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美国凯迪克大奖(The Caldecott Medal),始于1938年,是为了纪念十九世纪英国的绘本画家伦道夫凯迪(Randolph J. Caldecott, 1846-1886)而设立的。获得凯迪克奖的图书封面,贴上印有凯迪克著名插画“骑马的约翰”的奖牌,金色代表凯迪克大奖,银色代表荣誉奖,得奖书籍会像获颁荣誉勋章的爵士一样风光。凯迪克大奖(The Caldecott Medal)是美国最具权威的图画书奖,被认为是图画书的“奥斯卡”奖。













01 international Andersen is big award

International Andersen the highest honor that award is children literature, be known as " the nobel prize of children literature " . Established 1956 by alliance of books of international teenager children, by Danish queen 2 worlds sponsor Margaret, name with the name of Andersen of fairy tale Great Master, biennially is chosen. Award is international Andersen writer award, lifetime can be obtained only, those who commend is the literary attainment of this writer lifetime and contribute.

Mr. Cao Wenxuan became the first China writer that wins this award 2016.

Large award of 02 triumphant Dick

Large award of American triumphant Dick (The Caldecott Medal) , only then 1938, it is to commemorate the draw of 19 centuries England this painter human relations Daofukaidi (Randolph J. Caldecott, 1846-1886) and establish. Obtain the books cover of triumphant Dick award, affix Yin Youkai Dick is famous insert a picture " equestrian John " medal, aureate delegate triumphant Dick large award, award of argent delegate honor, win a prize the book can resemble obtaining promulgate the knight of honorary decoration is same scene. Triumphant Dick large award (The Caldecott Medal) is the drawing book reward that the United States has authority most, of book of drawing be consideringed as " Oscar " award.


Large award of book of drawing of 01 letters friendship

1987, foundation of Taiwan letter friendship establishs the award that Taiwan faces cheeper literature the first times - -- award of literature of the cheeper that believe friendship, the person that create in order to encourage pays mental efforts and wisdom for the child, make children work more child of press close to's familiar life. The mainland believes award of friendship drawing book to was established at Shanghai 2009, found formally 2010.

Annual " award of book of the drawing that believe friendship " activity, aim to give aid to mainland achieves the progress that new personality makes newly formerly. The child picture book that makes Taiwan area the press have index sex most asks for award activity, develop drawing book group in succession talent of a lot of backbone.

A lot of outstanding Taiwan achieve draw formerly this introduce, the platform that is book of drawing of course letter friendship just introduces home. Be like " go into town " " child, spit spit " be to win large award of book of the drawing that believe friendship.

02 Feng Zikai award

Award of book of drawing of Feng Zikai children, choose two years, aim to popularize outstanding Hua Wenyuan to achieve children drawing book to reach praise the author that makes contribution for children drawing book, illustrator and publisher, the award of book of drawing of China article children that is class of the first international.

This award by be dedicated to popularizing children to read with close child familial foundation initiates the Chen Yixin that reads in all, support and allow of daughter Ms. Feng Yiyin of Mr Feng Zikai to fall in famous artist, this award has good fortune be able to the name of Mr Feng Zikai names.

Award of 03 literature of children of Chen Baichui international

Award of literature of children of Chen Baichui international with " Oriental Andersen " Chen Baichui's name names, predecessor is to establish 1981 " award of literature of Chen Baichui children " , it is China runs time continuously writer of the longest, bear the palm's most literature award one of.

2014, "Award of literature of Chen Baichui children " formal more the name is " award of literature of children of Chen Baichui international " , in order to commend worldwide inside worker of literature of the person that the children literature that makes distinguished success to children literature career is created, children and relevant personage.

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