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端午粽子文案? 端午手工粽子文案?英文双语对照


端午粽子文案? 端午手工粽子文案?英文双语对照


1. 端午节,粽子飘香,一份传统的味道,一份浓浓的家的感觉,让我们一起来晒晒美味的粽子吧!

2. 端午节,粽子是必备的美食,让我们一起来晒晒自己亲手包的粽子,分享这份喜悦和甜蜜。

3. 端午节,一份粽子,一份思念,让我们一起晒晒自己心灵手巧的粽子,送去家人的温馨和关爱。

4. 端午节,粽子是传统美食,更是家庭的关爱,让我们一起晒晒自己和家人一起包粽子的欢乐时光。

5. 端午节,粽子是美食,也是文化,让我们一起晒晒自己对传统文化的热爱,让粽子的美味和文化传承下去。











1. 糯米:500克

2. 粽叶:适量(如竹叶、苇叶等)

3. 馅料:如红豆、绿豆、五花肉、蛋黄、红枣等,根据个人口味选择

4. 绳子:用于绑扎粽子


1. 准备粽叶:将粽叶洗净,用热水浸泡至软,然后将粽叶沥干水分,备用。

2. 准备馅料:将所选馅料提前煮熟或处理成熟,备用。

3. 泡糯米:将糯米提前用冷水浸泡3-4小时,泡好的糯米沥干水分。

4. 包粽子:将两张粽叶叠在一起,从中间卷成一个圆锥形。在圆锥形的粽叶中放入一部分糯米,然后放入馅料,再盖上一层糯米。将粽叶的剩余部分折叠覆盖在糯米上,包紧。然后用绳子将粽子绑扎紧实。

5. 煮粽子:将包好的粽子放入大锅中,加入足够的水,确保水完全没过粽子。大火煮开后转中小火,继续煮2-3小时,直到糯米熟透。在煮的过程中,注意加水以保持水面覆盖粽子。

6. 出锅:粽子煮熟后,捞出晾凉,即可食用。






端午粽子的编制方法是将用粽叶包裹的糯米饭搭配各种馅料编织而成的。 1. 首先,需要先将粽叶准备好,将其泡软并清洗干净。2. 然后,将糯米饭和需要的馅料混合,放入粽叶中。3. 将粽叶对折笼起来,用细绳子固定,备用。4. 最后,将制作好的粽子放入锅中,用水煮熟即可享用。除了传统的肉粽和甜粽之外,现在还有很多创意的粽子口味,如咸蛋黄肉粽、豆沙粽、提拉米苏粽等等,每一款都有着特别的味道和制作方式。除了吃粽子,还有观赛龙舟等端午节的传统活动,趣味和文化融合,让人们感受到浓浓的节日气氛。


















  12、盘斗九子粽,瓯擎五云浆。 ——温庭筠《鸿胪寺有开元中锡宴堂楼台池沼雅为胜绝荒凉…成四十韵》











1. 粽子象征着团圆,吃粽子寓意着团圆美满,家庭和睦。

2. 五月初五,吃粽子,祈求平安,消灾去病。

3. 粽子的形状象征着锥子,寓意着能力和智慧,吃粽子寓意着聪明才智、事业有成。

4. 吃粽子,象征着祭祖,表达对祖先的感恩和敬意。

5. 粽子是黄色的,寓意着金黄色的温暖和光辉,吃粽子寓意着生活幸福、充满阳光。




1. 准备好粽叶和糯米,将糯米浸泡在水中约2小时,至少30分钟。

2. 将粽叶放在水中煮约10分钟,直到变软。取出粽叶放在凉水中浸泡30分钟,直至柔软。

3. 取一片粽叶,将两端对折成三角形,将两个角折起,成为一个小口袋。

4. 将糯米放入口袋中,加入自己喜欢的馅料,如肉、蛋、豆沙等。

5. 将口袋口处对折,捏紧。

6. 将粽子两端对折,向上折一下,向下折一下,形成一个菱形。

7. 将两侧的粽叶向中间折,并用绳子或草绳紧绑。

8. 将粽子放入开水中煮约2小时,或用电饭煲蒸约3小时。

9. 取出粽子,晾凉后即可食用。


1. 糯米浸泡时间要足够,否则会煮不熟。

2. 粽叶要煮软,以便编织。

3. 编织时要注意绑紧,否则粽子会散开。

4. 煮粽子时要加足水,以免煮干或糯米煮不熟。




- 绿色和彩色毛线

- 填充物(如棉花或海绵)

- 缝纫针和线

- 剪刀

- 端午节装饰品(如小粽子、彩色丝带等)


1. 准备一个长而细的绿色毛线,长度根据个人需要确定(一般建议比头围稍长一些)。

2. 将绿色毛线绕在一个硬纸板或者类似的东西上,绕成粽子的形状。绕的过程中,可以适当压紧,使得粽子的形状更加清晰。

3. 制作两个相同大小的绿色毛线粽子。

4. 将两个绿色毛线粽子的底部用缝纫针和线缝合在一起,注意不要缝合顶部。

5. 拿一小段彩色毛线,将头围的两端系在一起以形成一个环状的头饰基地。

6. 将缝合好的粽子头饰固定在头饰基地上,用缝纫针和线缝合,确保稳固。

7. 在缝制的粽子上,可以使用丝带、小粽子、小绒球等装饰物进行装饰,使头饰更加生动有趣。

8. 最后,根据个人喜好,可以在头饰基地的两端系上彩色丝带,增加装饰效果。如果喜欢,还可以自行添加其他端午节相关的元素。



One, table of article of the zhongzi that carry midday?

1.Dragon boat festival, the zhongzi waves sweet, a traditional flavour, the feeling of a great home, let us be basked in together bask in delicate zhongzi!

2.Dragon boat festival, the zhongzi is necessary cate, let us bask in the zhongzi that basks in our to be wrapped with one's own hands together, share this joyance and sweetness.

3.Dragon boat festival, a zhongzi, a longing, let us be basked in together bask in the zhongzi with him deft heart, send the warmth of family and care.

4.Dragon boat festival, the zhongzi is traditional cate, it is domestic care more, let us bask in the happy time that basks in oneself and family to wrap a zhongzi together together.

5.Dragon boat festival, the zhongzi is cate, also be culture, let us be basked in together bask in oneself to be opposite of traditional culture have deep love for, those who let a zhongzi is delicate go down with culture inheritance.

2, table of article of zhongzi of the handiwork that carry midday?

Dragon boat festival is traditional festival of China, also be the time that takes a zhongzi. To make this festival more significant, can try oneself to start work do a zhongzi. The article table that is zhongzi of a handiwork that carry midday below, consult for you:

Dragon boat festival arrived, traditional manual zhongzi also became the festal cate with indispensable people. Today, we start a hand to do a delicate manual zhongzi!

Above all, prepare Zong leaf, polished glutinous rice, pork, Xianggu mushroom, salty yoke to wait feed capable person. Immerse polished glutinous rice ahead of schedule one in the evening, pork and Xianggu mushroom cut small, salty yoke cuts Ding Zhuang to reserve.

Next, iron Zong leaf with hot water soft, fold two Zong leaf rise, into form of a funnel. Wait for polished glutinous rice, pork, Xianggu mushroom and salty yoke in feeding material to put Zong leaf, with leaf of hand general Zong wrap up rises, heal place wants to be fastened with drawstring.

Finally, in putting the zhongzi that has wrapped hot water, thoroughly cook can. Need to boil 1-2 about hour, till polished glutinous rice squashy, fragrance 4 excessive.

Although the manual zhongzi that make compares take time arduous, but in this process, we can experience the glamour of traditional culture, also can enjoy oneself to start work made contented sense. Let us be in together dragon boat festival in this extraordinary time, sample the delicate and manual zhongzi that oneself make!

3, practice of zhongzi of the bag that carry midday?

Dragon boat festival is the festival of Chinese tradition, one of congratulatory means wrap a zhongzi namely. The zhongzi is expect with all sorts of stuffing with polished glutinous rice wrap up is in Zong leaf, next evaporate is boiled to ripe food. It is a kind of simple bag zhongzi way below:

What require data:

1.Polished glutinous rice: 500 grams

2.Zong leaf: Right amount (wait like leaf of Zhu Xie, reed)

3.Stuffing makings: Wait like ormosia, gram, steaky pork, yoke, red jujube, according to individual taste choice

4.Cord: Use at colligation zhongzi


1.Prepare Zong page: Wash Zong leaf clean, bubble of the leach that use heat comes soft, do Zong leaf drop moisture next, reserve.

2.Prepare stuffing material: place the makings that choose stuffing is thoroughlied cook ahead of schedule or processing matures, reserve.

3.Bubble polished glutinous rice: Use polished glutinous rice hour of 3-4 of cold leach bubble ahead of schedule, the drop of polished glutinous rice with good bubble does moisture.

4.Bag zhongzi: Fold leaf of two pieces of Zong together, from the roll into intermediate a conic form. One part polished glutinous rice is entered in conic Zong Xie Zhongfang, put stuffing stuff next, build a polished glutinous rice again. Zong fold enclothes odd part of the leaf to go up in polished glutinous rice, the bag is close. Use close fact of colligation of cord general zhongzi next.

5.The zhongzi that boil: Good the bag zhongzi is put into caldron, add enough water, ensure water has done not have a zhongzi completely. In after conflagration is boiled, turning small fire, continue to boil 2-3 hour, till polished glutinous rice squashy. In boiled process, the attention adds water to enclothe a zhongzi in order to carry water.

6.Give boiler: After the zhongzi is thoroughlied cook, fish out air is cool, can edible.

This is a kind of simple bag zhongzi method, you can choose different stuffing makings according to your taste and be fond of. When wrapping a zhongzi, the attention includes close Zong part of a historical period, ensure polished glutinous rice is not shown. In the process of the zhongzi that boil, maintain small fire to be boiled slow, lest gelatinization of polished glutinous rice. Wish you dragon boat festival is happy, bag zhongzi is successful!

4, the antecedents of the zhongzi that carry midday?

The traditional Chinese calendar at the beginning of May 5 it is dragon boat festival, folk has the habit that has a zhongzi, fokelore is to commemorate chancellery bends country of Hunan of period of the Warring States former. Qu Yuan is our country's great patriotism poet, he advocates Chu Guolian joins neat state actively, country of beat back the Qin Dynasty, his opinion was not adopted, was stopped instead official, hair match remote place. Hunan country is about ruined when, the traditional Chinese calendar on May 5 this day, qu Yuan casts Mi Luo Jiang to commit suicide.

After fabulous Qu Yuan is dead, grief of Chu Guobai surname is unusual, embrace side of Mi collect river to visit Qu Yuan in succession. Fisher people delimit a ship, salvage his true body back and forth on the river. A fisher takes out the food such as the rice group that plans for Qu Yuan, egg, "Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat " the ground is lost into Jiang Li, saying is to make ichthyosaur shrimp crab satiate, won't bite the body that bends a doctor, after people sees in succession imitated. An old doctor takes wine of one altar realgar to fall into Jiang Li, saying is to want animal of water of dragon of medical dizzy flood dragon, lest harm bends a doctor. It is place of flood dragon dragon to feed to be afraid that the meal is round later, people is thought up get or supply meals at a fixed rate with chinaberry leaf, colour silk tangles outside, development becomes a zhongzi. After, be in annual at the beginning of May 5, had dragon boat boatrace, eat the custom such as the zhongzi, yellow rice or millet wine that drink hero.

5, how is the zhongzi that carry midday made up?

The work out method of the zhongzi that carry midday is the glutinous rice that laps the leaf that use Zong tie-in all sorts of stuffing expect braid and become. 1. Above all, need prepares Zong page first, its bubble is soft clean clean. 2. Next, mix the stuffing makings of meal of polished glutinous rice and need, put Zong Xie Zhong. 3. Zong leaf 50% discount basket rise, use fine cord to secure, reserve. 4. Finally, put the zhongzi that has made into boiler, thoroughly cook with water can enjoy. The fleshy Zong besides the tradition and sweet besides Zong, there still is the zhongzi taste of a lot of originalities now, like Zong of Zong of salty yoke flesh, sweetened bean taste, carry rummy revive Zong is waited a moment, each are having taste particularly and make way. Besides eat a zhongzi, still have the traditional activity of the dragon boat festival such as the dragon boat that watch game, gout and culture are shirt-sleeve, let people experience thick festal atmosphere.

6, upright midday -- the antecedents of the zhongzi?

Eating a zhongzi is to be commemorative Qu Yuan, fabulous zhongzi is to be what hold a memorial ceremony for casts the Qu Yuan of the river and inheritance comes down.

The traditional Chinese calendar at the beginning of May 5 it is dragon boat festival, folk has the habit that has a zhongzi, fokelore is to commemorate chancellery bends country of Hunan of period of the Warring States former. Qu Yuan is our country's great patriotism poet, he advocates Chu Guolian joins neat state actively, country of beat back the Qin Dynasty, his opinion was not adopted, was stopped instead official, hair match remote place. Hunan country is about ruined when, the traditional Chinese calendar on May 5 this day, qu Yuan casts Mi Luo Jiang to commit suicide.

After fabulous Qu Yuan is dead, grief of Chu Guobai surname is unusual, embrace side of Mi collect river to visit Qu Yuan in succession. Fisher people delimit a ship, salvage his true body back and forth on the river. A fisher takes out the food such as the rice group that plans for Qu Yuan, egg, "Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat " the ground is lost into Jiang Li, saying is to make ichthyosaur shrimp crab satiate, won't bite the body that bends a doctor, after people sees in succession imitated. An old doctor takes wine of one altar realgar to fall into Jiang Li, saying is to want animal of water of dragon of medical dizzy flood dragon, lest harm bends a doctor. It is place of flood dragon dragon to feed to be afraid that the meal is round later, people is thought up get or supply meals at a fixed rate with chinaberry leaf, colour silk tangles outside, development becomes a zhongzi. After, be in annual at the beginning of May 5, had dragon boat boatrace, eat the zhongzi, custom such as the yellow rice or millet wine that drink hero, will commemorate patriotic poet Qu Yuan with this.

Since then, annual dragon boat festival that day, people is delimiting dragon boat sends a zhongzi to Mi Luo Jiang. This is dragon boat festival eats a zhongzi to delimit the antecedents of dragon boat

7, Duanwu and zhongzi line?

1, willow of Zong round peach, be filled with door compotation, calamus, come back quarter individual person. -- Song Qin watchs maladjusted name " upright midday " word make pauses in reading unpunctuated ancient writings

2, bamboo of Zong sweet canister is tender, broil is fragile child goose is bright. -- Bai Juyi " get a Summer Solstice to recall Suzhou to show Lu visitor with the dream "

3, clever all die after wave, it is a Chang Yulan. Zong of skin of the bamboo of colour detailed green jade, sweet Jing Bai Yu is round. Fine of the person that die is sufferred from oneself, today the person is instead joyous. -- Tang Yuanshen " watch summer 10 "

4, pomegranate flower is coquettish in May carbonado, green poplar take rain to hang down hang down heavy, 5 kinds of new silk pester horny Zong. -- Ou Yangxiu " fishing home is proud pomegranate spent · in May coquettish carbonado "

5, Hua Jingqiao of the four seasons, 9 child Zong is contended for new. -- Tang Lilong base " explore of 3 Dian Yanqun's official get upright midday divine word "

6, round Zong Ming Dynasty insipidity, mo gives birth to calamus now sweet. -- Yang Moli " upright midday drinks alone "

7, clever all die after wave, it is a Chang Yulan. Zong of skin of the bamboo of colour detailed green jade, sweet Jing Bai Yu is round. -- Yuan Zhen " watch summer 10 "

8, not only dish in tangerine seeing Lu, when at Yang Mei is gotten in Zong. -- Su Shi " empress dowager cabinet stage of dark pool of wood of the Lin Zhen on 6 · "

9, 5 kinds of new silk pester horny Zong, gold dish send, unripe Xiao draws a Pan Shuangfeng. Just about bath orchid season is moved, calamus wine beauty is clear honour in all. -- Ou Yangxiu of the Song Dynasty " Yu Jiaao " (pomegranate flower is coquettish in May carbonado)

10, one by one vulture dish the Zong that divide Hunan, heavy circular fan draws Qin E. -- Yan Shu " · of imperial palace of · of the word that carry midday one by one vulture dish the Zong that divide Hunan "

11, Zong pares snow skin on bright banquet, bone of wine bend jade is mirrorred in the cup. -- Kong Wuzhong " day of midday of end of cupreous hill county sends brother 2 · send Ji Yi "

12, dish fight 9 child Zong, ou props up 5 cloud oar. -- Wen Tingjun " grand temple setting out has yuan in pond of Xi Yantang a high building is elegant to get the better of absolutely desolate... into 40 charm "

13, collect silk to pester Zong to move Jia Chen, bath Dian Fengsheng draws fan annulus. -- king " inside upright midday in · of cabinet of emperor of card word · collects silk to pester Zong to move Jia Chen "

14, do not come 3 pare Zong, recall 4 promulgate the garment. -- bring a life " heavy 5 listen to dream talking about yesterday "

15, water wind blows a hall to send small cool, bamboo leaf gold dish the zhongzi is sweet.

16, agonized calamus tea, zong of gooey blueness San . -- Shi Shao covered with clouds " Ji eulogy tea of 117 · agonized calamus "

17, greedy kiss slants pity Zong Li Xiang, new clothes no matter bursa dogwood is smelly. -- Fan Cheng is big " in disease not answer foreword asking a red-letter day, 4 encounter heavy this world, both neither can uprise, "

18, Chi Cuibai of extortion wine ancient wine vessel, lazy leaf opening Zong looks for Yang Mei. -- minister light " He Ziyuan divides night "

19, 9 child Zong sweet celestial being sweets wine ripe, in all look up Chen extremely Zhu Qianchun. -- Yan Shu " cloak of · of imperial palace of · of the word that carry midday fastens hall ground not to have dirt "

20, rice of Jiao Zong Xie Baozheng, wild camellia nods grass-leafed sweetflag. -- Shi Shao covered with clouds " peak of 102 · violet Zhi plays Ji song "

8, is the zhongzi that carry midday lucky language?

Zhongzi of edible of dragon boat festival had made the one part of Chinese traditional culture, accordingly, during dragon boat festival, a lot of people can convey blessing and lucky speech with the zhongzi. It is the lucky language of a few zhongzis below:

1.The zhongzi is indicative reunion, eat zhongzi implied meaning to wear reunion is perfect, the family is harmonious.

2.At the beginning of May 5, eat a zhongzi, invocatory and restful, disappear calamity goes ill.

3.The appearance of the zhongzi is indicative awl, the implied meaning is worn ability and wisdom, eat zhongzi implied meaning to wear intelligence an wisdom, career has.

4.Eat a zhongzi, indicative hold a memorial ceremony for ancestor, convey pair of ancestors be thankful and devoir.

5.The zhongzi is yellow, the implied meaning is worn the warm He Guanghui of golden color, eat zhongzi implied meaning to wear life happiness, be full of sunshine.

Anyhow, zhongzi implied meaning is worn lucky, perfect with reunion. During dragon boat festival, eating a zhongzi is the experience of a kind of traditional culture not only, also be the means that expression is blessed and is thankful.

9, weave of Duan Wusheng zhongzi?

The answer is as follows: The weave of zhongzi of the dragon boat festival that make is as follows:

1.Prepare Zong leaf and polished glutinous rice, immerse polished glutinous rice to make an appointment with 2 hours in water, at least 30 minutes.

2.About 10 minutes boil Zong Xie Fang in water, till molten. Take out Zong Xie Fang to immerse 30 minutes in cold water, till soft.

3.Take page of a Zong, two end 50% discount triangularly, tuck up two horn, make a little bag.

4.Put polished glutinous rice into the pocket, join the stuffing stuff that oneself like, wait like the flesh, egg, sweetened bean taste.

5.Be in pocket mouth 50% discount, hold close.

6.the zhongzi two end are 50% discount, fold up, fold downward, form a lozenge.

7.The Zong two side is folded between Xie Xiangzhong, bind closely with cord or careless rope.

8.Put the zhongzi into boiled water to boil about 2 hours, or evaporate of Bao of the meal that use phone makes an appointment with 3 hours.

9.Take out a zhongzi, after air is cool can edible.


1.Polished glutinous rice immerses time wants enough, can boil otherwise not ripe.

2.Zong leaf should be boiled soft, so that braid.

3.When braiding, should notice to bind close, otherwise the zhongzi will be diffuse.

4.Enough water should be added when the zhongzi that boil, lest boil,work or polished glutinous rice is boiled not ripe.

10, practice of tire of the zhongzi that carry midday?

The move that makes tire of the zhongzi that carry midday is as follows:


- green and chromatic wool

- filler (be like cotton or sponge)

- sew needle and line

- scissors

- adornment of dragon boat festival (if small zhongzi, color is lacy,wait)


1.Prepare a long and fine green wool, length needs to decide according to the individual (general proposal is surrounded than the head a bit a few longer) .

2.Circle green wool on the thing with a similar perhaps chipboard, circle into the appearance of the zhongzi. In the process that bypass, OK and proper impaction, make the appearance of the zhongzi more clear.

3.Make the green wool zhongzi of two same size.

4.Use the bottom of zhongzi of two green wool sew needle and line suture to be together, the attention does not want suture coping.

5.Take wool of a paragraph of small color, the two end that surround the head are fastened together in order to form a cricoid tire base.

6.Tire secures good suture zhongzi to go up in tire base, close with sew needle and seam, ensure firm.

7.On the zhongzi of tailor, can use the ornamental such as ball of lacy, small zhongzi, small cloth with soft nap to undertake decorating, make tire more vivid and interesting.

8.Finally, according to individual be fond of, can be in the color of two upright strung of tire base is lacy, increase adornment result. If like, still can add the element related other dragon boat festival by oneself.

Make after finishing, can wear tire of this lovely the zhongzi that carry midday! Remember choosing material and ornamental according to individual be fond of, make move according to needing to adjust.

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