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2、昂科雷(Enclave )

3、荣御(Royaum ) :获得中国国际汽车周“中国汽车市场调查04-05年度中国十大车型


5、君越 (Larcosse) :LaCROSSE君越,天生激情融入血液,倾志于创新与突破,动静相得益彰,造就非凡的驾乘体验。

6、 凯越(Excelle) :获得“第二届晶报汽车节”“深圳市民最喜爱的车型评选”

7、英朗(Excelle )

8、林荫大道(Park Avenue) :2010款全新别克林荫大道全系搭载全新的3.0L V6 SIDI智能直喷发动机及六速手自一体智能变速箱,并提升了轮胎及轮毂的规格















,空气内循环标志是:小车图标+一个在车内转向的箭头。 空气外循环标志是:小车图标+一个从外向内的、外循环





1.以品牌英文名首字母或简写作为车标 英文首字母:举例:雷克萨斯的'L'、本田的‘H’、现代的‘H’、ACURA的‘A’、迈巴赫的‘M’ 名称简写:举例:大众的'VW'...

2.以品牌英文全称作为车标 举例:SMART精灵、KIA起亚、FORD福特、FAIT菲亚特...

3.以象征物件作为车标 举例:玛莎拉蒂的海神叉、兰博基尼的牛、别克的三个盾牌、法拉利的马

4.以抽象图形作为汽车标志 举例:奥迪的四环、三菱的三个菱形、雷诺的菱形、丰田三环相扣








1、长得漂亮(打一汽车品牌) 标致

  2、远大的抱负(打一汽车品牌) 凌志

  3、赤壁拒曹欠什么(打一汽车品牌) 东风

  4、狠赚一笔(打一汽车品牌) 大发

  5、识途千里驹(打一汽车品牌) 马自达

  6、自留地(打一汽车品牌) 本田

  7、富饶的土地(打一汽车品牌) 丰田

  8、汗血名驹(打一汽车品牌) 宝马

  9、探索未解之谜(打一汽车品牌) 奥迪


  11、登机乐呵呵(打一汽车品牌) 哈飞

  12、绝对论 (汽车品牌) 道奇

  13、高考结束后(汽车品牌) 解放

  14、纸尿布(打一汽车的名字) 保时捷

  15、理发(打汽车的品牌) 法拉利

  16、祥瑞满人间(打一车种) 吉普

  17、福气渊源(打一汽车品牌) 福特

  18、倭寇逞凶狂(打一汽车品牌) 日野


  20、野兔赛跑(打一汽车品牌) 跃进


  22、一块心肝肉(打一汽车品牌) 佳宝

  23、孔明借得巧 ,白天喜得子(打一合资品牌)东风日产


  25、六宫粉黛无颜色(打一汽车型号) 佳美

  26、精致的`小楼(打一汽车型号) 雅阁



  29、天子震怒 (打一汽车型号名) 君威

  30、资本雄厚要有为(打一汽车型号名) 富康

  31、千里江陵一日还(打一汽车型号名) 捷达

  32、胜事报君知(打一汽车型号名) 捷达王

  33、秋色不把春色让(打一汽车型号名) 金杯

  34、愈来愈蛮横(打一车种) 越野


What does homebred car brand have, encyclopedia of homebred car brand?

Red flag, China morning BMW, Beijing runs quickly, strange luck car, wide steam Xue Tielong of this cropland, Li Fan, east wind, east wind is beautiful, auspicious car and Chang'an car, Great Wall car, Biyadi.

Patulous data: Homebred car is to point to the car that produces in home, also include joint-stock car. Have pure homebred car and blame pure homebred car, both definition is different. If Ao Di cent is,be just like entrance and homebred two kinds of models, of the entrance is truckload entrance, homebredly is assemble in product line of car of our country place, the technology is abroad however.

Pure homebred car namely own brand, the model that for instance the banner such as strange luck, auspicious, red flag, Li Fan finishs is entirely homebred. His this homebred the homebred concept with above Ao Di is different.

Is Germany produces a car not to overcome a car an encyclopedia?

Department of the car that fasten a gram knows as follows:

1, Angkela (Encore)

2, Angkelei (Enclave)

3, flourish drive (Royaum) : Gain week of China International car " Chinese car market research 04 - 10 cart of 05 year China

4, Jun Wei (Regal)

5, Jun Yue (Larcosse) : LaCROSSE Jun Yue, inherent passion blends in blood, bend annals at innovation and breakthrough, activity bring out the best in each other, bring up drive extremely by the experience.

6, triumphant jump over (Excelle) : Obtain " division of car of newspaper of the 2nd brilliant " " Shenzhen citizen most the model that love is chosen "

7, Ying Lang (Excelle)

8, ave (Park Avenue) : 2010 brand-new whole department of the ave that fasten a gram carries intelligence of brand-new 3.0L V6 SIDI straight gush engine reachs 6 fast hands from gear-box of intelligence of an organic whole, promoted the norms of tire and hub

9, GT (Excelle) : GT is general motors is in first times the global car that Chinese head is sent and takes the lead in appearing on the market.

Do not overcome mark encyclopedia?

The design of " of 3 benefit sword is " of the be similar in shape in the brand that fasten a gram in all graphical brand, the Li Jian with those 3 different color (from left to right it is red, white, La San to plant respectively color) , ordinal arrange in different height locally, give a person the sense of a kind of active enterprising, ceaseless ascend.  

The English car mark of the car that fasten a gram originates the surname that the virgin National People's Congress of this company defends · to fasten a gram. And whole brand is a volant lanneret be about to fall on the English letter that does not overcome. It is symbolizing the ground that be not being overcome is lanneret optimal perch.

Lens mark encyclopedia?

1, according to look a way

Depending on the lens that look a way is to have invisible of the Logo that prevent bogus (mist shows sign -- Crizal) , did not obliterate according to the lens that look a way diaphragm when, breath out at a heat, show on lens " Crizal " (except La Jing beyond) .

2, Cai Si of · blocking Er

All Cai blocking Er manage lens can have laser laser to prevent bogus to label, figure is similar two small flag that close, it is not easy that laser laser prevents bogus to label by me-too, and each lens has former plant guarantee card.

3, elegant lens of a person of extraordinary powers

Lens of elegant different set has a person of extraordinary powers to prevent bogus number differently, in a certain specific angle, we can see a group of code name.

Is mark encyclopedia blocked before?

What the windshield before the car sticks is 3 kinds of marks, it is a yearly check respectively environmental protection of mark, car indicates and fall strong danger mark.

Encyclopedia of car air mark?

, mark of the loop inside air is: Car icon + an arrowhead that changes direction inside the car. Mark of air outer circulation is: Car icon + from extroversion inside, outer circulation

Say simply, the action of outer circulation connects the air of inside and outside of be open to traffic namely, achieve the goal of compensatory fresh air thereby. Open the word of outer circulation, the air of car inside and outside is interlinked. In the process of car travel, air current can use wind pressure inside automatic and inspiratory car; When car is dormant, the air outside the car can enter air-blower down spirit way, again by air-blower inbreathe car inside, and enter the air inside the car again by the steam vent eduction of railroad car rear, achieve circular result thereby.

2, inside circulate

Contrary inside the air current passageway that circulate even if shut car inside and outside, by air-blower belt the air inside motor-car is undertaken circular, let air flow inside railroad car only. We know the quantity containing oxygen inside the car is finite, so most circumstance issues us or want to open outer circulation, maintain airiness of car inside and outside, but fall in certain and special situation, we also must want to use inside circularly, can have deadly risk really otherwise. .

Encyclopedia of car brand mark?

1. do with brand English name initial or logogram regard Che Biaoying as article initial: ? Luo? of this Leikesasi's 'L' , cropland ' H ' , contemporary ' H ' , of ACURA ' A ' , stride Bach ' M ' name logogram: ? 'VW' of Luo? popular. . .

2. regards car mark as citing with brand English full name: SMART demon, KIA rises inferior, FORD Ford, FAIT Feiyate. . .

Does 3. regard car mark citing as: with indicative thing? Cape of  of ┗ of disease of ⒗ of Jin of insane of I of dusk of vulgar of Cheng   ! Does ⒈ Li say  of  of ɡ of ⒎ of Pi of Bi of graceful  Tiao solemn?

Does 4. regard a car as mark citing: with abstract graph? Is busy department ⒗ of lofty of Wu of Juan of graceful  of badger of  of act two ⑷ to wear does  of Strontium of cub of ⒎ of lofty of archives herd Wu abandon Nie?

Does Kaidilake indicate picture encyclopedia?

Kaidilake (Hong Kong interpret is made " beautiful gets benefit " ) it is brand of a luxurious car, 1902 (Ren the third of the twelve Earthly Branches year) the Detroit of the city that is born at be known as American car.

Kaidilake the car is newest the car label that designed corollaceous shield. The car mark of new design contains bold and clean-cut edges and corners, mirrorred the design concept that Kaidilake did not come to. New corollaceous reservation existing color is combined - - golden with pure black set each other off, indicative wisdom and fortune; Gules, symbolic move is courageous and resolute; Silvery white, representing pure, beneficent, goodness and abundant; Blue, representing the chivalrous spirit like the knight. Car mark is an impression with platinic gold color.

Encyclopedia of Chinese country mark?

The national mark of People's Republic of China basically includes ensign, national emblem, national anthem, capital and National Day day. National sign says the country is indicative again, it is to point to what set by constitution and law commonly, of the dominion that represents a state, independence and dignity symbolize and indicate.

National sign says the country is indicative again, it is to point to what set by constitution and law commonly, of the dominion that represents a state, independence and dignity symbolize and indicate. The national mark of People's Republic of China basically includes ensign, national emblem, national anthem, capital and National Day day. National mark mirrorred the historical tradition of a country, ethos, even polity and regime. Still have, it is helpful for strengthening ethical sense of pride of the countryman and patriotism feeling.

Encyclopedia of car mark riddle?

1, grow beautifully (make one car brand) beautiful

2, ambitious aspiration (make one car brand) Ling Zhi

3, what does Chibi refus Cao owe (make one car brand) east wind

4, firm earns brushstroke (make one car brand) big hair

5, foal of a thousand li that know way (make one car brand) Ma Zida

6, plot of land for personal needs (make one car brand) this cropland

7, abundant land (make one car brand) Feng Tian

8, foal of sweat blood name (make one car brand) BMW

9, the mystery that exploration did not solve (make one car brand) Ao Di

10, your left and right sides is blackland ground (make one car brand) Woerwo

11, board the plane buoyant (make one car brand) Ha Fei

12, absolutism (car brand) Dodge

13, after the university entrance exam ends (car brand) liberate

14, paper diaper (the name that makes one car) protect Shi Jie

15, tonsorial (the brand that makes a car) farad benefit

16, auspicious sign full world (hit one car to plant) jeep

17, good luck origin (make one car brand) Ford

18, Japanese pirates acts violently mad (make one car brand) day is wild

19, hook ax color is like fire (make one car brand) red flag

20, hare race (make one car brand) leap forward

21, Da Sanjiang of unripe enthusiasm flourishing (make one car brand) Chang He

22, flesh of a conscience (make one car brand) beautiful treasure

23, Kong Ming borrows opportunely, be fond of by day child (make one joint-stock brand) east wind day is produced

24, the body be good at, the head is clear (make brand of one car component) Kangmingsi

25, black of 6 palace pink does not have color (make one car model) Camry

26, delicate ` Xiaolou (make one car model) elegant cabinet

27, body of have ample food and clothing be good at (make one car model) Fu Kang

28, 67 big money is made between the month (make one car model) Xiali

29, the emperor be furious (make name of one car model) Jun Wei

30, capital is abundant want promising (make name of one car model) Fu Kang

31, hill of river of a thousand li is returned one day (make name of one car model) nimble is amounted to

32, gentleman of newspaper success a thing knows (make name of one car model) nimble is amounted to king

33, autumn scenery does not let spring scenery (make name of one car model) golden cup

34, more and more overbearing (hit one car to plant) cross-country

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