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婺源教育网 - 来自农村的希望英文双语对照


婺源教育网 - 来自农村的希望英文双语对照











  • 捐赠教育资源:如果您有优质的教育资源,您可以将其捐赠给我们,让更多的农村学校受益。
  • 志愿者支持:如果您对教育事业充满热情,并且愿意为农村学校提供帮助,您可以加入我们的志愿者团队。
  • 关注宣传:您可以通过在社交媒体上分享我们的网站和故事,帮助我们扩大影响力,让更多人了解并支持农村教育。



Net of Wu source education is a website that devotes oneself to to provide resource of high grade education for a rural area. We know very well rural education and city teach the difference between, accordingly we it is in order to improve the learning environment of rural children and educational condition oneself.

The net is taught to go up in Wu source, you can find many educational natural resources, include education tax, skill of study data, education. We devote oneself to to offer the educational quality that rivals with urban school photograph for rural school. Our target is to let each country child can enjoy high grade education.

The country teachs the challenge that face

Rural education is facing a lot of challenges, among them the mainest problem is deficient of force of persons qualified to teach. Because the economic condition of a rural area is opposite poorer, the educational talent of very rare Gao Shuiping chooses to go to a country be engaged in teaching the job, the faculty that brings about rural school is relatively fragile. In addition, the infrastructure of a rural area is relatively backward also, the condition of the school is not quite advantageous, a lot of schools lack primary education facility and library even.

Additional, because the domestic economic atmosphere of rural child is very not hopeful, they lack favorable learning environment and study resource. Compare with urban child photograph, the study scope of rural child is relatively limited, this brought very big limitation to their study development.

The mission of net of Wu source education and wish scene

The mission of net of Wu source education is to pass conformity to teach resource, provide support and help for rural school, improve the quality that the country teachs. We are certain, each child should have equal study opportunity, no matter their body is in He De. Accordingly, we devote oneself to to break country and the difference that the city teachs, let rural child enjoy fair and high grade education.

Our wish scene it is to become what the country teachs a domain to get army website, offer Wu of best kimono of educational natural resources for rural school. Pass our effort, we hope to be able to promote the development that the country teachs, create better future for rural children.

How to help Wu source teach a net

You can pass the following means to help Wu source teach a net to come true our mission and wish scene:

  • Donate educational natural resources: If you have high grade education resource, you can donate its us, let more rural schools be benefited.
  • Volunteer support: If you are full of enthusiasm to teaching a career, and be willing provide a help for rural school, you can join our volunteer group.
  • Pay close attention to conduct propaganda: You can carry the website that shares us on gregarious media and story, help us enlarge force, let more person understands and support rural education.

Devote oneself to to improve rural education, wu source teachs a net to appreciate your support and attention heartily!

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