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要培养孩子的忍耐力。 现在的孩子普遍缺乏毅力和吃苦耐劳的精神,因为生活环境过于优越,孩子根本没有机会体会到艰难的环境,在生活中一遇到挫折就抱怨、退缩、放弃。许多中学生从不做家务,家长不让,他们自己也不会做、不愿做,导致缺乏独立生活的能力。有些孩子学习成绩很好,从小一帆风顺,但在学习上、生活中稍有不顺利,就萎靡不振、自暴自弃。有的孩子不能忍受求而不得的痛苦,凡是自己想要的,一定想方设法要搞到手,拿家长的钱、向同学借钱的情况屡见不鲜。 那么,对于小孩子,怎样培养他的忍耐力呢在他急于喝奶时,不要马上满足他,可以让他哭一会儿,一边慢慢和他说话,一边拍他的后背,再给他吃,并且将这种忍耐时间逐渐加长,从几秒钟延至几分钟。有的孩子每次都把家长给他的零花钱很快花光,没有计划。那么,家长可以对孩子说“如果你能忍住一星期不花零花钱,我下周可以加倍给你,这样你可以攒起来买你需要的大物件了。”孩子遇到了困难,家长不要马上给他帮助,而是鼓励他坚持一下,忍受挫折带来的不愉快,成功就会到来的。


培养孩子的适应能力。 现在的孩子大多生活在非常单纯的环境中,接触的人少、经历的磨难少、自己解决问题的机会也少,有不少孩子性格胆小、内向、心理年龄过小、自卑。有的家长把小孩子限制在家中,很少出门,担心这担心那,结果孩子一看到生人就哭,长大后遇事容易敏感、退缩。有的家长为孩子包办代替,不让孩子接触社会、了解社会。还有许多家长只关心孩子的学习成绩,不关心孩子的生存能力,这都是不可取的。正如前面曾提到的,有位某省的高考状元在某高校学习,成绩优异,但除了去图书馆,对其他什么都不感兴趣,毕业后在某公司总部工作,因解决实际问题的能力差,分配的项目不能按时完成,又被调到分公司,却因无法协调好人际关系,又被分到了基层单位,而好高骛远的他又不甘心做基层单位的具体工作,最后情绪异常,进而精神失常,住进了精神病院。孩子离开母体后需要适应许多新环境,包括自然环境、人际环境、学习环境、工作环境以及社会环境,但是,如果家长不给孩子机会去适应环境,孩子的适应能力是不会自然萌发的。


培养孩子的好奇心和探索精神。 开始时孩子对外界刺激是被动地接受,逐渐地,孩子对周围的一切都感到好奇,都想去摸摸、看个究竟。如果家长这也不让孩子动,那也不让孩子摸,将来就算希望他能有兴趣干点什么事,他也懒得去行动了。



Want to foster the child's endurance. Present child lacks perseverance and hard-working spirit generally, because surroundings is too advantageous, the child experiences difficult environment without the opportunity at all, encounter a setback to complain in the life, shrink back, abandon. A lot of high school students never do chore, the parent does not let, themselves also won't be done, do not wish to do, bring about the capacity that lacks independent life. Result of some children learning is very good, as a child plain sailing, but go up in study, have a bit in the life not successful, dejected, abandonment. Some children cannot suffer the anguish that beg and does not get, always oneself want, certain try every means should be done in one's hand, take the parent's money, circumstance common occurance that lends money to the classmate. So, to dot, the endurance that how fosters him when he is eager to drinking a milk, do not satisfy him immediately, can let him cry a little while, talk with him slowly at the same time, pat him at the same time hind back, eat to him again, and plant this enduring time gradually lengthen, delay to a few minutes from a few seconds. The pin money that some children give him the parent every time spends light very quickly, without the plan. So, the parent can say to the child " if you can keep back,do not spend pin money one week, I can give you doubly next week, such you are OK assemble rises buy the big thing that you need. " the child encountered difficulty, the parent does not give him the help immediately, encourage him to hold to however, bear the unpleasantness that the setback brings, can come successfully.


The suiting that rears the child ability. Present child lives in very pure environment mostly, osculatory person the cross of little, experience the chance that oneself solve a problem is little, little also, have many child nature age of recreant, indrawn, psychology is too small, self-abased. Some parents restrict dot in the home, go out rarely, fear this worries about that, result child sees stranger cries, after be brought up when anything crops up easy and sensitive, shrink back. Some parents monopolize for the child replace, do not let the child contact society, understanding society. Still a lot of parents care study result of the child only, do not care the child's viability, this cannot be taken. Ever mentioned before no less than, the title conferred on the one who came first in the highest imperial examination of the university entrance exam that has some province learns in some college, achievement is outstanding, but besides go to the library, to other what disinclination, in some company headquarters works after graduation, because resolve the ability difference of real problem, distributive project cannot finish on time, be moved to the branch again, concern because of cannot coordinating good person time however, be divided to the basic unit again, and he what reach for what is beyond one's grasp the specific work that not reconciled to does a basic unit, final mood is unusual, then touched, occupy bughouse. The need after the child leaves the mother's body gets used to a lot of new environments, include environment, human environment, learning environment, work environment and social environment, but, if the parent does not give child pickaback plane,can go acclimatization, the child's suiting ability is won't natural bud.


Develop the child's curiosity and exploration drive. In the begining the child is to outside stimulation passive ground is accepted, gradually, the child feels curious to everything all round, want to feel, look after all. If this also does not let the guardian,the child is moved, that also does not let the child feel, calculate a hope in the future he can have fun at do bit of what thing, he also is disinclined to acted.

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