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大同美食达人? 美食达人感言?英文双语对照


大同美食达人? 美食达人感言?英文双语对照












万州美食首推, 万州烤鱼,此万州烤鱼要到万州的周家坝那边心连心广场。







前段时间,老师公布下星期三要体检,我心想:哎!体重有可能又重了,这个星期少吃,多运动。回到家,我一杯水也没喝,肚子饿得“咕咕”直叫。作业搞定,开始吃晚饭了,我只盛了一小碗,可看着被妈妈烧得那金黄喷香的排骨,我试图无视它,但还是抵不住诱惑,大口吃了六七块,才想起减肥二字!只好眼巴巴地看着爸爸把排骨全消灭。心想:不怪我,妈妈的厨艺太棒了,我才吃了那么多!从此,我再也不想减肥了! 9月16日,我的生日,我邀请了孙奕蕊和张喆到我家玩。中午饭时间到了,妈妈把美味的西餐端上来,有鸡翅,蛋糕,意大利面,水果沙拉...她们都流口水了。我们狼吞虎咽,顾不得擦一下嘴角边的油渍,孙奕蕊还问我:“小何,这块肉你吃吗?”我没来得急回答,孙奕蕊一大口把肉吞了下去。她悄悄地对我说:“好羡慕你有这样个妈妈!”我可骄傲了!摸着圆滚滚的肚子,我们都笑了... 我妈妈是不是很适合做“厨艺章”的得主呢?











One, does Great Harmony cate amount to a person?

That exceeds good namely certainly, nobody do not know Great Harmony.

2, does cate amount to person sense character?

The cate here much delicious, too let me envy here, I like very much! I must play knife and fork

3, does cate amount to person meaning?

It is a kind of appellation that points to a kind of very gifted to cate person.

1. can be found delicious, have cate software commonly. Want to search cate subtly, so indispensable software of a few cate. Online search software, undertake filtration to the cate near oneself, the basis discusses an option appropriate him cate. It is OK to still have even if be searched inheritance hundred years or inn four of a few years, having its outstanding place certainly, the hundred years old store that through going to different place exam differs, lead everybody to sample.

Him 2. can be done delicious, and do special club, what do acceptedly is very delicious, what do than restaurant even is delicious still.

4, does wine spring cate amount to a person to recommend?

That yoghurt marijuana near the station closes to spend south, queue up everyday, the move such as a lot of person is bought, basically be very delicious, read individual taste

5, does cate of 10 thousand cities amount to a person to recommend?

Cate of 10 thousand cities head push, grilled fish of 10 thousand cities, the Home Zhou dam that grilled fish of this 10 thousand cities wants 10 thousand states square of the heart linked to heart there.

More authentic, it is case of hotpot of 10 thousand cities next, case of pig's large intestines, chop case, in come an air-water, this wants Gao Sun near the pond, more authentic.

Still a lot of person says the Cheng Liang area of 10 thousand cities, cheng is actually cool face, that flavour has been inferior to greatly once upon a time. Not up to much, undeserved recommend. Besides, side of fried bean sauce of 10 thousand cities is good also.

6, what is cate amounts to person group?

Amounting to a person is from Japan the boat makes a way to a kind of Taiwan, means this one excellent person;

7, is mom cate amounts to person composition?

My Mom, stature is not tall, a pair of big eyes can see the thing that thinks in my heart, the hair wraps around to go up in the shoulder like chute, long resemble ordinary, but hutch art but rough every.

Before paragraph time, the teacher is announced want check-up next Wednesday, my heart thinks: Hey! Weight was weighed again likely, this week eats less, move more. Return the home, a cup of my water also was not drunk, abdomen hunger is gotten " cluck clucks " cry continuously. Exercise is done calm, began to have dinner, I filled a bowl small only, can look at the Denajin that be burned by mom the chop of yellow delicious, I try to disregard it, but still do not resist temptation, big impediment 67, just remember reduce weight 2 words! Be forced anxiously ground looks at father to eliminate chop completely. The heart thinks: Do not blame me, mom's hutch art too marvellous, I just ate so much! From now on, I also did not want to reduce weight again! On September 16, my birthday, I invited Sun Yirui and piece plays to my home. Meal time arrived midday, mom comes up delicate Western-style food end, have gallinaceous wing, cake, italian face, fruit salad. . . They dribble. We are voracious, visit the oily floodwater on low-lying land that must not brush edge of corners of the mouth, sun Yirui still asks me: "Xiaohe, do you eat this meat? " I did not reply, sun Yirui swallowed the flesh big one. She says stealthily to me: "Good envy you have such mom! " I but proud! Stroking the belly of round billow, we laughed. . . Does my mom suit to do very much " hutch art chapter " winner?

8, does Jilin city cate amount to a person to recommend?

Jiang Beizao city has house of make noodles by drawing out the dough by hand of a young husband and wife, storefront is not big, taste is good, the price is big bowl 7 yuan, small bowl 6 yuan, economic material benefit

9, why does small Gong Shuru apply for cate to amount to a person?

In center of the person that can apply for to create inside my.

10, how does cate amount to person silkworm chrysalis to do?

Cicada is aurelian it is deepfry commonly, it is OK that the golden crisp of scamper spills on a bit a condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt again. : of the larva of silkworm with batrytis? Is pull up of  of sword of ⑵ of otter ⑿ dysentery used up?

Pod: Gan Wen, avirulent. Silkworm chrysalis: Pleasant, smooth.

Late silkworm is arenaceous: Pleasant, laborious, lukewarm, avirulent.

Composition: Aurelian contain protein, adipose oil, among them bases is vinegar of not saturated fatty acid, glycerine, vitamin of sex of dissolve of alcohol of a few lecithin, Zi, fat. Deepfry silkworm chrysalis is very delicious.

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