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长春哪家宠物医院好? 长春宠物医院哪家好?英文双语对照


长春哪家宠物医院好? 长春宠物医院哪家好?英文双语对照



2. 崇义长春市中心医院






8. 甜猫动物诊所

9. 来福宠物诊所







1. 长春市爱宠宠物医院:该医院成立于2005年,是一家集宠物医疗、美容、寄养、培训为一体的大型宠物医院。

2. 长春市宠物医院:该医院成立于1996年,是一家具有多年经验的宠物医院,拥有一支专业的宠物医疗团队。













不知道你家住哪里,我家就去过一个服务特别差的,就是支农大街上的 珍爱宠物医院, 他家店主2男的,戴眼镜的服务态度很好,另一个就你抱狗去买东西,都跟你欠他钱似的,而且对狗特别不好,有次带我家狗去安指甲套,我家狗不老实,他直接就把狗脖子上的防咬的东西,不解开就从狗抽出来上强抽下来说带不了,根本不爱护动物,特别差劲。 如果你家也住支农附近,千万别去他家就是了。





我家养了很多宝贝,犬瘟 细小 都是在那里治好的,手术做的也很好。长春这么多家宠物医院,我最信任他家!谁家宝贝有病了都着急,我把他家电话也给你 88732055,24小时都有人。


One, Changchun which pet hospital is good?

Hospital of animal of 1. Jilin university

2.Chong Yichang spring downtown hospital

3, luck sends me to love animal hospital (Jilin road branch department)

Hospital of pet of 4. grandson doctor

5. thanks doctor animal hospital (prosperous road polyclinic)

Hospital of pet of 6. week level ground (polyclinic)

Hospital of animal of 7. Ming Feng

8.Sweet feline animal clinic

9.Clinic of Lai Fuchong content

10. animal hospital

2, Changchun pet hospital which are good?

Luck sends pet hospital, hospital of Ji Dachong content, bestow favor on cheek to be born very good. Changchun pet hospital has a lot of, beans of medical treatment level is very pretty good, from the environment, establishment, for medical treatment condition afore-mentioned 3 very pretty good.

3, Changchun, is pet hospital best?

The hospital of lucky clique pet of field of 2 areas rainbow is pretty good still. Changchun pet hospital is very much, what did not call somewhat is best, want to say an environment, medical treatment level, reasonable collect fees for these a few respects. The hospital of lucky clique pet of 2 areas is pretty good still.

4, Changchun pet hospital which good?

1.The Changchun City loves to bestow favor on pet hospital: This hospital held water 2005, it is medical treatment of pet of a collect, hairdressing, fosterage, groom the large pet hospital that is an organic whole.

2.Hospital of pet of the Changchun City: This hospital held water 1996, it is a pet hospital that has old experience, have a group of professional pet medical treatment.

5, which is the pet hospital with best Changchun?

Changchun pet hospital has many 200, better:

1, hospital of Jilin university animal;

2, bestow favor on hospital of center of Ji Sheng Changchun;

3, hospital of animal of Xie Bo person. The home or this 3 public praise compare good pet hospital, have need you can look.

6, which pet hospital has compared Changchun?

Hospital of pet of Changchun Zhao Mingming is better.

Hospital of Zhao Mingming pet is in south close upgrade of crossroad of the Guan Daqiao austral Ou Yatai ave. Major of Changchun farming big vet graduates the doctor in the hospital, collect fees the price is not high. Medical treatment effect is very good. Individual very recommend.

7, which pet hospital relies on Changchun quite chart?

Hospital of pet of Changchun Zhao Mingming is better.

Hospital of Zhao Mingming pet is in south close upgrade of crossroad of the Guan Daqiao austral Ou Yatai ave. Major of Changchun farming big vet graduates the doctor in the hospital, collect fees the price is not high. Medical treatment effect is very good. Individual very recommend.

8, the pet hospital with better Changchun?

Do not know where you live in, my home has gone to serving special difference, it is support agriculture ave go up treasure pet hospital, his home merchant 2 male, the attitude of attending to guests that wears glasses is very good, another holds a dog in the arms to shop with respect to you, owe his Qian Shi with you, and particularly bad to the dog, have second area my home dog goes installing fingernail to cover, my home dog is not good, he prevents gnawing thing with respect to what get on dog neck directly, not unlock is taken out from the dog will go up to be smoked by force come down to say to be not taken, cherish an animal far from, particularly disappointing. If your home also lives near support agriculture, must not going to his home is.

9, the pet hospital with best the Changchun City?

In south involve an area east 4 driveway vessels have hospital of domestic darling pet over there Feng Zhen, I always go there and other those are compared rise, his home collects fees reasonable, and the doctor is particularly serious and responsible, particularly good to pet, special intention, a lot of baby that my home raises, canine acute communicable diseases is petty, cure over, what the operation does is very good also, changchun so much domestic pet hospital, I am the most trustful his home, whose home baby has anxious, I also give you word of his home appliance 88732055, 24 hours somebody

10, the pet hospital of Changchun where is best, the most responsible?

In south involve an area east 4 driveway vessels have hospital of domestic darling pet over there Feng Zhen, I always go there, and other those are compared rise, his home collects fees reasonable, and the doctor is particularly serious and responsible, particularly good to pet, special intention.

My home raised a lot of baby, canine acute communicable diseases is petty cure over, what the operation does is very good also. Changchun so much domestic pet hospital, I am the most trustful his home! Whose home baby is sick anxious, I also give you word of his home appliance 88732055, 24 hours somebody.
