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雷诺汽车? 雷诺汽车怎样?英文双语对照


雷诺汽车? 雷诺汽车怎样?英文双语对照







1. 定位不同:车主之家是一个以车主为主要服务对象的汽车媒体平台,主要提供汽车新闻、车主论坛、车主问答等服务,旨在为车主提供全方位的汽车信息和服务。而汽车之家则是一个以汽车行业为主要服务对象的综合性汽车媒体平台,主要提供汽车新闻、汽车评测、汽车导购、汽车论坛等服务,旨在为汽车消费者提供全方位的汽车信息和服务。

2. 内容不同:车主之家的内容更加贴近车主的需求,主要围绕着车主的需求提供各种实用的汽车信息和服务,如汽车保养、汽车改装、汽车保险、汽车金融等。而汽车之家的内容更加全面,除了提供车主服务之外,还提供了汽车行业的各种资讯和分析,如汽车市场动态、汽车科技发展、汽车品牌评测等。

3. 受众不同:车主之家的受众主要是车主和准车主,而汽车之家的受众则更加广泛,包括了汽车行业从业者、汽车爱好者、消费者等。



雷诺汽车公司成立于1899年,创始人是路易·雷诺。最初,雷诺公司主要生产自行车和机器零部件。不久之后,该公司开始生产汽车。 20世纪初,雷诺公司向军队供货,生产卡车和其他军用车辆。在两次世界大战期间,雷诺公司为军队生产了数量众多的军用车辆。

















Reynolds car?

It is manufacturer of car of a France, car sort of production has cycle racing, small-sized car, medium-sized car, cease brigade car, large car (include lorry and project to use car and bus) etc. Reynolds first time enters American market to sell was 1950 era and acting 1960 between, the brand pronunciation way that they decide in American market is " Ren-ALT " , and this pronunciation way is accepted most extensively now. However the enunciation with proper Reynolds is " Rhen-oh " (articulate commonly as England means) .

Reynolds car how?

Reynolds is French car brand, since after cooperating with east wind car, a few models were rolled out in home, but compatriots does not identify a law to fasten a car, sales volume extreme difference, already exited Chinese market at present. But it is pretty good that with respect to product strength the quality of Reynolds car and character are returned, although cannot fasten a car to place on a par with day,in the country export is measured, but also sell than be in China a lot of.

Car advocate the domestic distinction of the home and car?

Car advocate the home of the home and car is two different car media platform, their main distinction is as follows:

1.Fixed position is different: Car advocate the home is with the car advocate the car media platform to basically serve a target, basically offer car news, car advocate forum, car advocate the service such as interlocution, aim to be a car advocate provide all-around car information and service. And the home of the car is one is the platform of omnibus car media that basically serves a target with automobile industry, basically offer evaluation of car news, car, car to guide buy, the service such as car forum, aim to offer Wu of all-around car information kimono for car consumer.

2.Content is different: Car advocate domestic content more car of press close to advocate demand, main around move car advocate demand offers all sorts of practical cars information and service, if the car maintains, the car changes his costume or dress, finance of car insurance, car. And the content of the home of the car is more comprehensive, besides offer a car advocate besides the service, still offerred all sorts of information of automobile industry and analysis, if brand of development of science and technology of car market trends, car, car is evaluated,wait.

3.Suffer numerous different: Car advocate of the home suffer numerous basically be a car advocate peace accurate car advocate, and of the home of the car suffer numerous more extensive, included fan of automobile industry practitioner, car, consumer to wait.

As a whole, car advocate the home of the home and car is car media platform, but their fixed position, content and suffer numerous differ somewhat. Car advocate the home pays attention to a car more advocate demand and service, and a more comprehensive, major of the car and authority.

The history of Reynolds car?

Reynolds Motor Corporation held water 1899, father is Yi Leinuo. Original, reynolds company basically produces bicycle and machine component. Soon, this company begins to produce a car. At the beginning of 20 centuries, reynolds company offers money to army, produce lorry and car of other for military use. Be in twice during world war, reynolds company produced the car of for military use with numerous amount for army.

Through old development, reynolds becomes one of Europe's biggest car manufacturer, the car brand that the company produces includes Reynolds, Da Vinci, Aerkate and day to produce etc. Today, reynolds company devotes oneself to to develop more the car of environmental protection, rolled out a lot of fuel economy model with electric car.

Does Reynolds car quote?

Reynolds Suv quote is in 100 thousand to 200 thousand the left and right sides,

Held to the Yanzhi of French car and tradition of science and technology, modelling is very clever. Division thunder Bin 5 models all mark matchs 8 kinds of LED headlight, atmosphere the lamp and touch 9.3 inches dominate screen, double lubricious automobile body is designed, have combination of color of 11 kinds of automobile body.

Standard of Reynolds car engine oil?

The standard of Reynolds car engine oil is to must add bavin engine oil.

Is Reynolds mass of vehicle ranked?

Quality is very good. Reynolds is one of 10 big Motor Corporation of world, be worth in the price of global car brand last year 100 strong in rank the 11st, this also says to level goes up in understanding the value of Reynolds brand to be in basically. Overseas, reynolds is brand of sell like hot cakes all the time, european market total sales volume is medium last year, reynolds ranks the 3rd, be next to people group and PSA group.

Reynolds car public praise how?

Public praise is pretty good.

Reynolds is French car brand, since after cooperating with east wind car, a few models were rolled out in home, but compatriots does not identify a law to fasten a car, sales volume extreme difference, already exited Chinese market at present. But it is pretty good that with respect to product strength the quality of Reynolds car and character are returned, although cannot fasten a car to place on a par with day,in the country export is measured, but also sell than be in China a lot of.

How does Reynolds car ignite?

Reynolds car ignites means and traditional car differ somewhat. Reynolds car used to be called " lorry starter " device, this device basically is to be used at solving problem of ignition of the car below microtherm environment. Traditional car engine has an electric machinery that start to help light a fire commonly, and lorry starter is to use the motor of high rate to help light a fire, call so rise to differ somewhat relative to traditional car. In addition, a lot of Reynolds cars also were used start without the key, want hold car only namely advocate the key approachs door, can start engine through inductor, leave out the measure that inserts the key, rose convenient quality.

Is Reynolds car public praise good?

Quality is very good, because Reynolds and day are produced,form an alliance, so both between a lot of share platform. The division thunder that mentions than as above face is proud (check clinch a deal valence | Ginseng match | Favourable policy) it is to be based on day to produce fine jade gentleman platform, and division Lei Ao should be to be based on day of guest yield Xiao (check clinch a deal valence | Ginseng match | Favourable policy) platform. As a whole, reynolds now is day produces a car, wrapping around the skin of French car. Do not worry about quality too. Car qualitative network is at present right of breakdown of model of two Gemini star complain not much, but not little also.
