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宠物飞机托运流程? 飞机托运宠物的流程?英文双语对照


宠物飞机托运流程? 飞机托运宠物的流程?英文双语对照
















1. 了解相关规定:首先,您需要了解目的地国家或地区的宠物入境规定。不同国家对宠物入境的要求和限制不同,例如健康证明、疫苗接种记录等。

2. 选择航空公司:与航空公司联系,了解他们的宠物托运政策、费用和服务。不同航空公司对于宠物托运的规定和限制也有所不同,因此请务必详细了解相关信息。

3. 准备宠物旅行箱:为宠物准备一个合适大小的旅行箱,确保宠物在托运过程中能够舒适地待着。旅行箱应具备通风、结实、防漏等特点,以便满足航空公司的要求。

4. 预订宠物托运服务:根据航空公司的要求,提前预订宠物托运服务。部分航空公司要求至少在航班起飞前72小时预订宠物托运。

5. 办理健康证明和疫苗接种记录:根据目的地国家的要求,为您的宠物办理健康证明和疫苗接种记录。这些文件在入境检查时可能需要出示。

6. 托运当天:在托运当天,提前到达机场,办理宠物托运手续。确保旅行箱已正确标记,其中包含您的联系信息以及宠物的详细信息。

7. 抵达目的地:在宠物到达目的地后,尽快前往机场领取宠物。可能需要出示相关文件,如身份证明和健康证明。










1. 重量和尺寸限制:航空公司通常会规定宠物托运的重量和尺寸限制。一般来说,宠物和其容器的总重量通常不能超过一定限制,例如一般限制为在8-10公斤之间。另外,宠物容器的尺寸也要符合航空公司的规定。

2. 宠物种类限制:一些航空公司可能对宠物种类进行限制,通常只会允许托运猫和狗。对于其他类型的宠物,如鸟类、兔子、爬行动物等,可能需要特殊的安排或禁止托运。

3. 托运安排:宠物需要托运在货舱中,而不是客舱中。航空公司通常会要求宠物主人提前预订托运服务,并遵守相应的流程和要求。提前预订宠物托运服务是为了确保航空公司有充足的容量和适当的安排来接收和照顾宠物。

4. 健康证明:一些航空公司和国家/地区可能要求宠物提供健康证明或兽医检查报告,以确保宠物健康,并符合运输要求。这些证明通常应包括宠物的疫苗记录、体检结果和其它相关医疗证明。

















































One, does pet plane consign flow?

Whether does the flight number that airline phone should make decide you are decided when 1. orders airline ticket have cabin having oxygen. It is OK whether the dog dog that you take accords with a requirement by air.

2. application puppy is special carriage service, airline applies for to be able to have effectiveness for a given period of time commonly to this, for instance Dong Hang is to taking off before 48 hours before, so everybody must shift to an earlier date two days to apply for, exceed this time they won't be accepted.

3. is in measure 1 later, can prepare to do quarantine to prove, this proof is inside 5 days effective, so, it is to want to be dealt with inside before the airliner takes off 5 days.

Do quarantine to prove to need to taking dog of aviation box, dog, vaccinal testimony, they can give aviation box disinfection. (have demand of a time again here: Dog dog must inject wild dog is vaccinal 21 days of above)

After proof of 4. vaccinal card, quarantine is all ready, can apply for to have oxygen cabin to airline.

2, the flow that the plane consigns pet?

The plane is airborne pet is basic flow:

1. books cabin having oxygen with airline phone connection ahead of schedule, impart airliner information and pet information, book cabin having oxygen. (The airline: that can you consign at present? Shrimp of  be good at ⒛ be good at ⒑ : Is emperor of  of  of sword of compose of be good at ⑹ of ê of be good at ⒋ of Li of be good at ⑸ of  of be good at ⒍ knocked carry dirty paddle does Jia Xingxing wine with dregs is Bai Chang  of dark black of Kong of  of the Ping that blink  changed is  old does extensive of  of  of  of Biao of carry of tip of silk of rare  post Wu conceive comb?

2. can be dealt with to departmental door personally relevant affirm, also can give pet information and airliner information pet consignment company is dealt with. (Acting company is in commonly 5-7 finish inside weekday)

3. plane takes off to be not fed in the evening before today feed, can feed water; Going can taking pet defecate before the airport, alleviate pressure.

4. prepares appropriate boat empty eontainers, the proof the file gives airport working personnel, obedient arrangement, undertake packing saying to weigh to pet aviation box, after paying fee, be in appoint area to consign pet.

If 5. is to be carried randomly, can extract from inside large baggage dial; If be to be consigned alone, need uses Id and mobile phone number 2 hours to be extracted from airport goods station after the plane arrives.

3, does pet consign flow?

It is the primary technological process that usually pet consigns below, consult for you:

1.Understand relevant provision: Above all, you need to know destination state or the pet of the area enters a country regulation. The requirement that different country enters a country to pet and limitation are different, for example healthy proof, vaccinal vaccinal record.

2.Select airline: With airline connection, the pet that understands them consigns policy, charge and service. The regulation that different airline consigns to pet and limitation also differ somewhat, because this is asked,know relevant news in detail without fail.

3.Prepare pet journey case: Prepare the viatic case of a proper size for pet, ensure pet can be waited for cozily in consigning a process. Viatic box should be had ventilated, strong, prevent the characteristic such as leakage, so that satisfy the requirement of airline.

4.Book pet to consign a service: According to the requirement of airline, book pet to consign a service ahead of schedule. Partial airline demand books pet to consign in before the airliner takes off 72 hours at least.

5.Handle healthy proof and vaccinal and vaccinal record: According to the requirement of destination country, for your pet conduction health proves to be recorded with vaccinal have an inoculation. These files are in enter a country the likelihood when the examination needs to show.

6.Consign that day: In consign that day, reach the airport ahead of schedule, conduction pet consigns formalities. Ensure viatic box labels correctly already, contain your detailed information that contacts information and pet among them.

7.Reach destination: After pet reachs destination, head for the airport to get pet as soon as possible. The likelihood needs to produce relevant document, if identification and health prove.

Ask an attention, above flow offers reference only, the relevant regulation of specific airline and destination country is sure to follow please when be being operated actually. Before consigning pet, had better shift to an earlier date to be contacted with the relevant orgnaization of airline and destination country, know detailed requirement and limitation.

4, does the plane consign flow?

Aviation journey is more and more general now, give far door especially long-distance perhaps journey, we always can carry a few baggage, how does that consign baggage? So I undertake outspread specification to the flow above:

1, had baled oneself baggage, make sure boot bag is firm, it is better to can go up to lock up custom lock up custom. If be paper box the sort of not quite strong, the airport has baggage to bale place.

2, appoint bar to deal with value opportunity, queue up in order. If not be clear that bar is worth in which machine, the airliner sign that the correspondence on big screen sees after entering the airport is in which bar, or airport staff member asks in airport information desk.

3, bale those who be clear about him airline ticket must understand to consign baggage when baggage number, weight and aviation prohibit consigning article, ought not to take do not carry, the baggage specified amount that if consign baggage to exceed passenger ticket place,sets, must hand in even more to weigh baggage cost, fill even more to weigh a luggage check. Even more of domestic flight number weighs baggage cost to lead the 1.5% computation that press tourist class fare with every kilograms. Rate of cost of heavy baggage of international airliner even more and computational method are dealt with by each airline regulation.

4, all baggage need to install check, article of control cutting tool, explosion, combustible explode easily a lot of contraband such as article are to prohibit carrying consign, lithium battery, camera, computer can be carried only.

5, does plane pet consign the forehead to spend?

The forehead that plane pet consigns is spent may mix because of different airline country / the aviation of the area carries a provision and differ somewhat. It is a few common pet consign regulation and limitation below:

1.Weight and dimension restrict: Airline can stipulate the weight that pet consigns and dimension are restricted normally. Generally speaking, the gross weight of pet and its container cannot exceed certain limitation normally, restrict commonly for example for in 8-10 kilogram between. Additional, the dimension of pet container also should accord with the regulation of airline.

2.Pet sort restricts: A few airline may be phyletic to pet undertake limitative, can allow to consign cat and dog only normally. To the pet of other type, wait like avian, bunny, reptile, the likelihood needs special arrangement or prohibit consigning.

3.Consign arrangement: Pet needs to be consigned in hold, is not cabin in. Airline can ask pet host is booked ahead of schedule normally consign a service, abide by corresponding flow and requirement. Booking pet to consign a service ahead of schedule is to ensure airline has sufficient capacity and proper arrangement to receive and take care of pet.

4.Healthy proof: A few airline and country / the area may ask pet offers healthy proof or vet checks a report, in order to ensure pet is healthy, accord with carriage requirement. Medical treatment proves related result of the vaccinal record that these prove to should include pet normally, check-up and other.

Ask an attention, exact pet consigns regulation and requirement to meet according to airline, country / area and airliner time wait for an element and differ somewhat. Accordingly, before the flight that plans pet, suggest you and specific airline contact the regulation with understanding them and requirement, ensure you already satisfied all conditions and preparative work.

6, how does the plane consign pet?

The plane consigns pet flow:

1. makes the wild dog vaccine of good pet above all, can have a green, pet by air before conduction quarantine proof. Rapid movement Ministry of Aviation can ask you are taking pet to do quarantine, you ought to be in place examine station of check animal epidemic disease goes quarantine proof, fangke is carried.

2. calls airline ahead of schedule, book cabin seat or berth having oxygen, had better be the nonstop flight number with small probability of incur loss through delay (do not cross station or) of change trains airliner, type has been jumped over newlier, the control of temperature of cabin having oxygen of old model is not quite good.

Try to win sb's favor of box of 3. pet aviation, airline regulation pet can be free inside aviation box turn and stand. Back cannot withstand basket, convenient hello feed but cannot let pet any place are extended in appearing, bite another person.

Before 4. sets out do not feed in the morning feed, a few water supply, big pet dog wants to wear guaze mask, little pet dog cannot use downer, in box a place of strategic importance enters a big towel, reduce bumpy collision to be able to give pet dog grind one's teeth goof again namely during transit.

5. shifted to an earlier date that day 2 deal with to the airport to 3 hours belt board the plane formalities, show immune card and quarantine evidence.

The plane below 6. is taking the local extraction of baggage, or original of the Id on the belt goes to the airport the extraction of goods station.

7, in does iron pet consign flow?

Just consigned pet, give here it is good to provide bit of experience.

Above all, only average car ability is consigned, gaotie and motor-car do not have method to consign. Which does the window that still the iron in wanting to go carries quickly ask the car has luggage barrow, general general be open to traffic is met some, still have the problem that afraid time short pet can go on carry or need not send, freight master worker is too skilled won't of error!

Next, need pet to make vaccine namely, hit vaccinal meeting to send an immunity this, mine is orange, taking ticket of cat of certificate of immune itself share to go proof of quarantine station conduction quarantine, with quarantine proof Id ticket does consign, if somebody will strike up a conversation,remember saying to help you do this kind to be not believed! Unless do not differ money to do to them really, otherwise true hole! Remember wanting to shift to an earlier date 3 hours go!

A hour and pet there is a car to arrive to serve a car it inside rapid movement of an iron in entering, oneself go quickly also oneself railroad car, stop a station to be able to run next luggage barrow goes seeing it, feed bit of water, in the uncle person that iron carries quickly has exceeded! My impression is good! Passed 11 hours next my 15 children arrive home eventually! Frisky now, ~ altogether adds special health to consign expenses expenses to be less than 100, very value and too interesting this experience, still got take care of without normal pull in, happy.

8, does pet consign flow randomly?

1. decides airline

Current, have a state only boat, na Hang, dong Hang can consign pet. Before deciding airline ticket, it is clear to must hit official phone to ask, decide you think whether taken scheduled flight has storehouse having oxygen, confirm good word, can order a ticket directly, nevertheless, general short bazoo kind pet, add phenanthrene cat for instance, cannot consign, appear easily breathing problem.

2. prepares aviation case

The requirement that must introduce according to government-owned net goes buying. After aviation box is bought, can let wool child go in ahead of schedule suit, lest appear,should stimulate response. The toy that child of a wool prefers also can be put in the case.

3. deals with quarantine proof

- - must make wild dog 21 days above just can do.

- - conduction place has weekday to go to work only, must call ahead of schedule the thing that the inquiry needs to take very much and the time that want to go can be dealt with.

- - the period of efficacy that quarantine proves to have only 5 days, return is not needing to be dealt with afresh inside period of efficacy, exceeded be about to be dealt with afresh from ground setting out, the conduction place specification that follows place is return the meeting is a lot of easier.

4. airport flow

- - the bar that goes dealing with value opportunity says with the staff member you want to consign pet, can let you go the bar of swift passage is dealt with

- - the baggage that deals with oneself first is consigned, offer quarantine proof next, vaccinal this, wild dog vaccine gets stuck.

- - go the bar paying fee of the airliner pays fee, pet is expended according to excess baggage.

Go baling place bale.

- - the bar before returning gives a staff member pet, next it is OK that he install check too

- - the pet that issued a plane to go to baggage place getting his directly is OK

9, the flow that pet consigns?

Pet consigns solution of detailed of whole technological process to arrange as follows:

One, seek advice freely

Communicate pet category, size with you, jumping-off place, service place, go-off, the price and program consign course and means.

2, come to receive bestow favor on

With you the agreement is received bestow favor on time and place, special comes to receive send!

3, carriage process

Raise a habit to make according to the individual difference of different pet exclusive pet carries plan; Raise a habit to provide corresponding feed service freely to pet according to what pet differs.

4, about quote

Quote is included (assistant manager certificate, carry basket, aviation charge, bale cost, come to receive bestow favor on, send bestow favor on excellent charge, reach destination airport 20 yuan - cost of 50 yuan pick up the goods)

5, consign preparation

Consign need to feed pet 7 minutes only before today full, consign need not feed in the morning feed, the arrangement after letting pet be excreted clean is consigned, avoid occurrence sanitation problem.

6, pet is excellent

Water should be fed first after pet is excellent, lie between two hours to feed grain again next. From the back a few days are maintained eat much food less to make pet acclimatization.

10, does the plane consign pet how plan cost?

Pet by air consign fare level: Weight of dog of dog of 1.5%(of price of airline ticket full + basket weight) + bale 10 yuan only cost (you oneself can pay this charge airline) . Pet consigns common step to be randomly: Choose airline ticket → to enquire → of cabin having oxygen applies for to oxygen cabin → prepares relevant certificate → to buy aviation box → to deal with consign to home randomly.

If want to consign pet certainly, must understand consign flow and roughly charge. The price that actually the plane consigns pet is not cheap, but taking beloved pet to travel also is not to cannot be accepted.

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