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等酸菜鱼温温热的时候就可以吃咯,我迫不及待地抓起筷子,夹了一些鱼片肉和酸菜,把鱼片肉和酸菜一口一口的往嘴里塞。“哇!”我叫了起来,这么新鲜爽口的鱼片肉,麻麻的花椒,还有酸溜溜的酸菜,真是让我回味无穷。这口感,这味道,嗯!真好!真棒啊!我越吃越想吃 ,连辣也顾不上了,只把辣当作了鱼片肉的调味品,一直吃到吃不下,才停下来。






果冻 - 现在的孩子都喜欢这个果冻不仅孩子喜欢,现在成年男女,甚至老人都喜欢吃果冻,果冻外观晶莹,色泽鲜艳,口感软滑,热量低,含丰富膳食纤维,建议购买正规企业生产的果冻。温馨提示:3岁以下就没有吃果冻了,果冻因为有弹性且比较滑,如果不小心容易造成小宝宝整个吞食,可能噎着,严重的到气管的话就是窒息。








今天,爸爸答应亲手给我做我最爱吃的红烧肉。 可能有人会说:吃红烧肉是一道再普通不过的事情。我可不这么想:爸爸前段时间一直很忙,没有太多时间陪我,更不要说给我做菜。最近爸爸终于不那么忙,他可以多陪陪我了。 红烧肉是爸爸的拿手好菜,好长时间不做了,不知道现在做得怎么样了?我坐在厨房外,一边翻看着书,一边静静地等,还不时地想象着:爸爸一定会做得比以前更好吃。 “来啦——”爸爸把红烧肉端上了桌。立刻,香味扑鼻而来。“让我尝尝!”我迫不及待地上了桌,夹了一块红烧肉,来不及端详就放进了嘴里---嫩!香!真是太好吃了!我禁不住尝了一块又一块。 爸爸见我这么兴奋,面带微笑地对我说:“以后,爸爸会经常陪你,经常给你做红烧肉”。 “好!”我开心极了,比吃了红烧肉还开心!












土豆一般指马铃薯。马铃薯(学名:Solanum tuberosum L.),属茄科,一年生草本植物,块茎可供食用,是全球第四大重要的粮食作物,仅次于小麦、稻谷和玉米。马铃薯又名山药蛋、洋芋、洋山芋、洋芋头、香山芋、洋番芋、山洋芋、阳芋、地蛋、土豆等。


我最喜欢的美食——披萨 相传,马可波罗将我们大街小巷随处可见的大饼和面食带回意大利以后,经过各种加工和改良,制成了如今人们常见的意大利面和披萨。

其中我最喜欢的要算是披萨了。如今的披萨真可谓是风靡全球,据统计,全球有超过200万家披萨店,意大利家庭每周也会吃一次披萨。难怪,披萨正以馅料的多样性和浓浓的中国味,吸引着无数消费者的目光。披萨的表面是芝士馅料和各种配料,有香肠、鸡肉、牛肉等肉类,也有黑橄榄、番茄、菠萝等丰富的蔬菜和水果。这些配料在芝士拉丝上宛如一个个小精灵在舞蹈,无论是素食比萨还是肉食披萨,它的独特风味都会让你着迷。面饼和普通大饼一样,但是无论你怎样吃,都会发现芝士的余香留在了舌尖。各种地区的面饼风味,意大利原味的面饼柔软,带着一种芝士的香味;美式铁盘的面饼香脆可口,更适合喜欢快餐的人们;还有一种芝士卷边披萨,让面饼的边缘的奶香更加浓郁…… 这么“中国”的西餐,还真在中国“创”出了一片“天地”。现在披萨也成为了“快餐”,所以无论大街小巷,都有喜欢吃披萨的人,可是作为快餐的它,却也成为了高雅的代名词。你看,这“西式大饼”是不是很有魔力? 如今的披萨融合了中西方各自的特色,既保留了中国原有的风味,又结合本土的口味需求,难怪现在的披萨越来越受中国人的欢迎了。我也对披萨的喜爱也一天比一天浓厚起来。









One, " the cate that I like most " composition?

I am one special pick the girl that feed, whats do not like to eat, but I have a special liking to fish of pickled Chinese cabbage namely.

The way of fish of pickled Chinese cabbage is not hard, average household can be done. Every time when mom is done, my collect arrives beside her, look at mom how to be done. Above all, mom has processed the fish first, cut adult fish cutlet, piscine head and fishbone reserve. Will fry boiler to burn heat again, put the oil of 3 spoon, enter pickled Chinese cabbage again and put Chinese prickly ash. Join right amount clear soup next (the quantity of water wants to be able to have been done not have all) burn, put piscine head and fishbone boil 10 minutes, come out Xian Weiao. Finally, fill the fish come out, had been done so.

Go watching fish of pickled Chinese cabbage on my collect, of fish of pickled Chinese cabbage look to give a person a kind of hot sense, also give a person a kind of comfortable sense: A flesh of slices of fish meat is so white that a flesh of slices of fish meat be like jade, half concealed shows land on the surface to be on surface partly. If floating pickled Chinese cabbage goes up in surface like lotus leaf, give a person sense of a kind of appetite it seems that. Still a few fiery dry chili resemble a graceful lotus, bashful ground is concealed in " lotus leaf " below, everything appears proper. See the hot oil that soup juice surface is floating again, so red that be illuminated on Chi Shui like the setting sun, ground of too impatient to wait letting a person wants to taste it.

After looking, I still hear fish of pickled Chinese cabbage on collect, wow, look not only the look is so good, still sending out thick fragrance! The fish sends out the delicacy that gives fragrance is sweet, shang San is being sent full-bodied hot sweet. This makes I raise the good opinion of fish of pair of pickled Chinese cabbage again, still have the strong feeling that wants to taste fish of pickled Chinese cabbage.

Cough up can eat when waiting for Wen Wen of fish of pickled Chinese cabbage to heat up, ground of my too impatient to wait grabs chopstick, placed flesh of a few slices of fish meat and pickled Chinese cabbage, mix flesh of slices of fish meat pickled Chinese cabbage fills in in past mouth readily. "Wow! " I cried, so fresh tastily flesh of slices of fish meat, the Chinese prickly ash of hemp hemp, still have the pickled Chinese cabbage of sour, it is to make my aftertaste boundless really. This mouthfeel, this flavour, hum! Really good! Dishy! I eat to want to eat more more, even hot also do not consider went up, hot regarded as the dressing of flesh of slices of fish meat, eat not feel like eating all the time, just stop.

After eating, the head that the appearance of fish of pickled Chinese cabbage and flavour remain in me all the time counteracts a heart in, have a kind of love that says not to come out really. There is the flavour of fish of so delicate pickled Chinese cabbage in my oral cavity, wear in the aftertaste all the time.

This is the fish of pickled Chinese cabbage that I love to eat most, it is mixed with its gorgeous colour and lustre, distinctive modelling, appetizing odour the mouthfeel with hot bright, won my taste bud, let me very love it!

2, the cate composition begin that I like most?

Cate can surmount everything, cate can surmount life, cate can dedicate everything.

3, the eat cate that children likes most?

Jelly - present child likes this jelly not only the child likes, grown now men and women, even the old person likes to have jelly, jelly exterior is glittering and translucent, colour and lustre is bright-coloured, mouthfeel is soft slip, quantity of heat is low, contain rich and prandial fiber, the proposal buys the jelly that normal company produces. Sweet clew: 3 years old did not have jelly below, because jelly is bouncy and slip quite, if do not take care to cause little baby easily whole devour, choke wears the likelihood, serious choke namely to tracheal word.

4, what animal likes cate most?

Giant panda likes to eat cate,

Giant panda relies on almost completely to eat bamboo to make a living, outdoors nature selects a variety of 50 plants that eat in, bamboo kind occupy half above, and 99% what take annual food amount, like to eat most among them large arrow bamboo, Hua Xijian bamboo waits for 7 kinds.

Lizard likes to eat cate,

Most lizard eats animal sex food, basically be all sorts of insects. Gecko kind (Gekkonids) night activity, with scale wing the insect such as eye is food. The lizard with greater type of build or figure is like big gecko (clam Jie, gekkogecko) OK also birdie, other lizard is food. Monitor (Varanus) can eat fish, frog to prey even small-sized mammal.

Also one part lizard is like iguana (Agama) give priority to with plant sex food. Because most sort is caught,eat a large number of insects, the effect that lizard has in place of control pest field cannot be underestimated. A lot of people think lizard is poisonous animal, this is incorrect. Whole world in 6000 kinds of lizard, foregone have Xi of two kinds of poisonous poison only, be subordinate to belongs to poisonous Xi division (Helodermatidae) , and distributing to reach central america in North America.

5, is because,the cate that I like native place most flesh of braise in soy sauce?

Today, father promises to do me to love eating red carbonado most to me with one's own hands. Someone can say the possibility: Eating meat of braise in soy sauce is together again common the business that does not pass. I can not think so: Before father paragraph time all the time very busy, accompany me without too much time, should not say to make food to me more. The closest father eventually so not busy, he can be accompanied more accompany me. Flesh of braise in soy sauce is expert good food of father, did not do very for long, how to know to be done now? I sit outside the kitchen, leafing through a book at the same time, wait silently at the same time, still imagining often: Father can be done more deliciously than before certainly. "Come -- " father got on end of flesh of braise in soy sauce desk. Immediately, fragrance is tangy and come. "Let me taste! " on ground of my too impatient to wait desk, placed meat of a braise in soy sauce, have not enough time to look up and down put into the mouth---Be tender! Be sweet! Be too delicious really! I am unable to bear or endure tasted another. Father sees I am so excited, area area says smilingly to me: "After, father often can accompany you, often make pork of braise in soy sauce to you " . "Be good! " I am extremely happy, redder than eating carbonado is happy still!

6, the cate that the child likes to eat most?

1. beef stews carrot.

Beef and carrot can be good at lienal, good energy of life raises hematic action. And potato is lienal to filling also have certain effect, green pepper contains a lot ofenough vitamin C, the child enrages blood to just be met to the development of cerebrum amply only exceedingly beneficial.

Bolus of 2. ketchup yam.

Yam can fill gas increase kidney, fill lienal be good at stomach, and pork is OK and alimentary taste, beneficial liver kidney, xianggu mushroom can strong stomach gas and make the body hale.

7, does the cate that likes most write a composition 100 words?

The food that I like to eat most -- potato chips

The food that I like to eat has a lot of, but the potato chips that I like to have mom flee in terrorfry in deep fat or oil most.

Take a potato to wash above all, the skin cut after ream piece. Must thin, or not delicious. Potato chips uses clear water to wash, wash pink. Open fire, bit of oil is added more in boiler, put in potato chips after oily heat, break up inside boiler, scamper comes golden can give boiler, one incense coil is crisp goluptious potato chips has been done.

With the chopstick clip is put one piece in the mouth, sweet in the heart, delicate and goluptious, honest too delicious! Potato is OK still silk of make it potato, potato, still have a lot of delicious, believe everybody has eaten such delicate.

Patulous data

Point to a potato commonly tomato patch. Potato (formal name: Solanum Tuberosum L. ) , belong to eggplant division, annual herb, stem tuber can offer edible, it is the whole world the 4th big main grain crop, be next to wheaten, paddy and corn. Potato the name is head of potato, yam, foreign sweet potato, yam, sweet sweet potato, foreign egg of yam of a taro, hill, Yang Yu, ground, potato.

8, the composition of the cate that likes most about me?

The cate that I like most -- wrap around Sa according to legend, ma Kebo collect after the flat bread that us ave lane everywhere sees and cooked wheaten food bring back Italy, mix through all sorts of treatment improved, made the Italy with common nowadays people face and wrap around Sa.

Among them I like most should be wrap around Sa. Nowadays wrap around Sa true it may be said is fashionable whole world, according to statistic, the whole world has more than 2 million to wrap around Sa inn, italian family also can have to wrap around every week Sa. Pardonable, wrap around the diversity that Sa is expecting with stuffing and thick Chinese flavour, drawing the look of countless consumer. Wrap around the surface of Sa is makings of Zhi person stuffing is mixed all sorts of burden, have the flesh such as banger, chicken, beef kind, also have the rich vegetable such as Hei Gan Lan, tomato, pineapple and fruit. These burden are in Zhi person pulls the just like on silk each elf is in dancing, no matter be maigre pizza or carnivorous,wrap around Sa, its distinctive local color can make you infatuate. Face cake and common flat bread are same, but no matter how you eat, the lingering fragrance that can discover Zhi person stays in the tip of the tongue. The face cake gust of all sorts of areas, the face cake of Italian raw ingredient is soft, the iron of fragrance; beautiful type that taking a kind of Zhi person dish face cake is sweet fragile goluptious, the people; that suits to like snack more still has a kind of Zhi person to coil the edge wraps around Sa, the grandma of the brim of cake allowing a side is sweet more full-bodied... so " China " Western-style food, still be in China really " achieve " gave " heaven and earth " . Wrap around now Sa also was become " snack " , so no matter the ave is off-street, be pregnant eats happily wrap around the person of Sa, but serve as snack it, also became decorous pronoun however. You look, this " Western-style flat bread " have magic power very much? Nowadays wrap around Sa is shirt-sleeve in the characteristic with respective west, retained China's original zest already, link native land taste demand again, pardonable present wrap around Sa more and more get the Chinese's reception. I am right also wrap around Sa love to also be compared one day one day grumous rise.

9, cate of what wet Shan do you like most?

Invention of clever wet Shan person went out to use oyster and unripe noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch one case of bake in a pan have a way, call oyster bake in a pan. Look, that chef is laying an egg adroitly, go up in pan oily, burn the oil in boiler with conflagration boiling hot, next the bright oyster with move unripe pink right amount ground falls into oily boiler, will hit good egg to drench gently then, not a little while, unripe pink formed one magnify cake like lump, color also gradually by shallow become deep. At this moment, chef rises shovel of big oyster bake in a pan, turn over it a De Chaotian, then oily hubble-bubble still is in lively ground to beating, see upturned has shown golden scene at the same time then only. Chef is flipping through from time to time, after a period of time, rip big oyster bake in a pan a few again, fry a few times again, scatter an emerald green coriander, appetizing oyster brand has been done.

10, what is the cate that likes to eat most?

Be in right now Laos, what like to eat most is the carbolic chop that bake.

Because be changed as time, the food that love eats also is being changed. Future still can run possibly, everybody says to forbid. Because the cate on this world is too much, what had not eaten is incomputable also.

Confuse recently went up carbon bakes chop. Know perfectly well autumn dry to cannot eat more. But do not eat to think, this also is the thing that does not have method.

The chop 10000Kip/ that Laos carbon fire bakes is small, outside Jiao Li tender glossy is smooth. Juice makings tasty, bite fresh and tender and attractive, until gnaw a remnant bone, still suck points to meaning still did not use up.
