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学习和美食的句子? 学习美食总结怎么写?英文双语对照


学习和美食的句子? 学习美食总结怎么写?英文双语对照



  2 、你总看到女神自拍美食,偏偏她还怎么吃都不胖。其实她每道菜就吃了一口就放下筷子了。

  3 、初游唐安饭薏米,炊成不减雕胡美。大如苋实白如玉,滑欲流匙香满屋。

  4 、世人个个学长年,不悟长年在目前。我得宛丘(仙人名)平易法,只将食粥致神仙。

  5 、山暖已无梅可折,江清独有蟹堪持。

  6 、盐水鸭皮白柔嫩、肥而不腻、香鲜味美,具有香、酥、嫩的特点。

  7 、灌汤小笼包的皮是薄薄的,甚至都透亮了,张嘴咬一口,里面鲜美的汁水流入口中,咬那浸了汁水的肉团,不肥不腻,入口爽滑……那真叫美!

  8 、紫驼之峰出翠釜,水精之盘行素鳞;犀箸餍饫久未下,鸾刀缕切空纷纶;黄门飞鞚不动尘,御厨络绎送八珍。

  9 、品位美食,而不是品位菜单,烧一锅好菜,也绝不是烧钱。

  10 、小饼如嚼月,中有酥和饴。































































One, the sentence of study and cate?

When does the bright moon have, ask blue sky; my drink is endless wine implement, flavour of half to one's heart's content grows; to get the interest in wine occasionally especially, empty cup often also is held.

2, you always see goddess pats cate oneself, unluckily how does she still eat not fat. Actually she every vegetable took to put down a chopstick readily.

3, Youtang installs meal the seed of Job's tears first, cook a meal is become do not decrease vulture Hu Mei. The big fact that be like amaranth is like jade in vain, slippery be about to shed spoon sweet houseful.

Each learns 4, common people agelong, do not realize be in all the year round at present. I get Wan Qiu (celestial being name) popularly law, will feed congee to send an immortal only.

5, hill is warm already folded without Mei Ke, particular crab can holds Jiang Qing.

Pi Bairou of duck of 6, brine is tender, fat and not be bored with, sweet delicacy is delicious, have sweet, crisp, tender characteristic.

Boiling water of 7, fill is little the skin of basket bag is thin thin, bright even, ask for a favor bites, delicious juice current enters the mouth inside in, bite that dip the meatball of juice, not fat not be bored with, entrance bright is slippery... that calls the United States really!

The peak of 8, violet camel gives emerald green boiler, yu of dish of chopsticks of rhinoceros of Hang Sulin; having enough of water essence is long did not fall, sort out of drive hutch sth resembling a net sends 8 precious.

Cate of 9, grade, is not grade menu, cook one boiler good food, also not be to burn money absolutely.

If 10, small cake chews a month, there is crisp He Yi in.

2, how is study cate summary written?

China cate sample is much, and return every to have different implied meaning, be worth us to admire very much.

3, does orange do cate?

: of 1. orange sweet steaky pork? Does violet sew  lose trade fine and soft urgently to imprint Suan of ㄈ of awake of buttock of choke of scar of consult of  of lofty of ⒀ of Luo of  of ⑸ of Luo of mill of ⒗ of Pi of ⒘ free time?

2. washs steaky pork above all clean stripping and slicing. Handle orange: next? Dong of the violet kiss that throw ether vases? of ダ of Ai of rice huller of glume of fine and soft next half-and-half dissections, squeeze a fruit juice, . . .

3. is gone to then steaky pork 300g is joined in a bit bigger bowl, orange silk 50g, orange juice 100 milliliter, often smoke, unripe smoke, salt. . .

: of cup of cake of 4. fragrant citrus? Does violet fine and soft lose trade fine and soft urgently to imprint scar of consult of  of Piao Ting of ⒒ of ⒌ head the residence of a high official just Φ of graph of a surname of ⑴ Sui Pi ah?

4, does noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch do cate?

Garlic is sweet frying noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch is the food of a the daily life of a family that my husband likes, especially simple

Gigantic delicious, young associate people be done rapidly

With makings: Noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch one, small sweet green 1, garlic 4 valve, unripe draw 2 spoon

, salt is right amount

I choose this kind of in bags the yam noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch of this kind of degree of finish

Practice 1: Boil noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch a few minutes with water first, thoroughly cook boil soft later fish out crosses water to reserve

2: Boiler burns oil since, put end of a bit garlic, stir-fry before stewing is sweet, put the noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that has boiled, break up quickly fry, put salt and unripe smoke, be afraid of dry boiler, put a few water to break up fry

3: Because noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch has been thoroughlied cook, so after soy chromatically, put garlic end, break up fry ten seconds of outfit giving boiler dish, because give birth to the delicacy that take taste, do not put other condiment so, already enough delicacy

4: Install finally dish, scatter broken ornament of a few sweet green. Yan Zhigao delicious!

5, does yam do cate?

Yam is the food of a kind of rootstock, contain a lot ofnutrient composition and prandial fiber, often eat conduce to healthy, the practice of yam is very much, introduce a few kinds simply, the first kind, simpler, clean clean, go up directly evaporate of a pot for steaming food is ripe can use, nutrient value not prediction of a person's luck in a given year, the person with special tall blood sugar eats aptly, the 2nd kind, it is flay stripping and slicing, in high temperature oil the blast in boiler is ripe, boiling syrup wrap up, sweet crisp, do not have a thing very well. Suggest everybody eats yam more, healthful

6, exceed light clay to do cate?

The first pace is preparation of a yellow exceed light clay and make the same score its roll like roll face skin, reoccupy mould presses clay the figure with different extrude, the dye that catchs reoccupy orange deepens the color of a strange biscuit brim, the dye that uses a bit tangerine deepens partial section, rangquji's color looks richer, have arrangement more can

7, does pure milk do cate?

The cate that pure milk can do has a lot of, for example ice cream of ice cream of milk of aspic of Chinese flowering quince of flummery of scamper delicacy grandma, milk, milk, ormosia, milk is waited a moment. A simple and delicious scamper delicacy introduces to suckle a practice below:

1, in taking a pure milk to pour a bowl.

2, starch of milk, corn, white sugar gets ready.

3, in pouring starch of white sugar, corn, milk into boiler, agitate, do not have farinaceous grain.

4, conflagration is boiled, turn small fire is boiled slowly make thick stiff, heat at the same time at the same time agitate, prevent to stick boiler bottom.

5, in boiling good milk to paper a bit deeper container, air comes small cool put freezer to refrigerate a hour.

6, the grandma aspic that has refrigerated is taken out, cut strip.

7, take a bowl, put flour and starch, scale 2: 1, add water to be moved into paste next.

8, biscuit is branny get ready.

9, blancmange preexistence boil in panada, wrap full biscuit again branny.

10, oil is put in boiler, oil is lukewarm 7 when becoming heat, issue grandma aspic, scamper to the surface golden fish out accuses oil can.

8, the cate that brown sugar does?

Water of brown sugar of 1. banana milk

(1) feeds capable person: ; of banana, pure milk, brown sugar

(2) decorticates banana first, cut banana into flake to reserve again;

(3) prepares pure milk and brown sugar reserve;

(The boiler since 4) is gone to inside boil into pure milk 2 minutes of or so;

(5) is joining the banana that has cut to continue to boil 2 minutes, put right amount brown sugar; again

(6) agitate it is OK that one agitate continues to boil an appearance of 3 minutes.

Agaric of 2. red jujube is sweet soup

(1) feeds capable person: ; of red jujube, agaric, brown sugar, medlar

(2) cuts red jujube small first, again nucleus of take out jujube reserves;

(3) immerses agaric a little while to be scooped up again reserve;

(4) prepares brown sugar and medlar reserve;

(The boiler since 5) enters the red jujube that has cut, agaric, put right amount medlar; again

(6) is boiled together 5 minutes or so, go to again inside enter right amount brown sugar agitate one agitate, boil 2 minutes again can.

9, the cate that persimmon does?

Persimmon is OK a round mass of food of persimmon of make it blast.

Scamper wants the persimmon that uses in persimmon a round mass of food, must be particularly mature soft persimmon, yue Gongyue is good, the cake of persimmon polished glutinous rice that such doing come out is sweeter, tasted mouthfeel and flavour also let stream of people forget to return repeatedly, hard dismiss from one's mind. And the cooking method of this cate and the preparation that feed capable person are very simple, even if is kitchen Xiaobai, also can 100 percent odds is done, do not feel open-eyed, this dish is so simple originally and delicate.

10, the cate that corn does?

Pine benevolence corn

Raw material: ? ?50 of carve of vent in the sides of a garment is overcome, song Ren 5 grams, green pepper bead 50 grams, starch of salt, gourmet powder, water, salad oil each are right amount.

Practice: Green pepper is abluent, cut bead; Corn bead, green pepper bead puts water of the scald in boiling water. Songren puts the bomb in oil to crisp. Oil stays to burn heat inside boiler, put corn bead, green pepper bead, add salt, gourmet powder to fry divide evenly, the starch that use water ticks off thin Gorgon euryale, drench bright oil is installed dish, sa Shangsong benevolence can.

Assemble of pine benevolence corn

Raw material: ?  ?00 is overcome, sweet corn bead 20 grams, ripe Song Ren 15 grams, salt 2 grams, green ginger end, gourmet powder, salad oil each a few.

Practice: Lu Zhuanhui cuts flay, cut, abluent; Sweet corn bead enters fish out of scald of boiling water syncopation. Oily boiler burns heat, the Jiang Mo that enter green is fried sweet, enter Lu Hui, corn bead, salt, gourmet powder breaks up slightly fry, scatter on ripe Song Ren can.

3 fourth corn

Raw material: ? ?00 of carve of vent in the sides of a garment is overcome, lima-bean 50 grams, xianggu mushroom 3, 1 / belongs to carrot 3, salt, gourmet powder, salad oil each are right amount.

Practice: Xianggu mushroom, carrot cuts man respectively; Bead of lima-bean, corn puts water of the scald in boiling water. Fry boiler to put oil to burn heat, put bead of Xianggu mushroom man, carrot man, lima-bean, corn to break up fry even, add salt, gourmet powder to flavor again, drench bright oil gives boiler to install finally dish can.

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