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什么是生活小常识? 鸵鸟的生活常识?英文双语对照


什么是生活小常识? 鸵鸟的生活常识?英文双语对照






1、对着电视画面拍照,应关闭照相机闪光灯和室内照明灯,这样照出的照片画面更清晰。因为闪 光灯和照明灯在电视屏上的反射光会干扰电视画面的透射光。 

2、挂在壁墙上的石英钟,当电池的电能耗尽而停止走动时,其秒针往往停在刻度盘上“9”的位 置。这是由于秒针在“9”位置处受到重力矩的阻碍作用最大。 

3、冰糕冒气是因为外界空气中有不少眼睛看不见的水汽,碰到很冷的冰糕时,一遇冷就液化成雾 滴包围在冰糕周围,看上去似乎是冰糕在“冒气”一样。 






生活常识是指人们在日常生活中总结出来的科学知识,涵盖健康、营养、饮食、居家、生活小窍门等各方面。众所周知的知识,一般的知识.一是指与生俱来、毋须特别学习的判断能力,或是生活中众人皆知、无须解释或加以论证的知识;另一意思是指在生活中对一个理性的人来说是合理的知识,即“日常知识” 。





















What is life little common sense?

The knowledge that life Xiaochang is known even if complement does not know in a few your lives

The life common sense of ostrich?

Ostrich is a kind of absorbing animal, let us understand a few life common sense about it together! Ostrich is animal of a kind of careless feeding habits, basically be with careless, seed, leaf and rootstock feed. They can forage in early morning and dusk, and can hide in shady and cool place to rest when days is burning hot. Ostrich is a kind of alone animal, they act alone normally or live together with the companion. Although they are a social animal, but searching food and when resting, they prefer separate operation. Ostrich is a kind of animal that runs very quickly, they can be achieved horary the speed of 70 kilometers. Do not cross them running basically is to be inside stone's throw, sunday run runs can waste much energy. Ostrich is a kind what won't fly is avian, but they can hop however the height that is as high as 2.5 meters. Accordingly, they built subterranean den to breed and rest. Ostrich is a kind of very clever animal, they can remember the position of fountainhead and food source, return when need. They also can make manoeuvre will protect his to dismiss the charge that gets the person that prey. Ostrich is a kind special be able to bear or endure the animal of drought, they can be in a few weeks live below the circumstance that does not have water. They get used to dry environment through controlling breath and temperature. Ostrich is a kind of animal that has defence sex very much, they can use their strong leg ministry to protect their to dismiss the charge that gets the person that prey. Their bodily form and speed also let them there is an advantage more when facing menace. Anyhow, ostrich is the animal with a kind of comfortable very strong stress, their life characteristics makes they can be in wild in live and multiply.

Basic life common sense?

1, take a picture to TV appearance, should shut camera flashlight and indoor floodlight, take the photograph picture that give so clearer. Because flashlight and floodlight are in,the reflex on TV screen can disturb the transmission light of TV appearance.

2, the crystal clock that is hanged on mural wall, when the electric specific power consumption of batteries is used up and stopping to ambulate, its second hand often stops on dial " 9 " the position. Because second hand is in,this is " 9 " the block up effect that positional office is weighed pitching moment is the biggest.

3, because there is lunt in outside air,ice-cream risks energy of life is, when coming up against very cold ice-cream, encounter cold surround into droplet with respect to liquefaction it is all round ice-cream, looking is ice-cream is in it seems that " risk energy of life " same.

4, when just be being bitten by mosquito, the soap on besmear won't itch. This is the soda acid in chemistry counteracts reaction.

5, inner tube is being included when going out a dry cell, if skirt belt is electrostatic, it is the anode of batteries above skirt brush a few times can take out is electrostatic.

The life common sense of dog dog?

Dog dog is an animal that has intelligence very much, above all what we should make sure dog dog lives daily is clean and neat, and the case with regular dog wanting a dog is taught, because dog dog connects intelligence of animals, can find a dog, not everywhere relieve oneself, and the dog giving a dog that should time bathes, often take dog dog to make a few relevant epidemic prevention vaccine

The meaning of life common sense?

Life common sense is to point to people to sum up the scientific knowledge that come out in daily life, cover each aspect such as small doohickey of home of healthy, nutrition, food, house, life. Well-known knowledge, common knowledge. It is to point to the inherent, judgement capability that not needs special study, or it is notorious, beardless explanation or the try to prove knowledge in the life; Another means shows to reasonable knowledge is for rational to in the life person, namely " daily knowledge " .

Following is is the opinion about revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches incorrect?

Good rain tells time, when spring happen therefore.

Fall red not be heartless other people, change Chun Ni more protect a flower.

Cross-strait green hill goes out relatively, gu sail comes by the side of a day.

Autumn wind is bleak, hong Bo upsurges.

The bright moon when the Qin Dynasty Chinese when close, person of a long march of ten thousand lie was not returned.

Meet since ancient times Qiu Bei is lonesome, day of my Yan Qiu gets the better of Chun Chao.

Illuminate between bright moon pine, qing Quanshi is genteel.

Solution falls 3 double ended radius sleeker, can leave to was spent in Feburary.

Following are each a is syllabic spelling incorrect () ?

It is D incorrectly, should be N of é of Nm of ā of Ti ā N' . Wrong reason: The first, the first letter wants the phoneticize of season word great, the phoneticize that brings two words the following day should use syllable-dividing mark. Consult for you.

Rain is opening an umbrella life common sense?

1, the long umbrella that next wet ten million cannot make top is a metal.

2, next wet are when hollowness region, person and mobile phone make the raised thing with obvious ground, the mobile phone becomes the discharge target that thundercloud chooses extremely likely. Avoid to be dialed when thunder or be received as far as possible so listen to a mobile phone, cross in thunderstorm trouble-free when content area, had better put out mobile phone power source.

3, the civilization that notices to use an umbrella is formal, before opening an umbrella, should affirm all round have a person, bolt especially the umbrella that open, umbrella needle is opened to the face of someone else may produce serious accident, the place that should side with nobody so is opened slowly. When receiving an umbrella same also, the attention does not want the place of a somebody of umbrella side direction. The paineddest in taking a car is the umbrella that comes up against others moisture on board, the water on the umbrella had better be thrown gently on the platform before place above car, put the umbrella into appropriative next the umbrella is covered or in polybag. If want to be carried, still had better prepare polybag or umbrella bag ahead of schedule.

Common sense of life health care?

The sentiment that pays close attention to oneself more is healthy, little life, move more, eat vegetable fruit more, eat hot excitant food less, maintain more oneself outside figure, have regular work and rest

Is the life Xiaochang that spend the New Year known?

It is below a few, hope to help somewhat to you: Buy of special purchases for the Spring Festival: Plan ahead of schedule detailed list of good special purchases for the Spring Festival, avoid to draw near the haste when spending the New Year is bought and excessive spending. Notice the quality of food and expiration period, choose fresh, health feed capable person. Safety is on guard: Want to notice the family is safe during spend the New Year, before leaving home, ensure door window is shut, lock up good door window. Notice fire prevention, guard against theft, avoid to set off firework cracker to cause fire. Formal culture: Understanding spends the New Year with what respect place formal with the tradition consuetudinary. When paying a New Year call to close friends, those who notice one's words and behavior is decent, deliver blessing and greeting. Health lives: Hold time of work and rest, avoid to stay up late with excessive overworked. Notice diet is healthy, avoid to eat and drink too much, eat vegetable fruit more, keep healthy. Environmental protection consciousness: Needless waste reduces during spend the New Year, be like material of reasonable use gift package, rubbish classification, protect an environment jointly. Traffic safety: If you want a travel, plan ahead of schedule fine line, know traffic state. Abide by traffic regulation, notice drive a vehicle and pedestrian safety. Psychology adjusts: During spending the New Year, the likelihood can be faced with all sorts of pressure and mood wave motion, want to learn ego to adjust, maintain active state of mind, share pleasure with family and friend. Financial management: The defray during reasonable arrangement spends the New Year, avoid excessive spending and waste. Make a budget plan, reason is consumed, ensure finance affairs is stable. Study rests: Reasonable arrangement time, should enjoy already during spend the New Year rest and recreation, also want to retain study and the power that ego promotes. Gregarious and interactive: Use the opportunity that spend the New Year and close friends photograph to get together, promotional feeling. Take an active part in community and social activity, extend human relationship. Above is a few, hope to be able to be helped somewhat to you, wish you spend a happy, health, safe New Year!
