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进入美食专家后台➡️前台营业➡️(右下角有个打印格式设定)点进去里面有结账单 也有厨打单 进去调就好了 切忌调完要把软件关了再开


进入美食专家后台➡️前台营业➡️(右下角有个打印格式设定)点进去里面有结账单 也有厨打单 进去调就好了 切忌调完要把软件关了再开


进入软件后台/品项管理/品项资料/在这里新增一个套餐例如888套餐 属性选为套餐(默认是单品需要选择成套餐)/在返回品项管理右下角有个套餐设定进去你就可以看见你新增的888套餐了 然后点击新增就可以把菜品放到套餐里面了




1. 所有的美食系统都是大同小异的,有他的专门后台,如果没有一定有业务员的联系方式,或者售后的联系方式,后台有个餐厅设置、台数设置、选择更换台号或者是直接删除即可。









1品项资料里面把菜品属性 设置为 套餐品项 2 套菜设置,这里面就有套餐名字了,新增就行了 。


One, how does system of management of cate expert meal delete dish to taste?

Cate expert, meal management system should delete the word that the dish inside tastes, register meal management system above all, the dish that clicks a need to delete is tasted, affirmatory, click again next it is OK to delete key

2, how does system of management of cate expert meal revise hutch to make a system?

Enter cate expert tiring-room? ? Do business downstage? ? (right next horn have a set of the format that print) the dot goes in inside settle accounts sheet also has hutch to hit sheet to go in tone is good avoid by all means is moved wanted a software to close reopen

3, how does system of management of cate expert meal derive commodity takes valence form?

Enter cate expert tiring-room? ? Do business downstage? ? (right next horn have a set of the format that print) the dot goes in inside settle accounts sheet also has hutch to hit sheet to go in tone is good avoid by all means is moved wanted a software to close reopen

4, how does V3.2 of system of management of cate expert meal install a formula?

Enter software tiring-room / taste a management / taste a data / add a formula newly here for example 888 formulas attribute is chosen for the formula (acquiesce is odd taste need to choose whole set food) / returning taste a management right next horn have a formula set to go in you with respect to

5, does system of management of cate expert meal receive number of silver-colored system user downstage nonexistent how be to return a responsibility?

Should be the user number that the user number that the class flies before you follows to login now abhorrent; You can enter cate expert meal to manage systematic tiring-room, have inside do business downstage in be in with user number somewhat, you see the number that you log onto whether agree, you also can undertake changing here directly.

6, how does system of management of drive cate meal delete table?

1.All cate systems are very much the same, have his special backstage supporter, if do not have the connection kind that has a clerk certainly, the connection means after perhaps making work, tiring-room has a dining-room setting, stage to count setting, choice to change station sign perhaps is deleted directly can.

7, how does cate collect meal management system to change the value?

Cate collects meal management system to be able to revise the price through the following measure: Enter systematic government page above all, the option that enters dish to taste management gets stuck, click the dish the name of an article that needs modification price to say then, taste a detail in dish next the price is found to install option in the page, modification dish tastes the price, click finally save can. This operation is very simple, because cate collects the design of meal management system special user is friendly, help dining-room controller manages dish easily to taste the price. Those who need an attention is, modification dish tastes the price to need to undertake reasonable adjustment to the price, the choice that may affect a client otherwise and disappear give a lot of care manage. Undertake to dining-room data is analysed, timely adjust dish to taste the price, it is a method that allows dining-room to have competition ability more.

8, management of cate expert meal, already had business happening, cannot delete, should go where be being deleted?

The system is installed - the setting that print - downstage printer is installed - setting settle accounts can be revised inside the odd form that print be sure to keep in mind to want revise enable downstage printer option to want Gou Xuancai to be able to enter setting interface

9, rank of meal management system?

Hello, meal runs a system and neither one is ranked clearly, at present the meal management system of the mainstream on the market serves have equal shares of business actual strength. And contain intense district attribute, for example of Beijing in Beijing periphery force is larger; Of Shenzhen have in southern region rate is higher; The business of service of system of this meal management that mentions in your problem is Hangzhou, contain in Jiang Zhehu those who comparative is famous degree.

If issue of meal management system can continue to seek advice to me, the hope can help you, thank.

10, how does cate expert receive silver-colored system to add a formula?

1 taste a data inside taste dish attribute setting tastes a 2 dish setting for the formula, there is formula name inside this, add newly went.
