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去杭州吧 我跟我男朋友就是去杭州 3天 2000 其实可以更便宜 我们是坐飞机去的

要么去武汉 也很近 很便宜

省内的话 岳阳 张家界 只要300

我都去过 可以详细跟你说



1. 橘子洲头:位于长沙市中心的岳麓山脚下,是一处历史文化名地,可以欣赏到湘江风光,并且可以参观橘子洲纪念馆了解橘子洲的历史。

2. 岳麓山:长沙市的标志性旅游景点,有许多著名的景点如岳麓书院、岳麓山楼、橘子洲、湖南省博物馆等。

3. 湖南省博物馆:位于岳麓山下,是湖南省最大的综合性博物馆,馆内展示了丰富的湖南历史文化和艺术品。

4. 梅溪湖风景区:位于长沙市东南部,是一个集生态、文化、休闲、娱乐于一体的大型综合性湖泊旅游景区,可以游览湖景、花海、博物馆、艺术馆等。

5. 长沙市区:长沙市区也有一些值得游览的景点,如太平街古商业街、五一广场、岳麓山大道等,可以购物、品尝当地美食或者感受城市的繁华和文化氛围。








1. 黄山附近还有很多其他的旅游景点。2. 因为黄山周边地区自然风光优美,文化底蕴深厚,有很多著名的景点,比如屯溪老街、宏村、西递、牌坊群等等。3. 如果你对历史文化感兴趣,可以去参观屯溪老街和牌坊群;如果你喜欢古建筑和园林,可以去宏村和西递;如果你想体验自然风光,可以去黟县的大别山国家森林公园和九华山风景区。总之,黄山附近还有很多值得一去的地方。





1. 湖南-广东线路:从长沙出发,可以前往广东省的广州、深圳等城市,体验粤港澳大湾区的繁华与现代化。

2. 湖南-江西线路:从长沙出发,可以前往江西省的南昌、景德镇、庐山等地,感受江南水乡的风情和历史文化。

3. 湖南-湖北线路:从长沙出发,可以前往湖北省的武汉、宜昌等城市,欣赏长江两岸的美景,游览三峡大坝等著名景点。

4. 湖南-贵州线路:从长沙出发,可以前往贵州省的贵阳、黔东南等地,探索贵州的神奇 karst 地貌、少数民族文化和美食。

5. 湖南-江苏线路:从长沙出发,可以前往江苏省的南京、苏州、无锡等城市,领略江南水乡的婉约风景和古典文化。









岳阳市岳阳楼,岳阳楼 岳阳楼位于湖南省岳阳市君山区岳阳楼街道,是中国四大名楼之一。这座古老的楼阁建于明代,历经多次修缮和扩建,如今已成为一座集文化、历史和旅游于一体的景点。从楼顶眺望洞庭湖,景色秀丽,令人流连忘返。


The travel good place near Changsha?

Go to Hangzhou I go to Hangzhou 3 days namely with my boy friend 2000 actually can cheaper we go by air

Or goes to Wuhan very close also very cheap

Home Zhang group wants provincial Hua Yueyang only 300

I can follow you to say in detail

Does the strategy travel near Changsha airport?

Changsha airport is located in Hunan Province the Changsha City, periphery has a lot of travel tourist attractions and activity to offer tourist alternative. It is the travel strategy of a few proposals below:

1.Orange continent head: Below the foot of a hill of high mountain the foot of mountain that is located in center of the Changsha City, it is ground of name of culture of one place history, can appreciate Hunan river view, and can visit the history that orange continent memorial hall knows orange continent.

2.Hill of high mountain the foot of mountain: The tourist attraction of mark sex travel of the the Changsha City,

3.Hunan Province museum: Be located in below hill of high mountain the foot of mountain, it is the omnibus museum with the biggest Hunan Province, rich Hunan history culture and artwork were revealed inside the house.

4.Beauty spot of plum brook lake: Be located in ministry of southeast of the Changsha City, it is a market modes of life and relation to their environment, culture, recreational, recreation the area of scene of large omnibus laky travel at an organic whole, can visit lake scene, beautiful sea, museum, artistic house to wait.

5.Area of the Changsha City: Area of the Changsha City also has a few to be worth excursive tourist attraction, if street of peace and tranquility is ancient highway of hill of business street, 51 square, high mountain the foot of mountain, can shop, sample what local cate perhaps experiences a city is flourishing with culture atmosphere.

Additional, if strong-smelling preserved bean curd, ground rice, hemp is hot,Changsha still has cate of a few characteristic very hot etc, can sample local cate. Anyhow, there are a lot of travel tourist attractions and cate choice near Changsha airport, can arrange the route according to individual be fond of.

Does the tourist attraction travel near Changsha?

The the Changsha City spends area of bright building scene: City of peaceful country of Hunan governor sanded city, famous tourist attraction: House of square of Liu Shaoji former residence, memorial hall, bronze, cultural relic, Hua Minglou

Orange of · of hill of Yue Lu of the Changsha City continent travel area: Area of Yue Lu of Hunan Province the Changsha City, famous tourist attraction:

Area of travel of hill of the Yue Heng austral Heng Yang city: Na Yue district of city of Hunan Province Heng Yang, famous tourist attraction: Big temple of hall of classics of Na Yueheng hill, Zhu Rongfeng, Tibet, Na Yue

: of area of scene of island of hill of Yue Yang building of Yue Yang town Mr · ? Discharge of carbonyl of Lao of  bright ≡ grants ケ not? famous tourist attraction: Liu Yi well, ancestral temple of Hunan the wife of a prince, temple of hole front courtyard, fly bell, grave of 2 the wife of a prince, dragon saliva well,

What travel view is there still near Huang Shan?

1.There still are a lot of other travel tourist attractions near Huang Shan. 2. Because Huang Shan is circumjacent area nature scene is beautiful, culture inside information is solid, have a lot of famous tourist attractions, collect brook is for instance old street, grand village, give on the west, memorial archway group etc. 3. If you are interested in historical culture, can go visitting collect brook old street and memorial archway group; If you like ancient building and park, can go grand village and give on the west; If you want to experience natural scene, can go the park of forest of the big country that fasten hill of Yi county and beauty spot of 9 Mount Hua. Anyhow, there still is a lot of to deserve the place that goes near Huang Shan.

Does the travel tourist attraction around stand south Changsha?

Of Changsha south the travel tourist attraction near the station basically is Hunan forest arboretum. Hunan forest arboretum is the travel tourist attraction with famous Hunan, here not only flowers and plants is much, spring when oriental cherry blooms special beauty.

Is province travel optimal near Changsha circuit?

Changsha is located in Hunan Province, periphery has many province to be able to undertake travel. It is the optimal circuitry that province travels near a few Changsha recommends below:

1.Hunan - Guangdong circuitry: Set out from Changsha, can wait for a city in order to head for the Guangzhou that Guangdong saves, Shenzhen, those who experience area of big bay of HongKong and Macow of another name for Guangdong Province is flourishing with modernization.

2.Hunan - Jiangxi circuitry: Set out from Changsha, can head for and other places of hill of the Nanchang that Jiangxi saves, Jingdezhen, cottage, experience the amorous feelings of Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes and historical culture.

3.Hunan - Hubei circuitry: Set out from Changsha, can wait for a city in order to head for the Wuhan that Hubei saves, Yichang, admire the beautiful scenery of two sides of the Yangtse River, visit the famous tourist attraction such as 3 gorge large dams.

4.Hunan - Guizhou circuitry: Set out from Changsha, can head for and other places of southeast of the Guiyang of Guizhou Province, Guizhou, explore culture of the magical Karst landforms of Guizhou, minority and cate.

5.Hunan - Jiangsu circuitry: Set out from Changsha, the Nanjing that can save in order to head for Jiangsu, Suzhou, wait for a city without stannum, appreciate the scenery of graceful and restrained of Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes and classic culture.

Of course, above is a few circuitry only recommend, specific travel line still needs to undertake choosing according to his interest, time and budget. The proposal plans ahead of schedule good journey, understand the tourist attraction of destination and traffic situation, so that arrange a trip better.

Square special around what travel view to still have?

Qingdao square special dreamy kingdom amusement park is located in city this world area of area red island, this is circumjacent besides the travel tourist attraction with what still just do not have good really especially. The distance is the closest in city this world the area has park of one social discipline, the natural beauty of lakes and mountains suits to lie fallow inside visit, the distance also just has 78 kilometers especially far.

What travel view is there near Fuzhou airport?

Fuzhou airport is located in long happy area, stand by a seaside, can go growing happy proboscis bay beach treats the lake, also can grow Le Nashan park to climb, still can grow amuse oneself of happy Zhang harbor beach.

The provincial travel city near Changsha?

Hill of gest of Jiangxi duckweed countryside, anhui yellow hill, sichuan Chengdu, chongqing hill city

Which city suits travel quite near Changsha?

Yue Yang building of Yue Yang town, lou Yueyang building is located in Yue Yang Jun Shan of city of Hunan Province Yue Yang Ou Yueyang building is street, it is one of 4 name buildings of Chinese. This old pavilion builds Yu Ming to take the place of, all previous classics for many times reparative with extend, already became culture of a collect, history and travel nowadays the tourist attraction at an organic whole. From the building the top looks at lake of hole front courtyard, the picture is pretty, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave making a person.

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