity and deeper depth of field, suit panoramic scenery or the photography that need deep depth of field.

Ask an attention, be aimed at the detailed standards of specific camera model and setting, the product manual that suggests you are referenced and specific or seek advice from relevant professional cameraman or technical support, in order to get accurate with detailed information.

9, consult Japanese camera Yashica, is B still A very good?

Yashica A and Yashica B are inchoate double camera lens inverts camera, it is very classic vintage watch for an opportunity. On both and outer view special likeness, but their a few functions differ somewhat.

Yashica A is more welcome than Yashica B, because it has more functions, include aperture first automatic exposure (B mode) alter exposure with the hand (M mode) . In addition, yashica A still has a foreground reseau that can rotate, make you aim a photograph easily.

Under photograph comparing, yashica B has a hand to use exposure pattern only, without foreground reseau. But, the advantage of Yashica B depending on it is cheaper than Yashica A, use easily simplier. Accordingly, if you are abecedarian or the vintage watch for an opportunity that just want to buy a petty gain,undertake filming, so Yashica B may suit you more.

As a whole, yashica A is a more comprehensive camera, and Yashica B is more economic material benefit and the watch for an opportunity that use easily simply. Final choice depends on your budget and demand.

10, can be Yashica+t5 flashlight shut?

If it were not for is full automatic archives, the flashlight acquiesce of camera is to shut, won't of open. Hotshot move opens open. Do not use so full automatic it is good to film.
