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“强者都是含泪奔跑的人”,如果你忍受了被人欺负的苦,并且有了忍辱负重的能力,坚持超越别人,注定会 越来越强大。









比方说,在职场上,你的同事总是欺负你,把工作推给你,把错误转嫁给你。一开始,你应该学会忍受,看看同事的态度,是否会转变。如果同事一直欺负你,那么你就应该学会“先发制人”,在合适的时候,收集同事工作不力的证据,抓住他违背道德的 把柄,让他产生“投鼠忌器”的心理。




善良的人,当自己没有力量和别人对抗的时候,就别 轻易翻脸,当自己的力量变得强大了,汇聚的正能量多了,别人对你就无计可施了,恶人也会自惭形秽。


Ma Shan is ridden, person be apt to by person bully.

Be an upright person should frank devoir, but should guard a bottom line. When others breaks through a bottom line, should backstroke of do all one can, cannot lower his head all the time, be regarded as soft persimmon.

Someone says: "When your rile honest person, you do not have even the opportunity that kneel down. You do not have even the opportunity that kneel down..

This word very bully gas, but an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth backstroke means, can harm others not only, also can harm oneself, not desirable. With person fall out, from now on one should care his own business, never in contact with each other, it is oneself gave an evil energy of life it seems that, it is to give oneself in the dark actually " bury fell " animosity.

Does loss loss photograph sign up for when? When be being bullied, the strongest fight back, not be fall out, however the following kinds of means. Go with wisdom and actual strength conquer others, 100 times better than mutual combat.

When be being bullied, the strongest fight back, not be fall out, however the following kinds of means


The society is silent, bear disgrace not argue.

Have a kind of state, cry " suffer from and not character, be fond of and not language " . When you and person fall out when, oneself disposition is very irratable, utterance is very offensive also, the possibility that conflicts with person happening is very large. If you keep silence, those who bear others is derisive, others canned say nothing instead.

The mouth is the axe that injure a person, character is the knife that cut a tongue. Labial gun have a verbal battle with, often most injure a person, harm others while, also meet oneself bring a trouble. With such means and others combat, not desirable.

Just think, when you and others argue, you can be in an unfavorable situation likely, because you do not have ability and others,contend. The person with two not quits actual strength, mutual stronger, a of weak force, more be in an unfavorable situation, it is the business that did throw egg against rock even, also turned over without the opportunity again later.

"Silent it is gold " . Keep quiet, allow what to say by others, a few offensive words, left ear is entered, right ear goes out.

My grandfather once said: "A person, if was defeated by the utterance of others, the psychological quality that shows this person is too poor. The fling abuses of others, the mouth that is others not accumulate virtue, concern without what with oneself. Concern without what with oneself..

The heart of a person is more powerful, won't care about others more " invective " . When your word to others ignore when, others consciousness feel snubbed, went away slowly.

Talk to wall every day when a person, what meaning is there? Oneself say so that the mouth does glossal dry, but wall however absolutely still, say tired, can shut up sooner or later. Accordingly, you should keep quiet, when others bullies you with utterance, do " wall " , become impregnable fortress slowly.

When be being bullied, the strongest fight back, not be fall out, however the following kinds of means


The society tries hard, surmount others.

Others bullies you, often be " swashbuckling " , if you are more more powerful than others, how dare others bully you?

In our village, have a youth, because left leg is a few shorter, walk lamely, often be made fun of. A few strong people, often still bully him. In summer when, in the youth's rice field, always lack water, others brings water intentionally to the rice field of oneself, if the water in the rice field of oneself became full, aux would rather bring water in field ditch, also do not give a youth.

Lie between when old, youth suddenly change one's identity, became the farmer of the village. More than 100 bellwether were raised in the home, still reclaimed orchard and pound, year income hundred thousands of.

Now, youth also no longer young, became middleaged person, but the pose that walk, it is as before lamely, very ugly. Mockingly his person, shut up, each is before him, vertical stroke has thumb. Once bullied his person, when encountering with him, bypass and travel, feel very " embarrassed " .

"Overmatch is tearful run person " , if you sufferred the pain that is bullied, and had the capacity of endure humiliation in order to carry out an important task, insist to surmount others, be destined to meet more and more powerful.

When you become powerful, bully your person, became the weak, they want to bully you, also do not have courage, can " stay at a respectful distance from sb " .

The more somebody bullies you, you want more " harbour can " , find the way that suits oneself, slowly do sth over and over again. You all complaint, change into the motivation that make arduous efforts. Taking " indignant " go struggling, also be the method that forcing oneself succeed.

Do not want to be bullied, you are done " the person on the person " . Capable person, once be mixed in a certain domain,gave reason, successful, the possibility that is bullied is less and less, also be return fire of firm firm ground did not bring well-meaning person.

When be being bullied, the strongest fight back, not be fall out, however the following kinds of means


Seize an opportunity, make instead at the person.

To the person of a few be insatiable, if you tolerate blindly, so he won't appreciate you, become aggravated however the ground harms you.

You should choose equal opportunity, make instead at the person. To others a bit color looks, not be you become enemies with the person, however you are in safeguard justice, let violate moral person, receive due penalty.

Say for example, on on-the-job field, your colleague always bullies you, turn the job to you, wrong impute to you. At the beginning, you should learn to bear, see the work in the same placing's attitude, whether can transform. If work in the same place to bully you all the time, so you should learn " anticipate the enemy " , be in appropriate when, gather the evidence of staff job not do one's best, capture him to violate moral handle, let him arise " hold back from taking action against sb for fear of injuring others " psychology.

Make instead at the person, cannot use pretty power, use wisdom however. All " person of imposing manner approach " person, have a weak point, can do the business that violates ethics, apparently, they are very strong, but they actually " clever turn over by clever by accident " . Resemble the evil person in knight-errant novel, even if drilled " Jin Zhong is overspread " the unique gest of and so on, still can have " weak valve " , once was discovered, be beaten very easily.

Zhang Ailing says: "Kind-hearted person has a rough time forever, the heavy burden that that care suffers from is inherent it seems that, because this has tolerance only. Because this has tolerance only..

Kind-hearted person, hold to tolerance, because,not be him weak and incompetent, however a kind " the suffering in eating painstakingly, the person on square humanness " character and morals, be rise abruptly in bear.

Kind-hearted person, do not have force and others opposed moment when oneself, fasten easily fall out, the force that becomes oneself becomes formidable, those who gather together energy is much, other people is right you with respect to at the end of one's wits, evil person also is met have a sense of inferiority.
