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博山为什么叫博山? 博山老孙做博山菜?英文双语对照


博山为什么叫博山? 博山老孙做博山菜?英文双语对照




































博山区名胜古迹有世界文化遗产长城的组成部分——齐长城,国家重点文物保护单位颜文姜祠、碧霞元君行宫、玉皇宫、范公祠,凤凰山等。博山区有“中国陶瓷琉璃艺术之乡 ”、“中国泵业名城 ”、“中国琉璃之乡 ”、“中国鲁菜名城 ”等荣誉称号。 




Why does rich hill call rich hill?

The reason has 2: It is Bo Shanquan condition firstly all hill, boshan's name, have mountainous idea; Because have southeast the condition,be secondly " rich hill " , reason is area name with hill name. The rich of rich hill also has wide and numerous meaning.

Does rich hill Laosun make rich hill food?

The first dish: Spring roll of rich hill blast.

The 2nd renown dish: Flesh of rich hill hard blast, or call scamper good meat. The 3rd dish: Dish of rich hill braise, say to be stewed in disorder again. The 4th dish: Rich hill fries Xi Qin, be inferior to celery of Jing Jiashi stalk. The 5th dish: Corrupt of rich hill bean. The 6th renown dish: Box of rich hill bean curd, open box to take the idea of treasure. The 7th renown dish: Rich hill crisp boiler, do not have crisp boiler not to spend the New Year. The 8th dish: Explode fry scalloped pork or lamb kidneys, flavour is full-bodied, smooth not be bored with. The 9th dish: Bolus of rich hill flesh, listening to move resembling is " rich hill plays again " . The 10th meal: Rich landscape dumpling, have an unripe vivid good taste.

Is the rich hill of rich hill furnace indicative what?

Of rich hill furnace " rich hill " , the hill of maritime celestial being in indicative fokelore -- rich hill and get a name (Chinese generation is rife and maritime have mountain of a fabled abode of immortals, rich, sea continent hill of 3 celestial being) .

Rich hill furnace calls rich hill censer, rich the name such as Shan Xiangxun, Bo Shanxun furnace again, it is folk of period of Chinese Chinese, advance is common cense uses appliance. Body of heater submits the fabaceous form in bronze ware, there is a lid on, the lid is tall and pointed, hollow out, submit hill form, hill form overlaps.

Rich hill dish of which rich hill is the most authentic?

The first the most authentic eating house: Rich hill restaurant

The 2nd eating house: Shop of rich hill old course

The 3rd eating house: Rich hill 44 banquet

The 4th eating house: Jun Boshan wine shop

The 5th eating house: Restaurant of rich hill the Huis

The 6th eating house: Shop of food of hill of peach source rich

Dish of rich hill characteristic has: Soup of case of pachyrhizus of eight treasures meal, coloured glaze, bean curd, acerbity hot skin, explode fry hill of spring roll of cutlet, blast, rich a round mass of food of hill of dish of braise of hill of crisp boiler, Bo Shanxiang bowel, rich, rich.

Rich hill dish of hill of which restaurant rich is delicious?

Dish of hill of rich of the following restaurant is delicious

1, Hai Mengyuan

2, small town flavour

3, rich hill family

4, Hong Yan feeds government office

5, 10 thousand Cheng Yuan

Dish of rich hill characteristic:

Soup of case of pachyrhizus of eight treasures meal, coloured glaze, bean curd, acerbity hot skin, explode fry hill of spring roll of cutlet, blast, rich a round mass of food of hill of dish of braise of hill of crisp boiler, Bo Shanxiang bowel, rich, rich.

Rich hill 44 banquet:

Its arise, investigate its source deep, from " of banquet of " swallow wing, " very much likely the program performs the serving of " of complete sheep banquet to change and come. Its formation, what the data can check answer a " of the hill that turn gain get together happy village " . According to " rich is a mountainous area annals · character " account:" ... Wang Anyong, rich hill person, it is a cook that has good reputation quite, 1919 summer, he and collaboration of carve of goldenrain tree jade establish in rich hill get together happy village restaurant. Luan Yuzhuo holds the post of a manager, the Wang Anyong of; of the craft that make of dish of perfectness Beijing residence holds the post of an assistant manager to hold concurrently red white two cases, of course of restaurant of Jinan of be proficient in cook a method, two people a perfect pair, in long-term cooking practice, innovation gives large quantities of one meal variety that have rich hill distinguishing feature and structure of banquet of gay getting a person... 44 banquet (4 cold meats, 4, 4 big, 4 meal) pattern, since their initiate, all previous still is broad masses place to use via 70 one's remaining years. "" Yan Shan is wide write down " also have the introduction:" Be current of rich hill past 3 banquet, namely 6 dish, 6 bowls small, 3 big, ' gets together happy village ' is on this foundation, improve for 44 banquet, namely 4 dishes, 4 bowls, 4, 4 big, 4 flowers and two mug-up. Namely 4 dishes, 4 bowls, 4, 4 big, 4 flowers and two mug-up..

Group of rich of rich hill hill how?

Predecessor is factory of rich hill electric machinery, industry of rich hill electric machinery holds out big manufacturer, factory pay is quite good, my younger sister is in now that, had listened to say every month has full attendence reward of what, 2 months still divide second egg.

Go going to agency of which travel of general Tuo hill is the cheapest?

City setting out is different, of course the price differs somewhat, set out from Shanghai to general Tuo hill case of 2 days of travel expense is in 500 the left and right sides, fluctuation flexibility won't exceed 15RMB, can consult.

Is rich hill dialectal?

Because district place is stranded, each district has dialect, it is local characteristic. Make day like person of fool rich hill cling to. Rich hill person says a very short time of a very short time is one small conference meaning. Ma Yao of Lu saying moustache is meaning of informal not responsible halfhearted, listening to still think by accident how is Japanese

Rich hill alias?

Rich hill name origin: ? ? of  of street of Ai of discharge of smile of  of  of street of ┥ of  of sword of fall from the sky or outer space of time of  of dumpling of ┥ of Huang bluff  secondly, because there is " of " rich hill southeast the condition,

A mountainous area famous places and historical sites has gain the component of Great Wall of world culture bequest -- Qi Changcheng, palace of make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital of Xia Yuanjun of ancestral temple of ginger of Yan Wen of unit of protection of national emphasis cultural relic, green jade, Yu Huang, model fair ancestral temple, phoenix hill. Rich is a mountainous area have " the countryside of art of coloured glaze of Chinese pottery and porcelain " , " famous city of Chinese pump line of business " , " the countryside of Chinese coloured glaze " , " Chinese Lu Cai famous city " wait for honorary title.

Is rich hill fastfood?

Of rich hill fastfood: Rich hill crisp boiler, rich hill barbecue, boiled dumpling of home of thin pancake made of millet flour of banger of dragon of box of rich hill bean curd, flood dragon, gold-rimmed duck's egg, dish, stone (stone toad boiled dumpling) , spring roll of crisp fish boiler, blast, roll decoct, flesh is dry, burn boiler, abdomen of skin of bolus of rich hill flesh, boil in water for a while.
