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1. 坚持进行力量训练:力量训练可以刺激肌肉生长,增加肌肉质量。可以选择哑铃、杠铃等器械进行训练,也可以进行自重训练,如俯卧撑、深蹲等。

2. 增加蛋白质摄入量:蛋白质是肌肉生长的关键营养素,女生每天需要摄入适量的蛋白质。可以选择瘦肉、鸡蛋、豆类、乳制品等食物作为蛋白质的来源。

3. 控制饮食质量:增肌需要保持高热量摄入,但是要注意饮食的质量,选择健康的食物,如全麦面包、糙米饭、水果和蔬菜等。

4. 适当增加碳水化合物的摄入:碳水化合物是肌肉生长的重要能量来源,女生可以适当增加碳水化合物的摄入量,以补充训练和生长所需的能量。

5. 注意休息和恢复:适当的休息和恢复时间可以帮助肌肉生长和修复。女生需要保持充足的睡眠时间,避免过度训练和过度疲劳。












男:10×体重(KG)+6.25×身高(cm)-5×年龄 5



增肌需要创造热量盈余即:基础代谢 (你希望增加的热量盈余)

























1. 消耗更多的热量:增加每天的热量摄入,消耗更多的热量,增加身体的肌肉量。

2. 增加饮食量:逐步增加每天的饮食量,尤其是蛋白质,碳水化合物和脂肪。

3. 多吃高蛋白食物:高蛋白食物有助于增加肌肉质量,例如鸡肉,牛肉,鱼类,豆类等。

4. 增加重量训练:通过重量训练,可以刺激肌肉生长,增加肌肉质量。

5. 增加卡路里摄入量:每天增加卡路里摄入量,可以增加身体的能量储备和肌肉质量。

6. 补充蛋白质粉:蛋白质粉是一种方便易用的补充剂,可以帮助肌肉生长和恢复。

7. 多休息:身体需要充分休息和恢复,以便肌肉可以生长和恢复。











你好,1. 饮食增加热量:增加饮食摄入量是增重的关键,建议增加蛋白质、碳水化合物和脂肪的摄入量。

2. 增加蛋白质摄入:蛋白质是肌肉的主要构成成分,建议每天饮食中蛋白质的摄入量不少于体重的1.5倍。

3. 多吃高热量食物:如牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉、鱼、蛋白质含量高的豆类和坚果等。

4. 增加餐次和饭量:可以增加每天饭量和餐次,每天进食5-6餐,每餐食量适量。

5. 合理锻炼:增重需要合理的训练计划,建议进行重量训练和有氧运动,以帮助增加肌肉质量。

6. 保证充足休息:充足的休息是肌肉增长的关键,每天保证7-8小时的睡眠时间,避免过度疲劳。


Does schoolgirl fitness add flesh weightening finish to train a plan?

1.Insist to undertake force trains: Force training can stimulate muscle to grow, increase muscle quality. Can choose the appliance such as dumbbell, barbell to undertake training, also can undertake self-prossessed training, if crouch push-up, greatly,wait.

2.Increase protein intake: Protein is the crucial nutriment that muscle grows, the schoolgirl needs to absorb right amount protein everyday. Can choose the food such as lean lean, egg, legume, dairy produce to serve as protein origin.

3.Control dietary quality: The need that add muscle maintains high quantity of heat to absorb, but the quality that should note food, choose healthy food, wait like meal of whole wheat bread, unpolished rice, fruit and vegetable.

4.Increase carbohydrate appropriately absorb: Carbohydrate is the important energy source that muscle grows, the schoolgirl can increase the intake of carbohydrate appropriately, the energy that requires with complement trains and growing.

5.Notice to rest and restore: Proper rest and restore time to be able to help muscle grow with repair. The schoolgirl needs to hold enough Morpheus time, avoid excessive training and excessive exhaustion.

Does novice fitness add flesh weightening finish to train a plan?

Hello! Increase plan of flesh weightening finish to novice fitness, I suggest to begin from fundamental fitness movement, if crouch greatly, lie push, pull forcedly etc, join a few auxiliary movements, if dumbbell rows, Fu body flyer.

Just should undertake in the begining with lighter weight and higher number, add weight gradually and reduce a number. Additional, should be in every week every key flesh group undertake 2-3 second training, and there should be enough breathing space between training. In addition, on food very important also, should eat protein, carbohydrate more, a few adipose, make sure enough quantity of heat is absorbed. Finally, want to maintain regularity, hold to training and dietary plan, ability sees the effect of the weightening finish that add muscle.

Does gym training plan to add flesh weightening finish?

Gymnastical weightening finish adds the method of flesh to have:

1. chooses to fit his gymnastical plan, according to oneself body state and target, the choice fits his gymnastical plan;

2. insists to take exercise, insist to take exercise everyday, exercise time to should not be too long every time, but the intensity that should assure to take exercise every time;

3. is reasonable and prandial, weightening finish adds flesh to need to absorb enough nutrition, want to notice food so, eat more protein, carbohydrate and adipose;

4. notices to rest, gymnastical weightening finish adds flesh to need enough rest, in order to assure the refreshment of the body.

Is gymnastical weightening finish formulary?

One: Basal metabolis computation is formulary:

Male: 10 × weight (KG) 6.25 × of + height (Cm) - 5 × age 5

Female: 10 × weight (KG) 6.25 × of + height (Cm) - 5 × age - 161

If decrease fat to need to create gap of quantity of heat so namely: Basal metabolis - (breach of quantity of heat of your hope reductive)

The need that add muscle creates profit of quantity of heat namely: Basal metabolis (the profit of quantity of heat that you hope to increase)

Be sure to keep in mind! No matter add flesh or reduce fat, quantity of heat does not suggest to decrease or exceed too much, can affect your final result only so

2: BIM (body weight index) = weight (KG) / height 2

BMI standard is worth: The male: 18.5~24

Female: 18~23

Under mark fiducial value demonstrative weight slants to may have gently get a place difficult of access of catch a cold,

3: Lumbar buttock is compared (WHR)

Suppose 82cm of waistline of a man, hip circumference 100cm, so buttock compares his waist to be 82/100 = namely 0.82

Explain the reader understood so? The lumbar buttock that the earnings of body fat balance that does not believe gym again exceeds is compared ~ starts work measuring ability is the most accurate!

4: Calorimeter of 3 big nutriment calculates (3 big nutriment point to carbolic water. Protein. Adipose)

× of gross of water of carbon of = of carbolic water quantity of heat 4

× of protein gross of = of protein quantity of heat 4

× of adipose gross of = of adipose quantity of heat 9

Total quantity of heat of adipose = of protein + of + of water of carbon of = of total caloric consideration

Fitness but not weightening finish?

Fitness adds flesh to did not add weight for some time is the opportunity is less than, exercise those who increase to be able to have change certainly to certain level.

Fitness adds flesh to begin level muscle to increase, relative to adipose meeting fitness, so of gain weight not apparent.

If hold to muscle to take exercise, increase high protein to pledge alimental is absorbed at the same time, weight also can be met as the time lengthen of training measurable addition.

How gymnastical weightening finish?

Increase weight to should accept overall health to evaluate on one hand will search weight to slant thin reason, according to slanting thin reason adopts the weightening finish method of specific aim; Adopt healthy life style on the other hand, successive, let weight slowly growth, the healthy weight of up to mark. Add weight method a lot of:

1, nutrition is prandial: Eat more appropriately in daily life adipose kind, amylaceous kind pledge with high protein kind food. These nutrient elements can give a person compensatory energy not only, enhance a constitution, also can rise to add the effect of weight;

2, vivid means of nurturance fine exceedingly: Take exercise appropriately, avoid exceeding motion to use up quantity of heat, at the same time should regular work and rest, assure enough sleep, partial smoking nonabstainer should smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline is restricted wine;

3, take nutrient product: Add weight through taking nutrient product, if preparation of the nutrition inside bowel is protein perhaps pink;

Fitness how weightening finish?

Hello, it is the method of weightening finish of a few fitness below:

1.Use up more quantity of heat: Increase everyday quantity of heat is absorbed, use up more quantity of heat, increase the muscle amount of the body.

2.Increase drink appetite: Step up everyday drink appetite, especially protein, carbohydrate and adipose.

3.Eat high protein food more: High protein food conduces to increase muscle quality, for example chicken, beef, fish, legume.

4.Increase weight to train: Train through weight, OK and exciting muscle grows, increase muscle quality.

5.Increase caloric intake: Increase caloric intake everyday, can increase the energy reserve of the body and muscle quality.

6.Compensatory protein pink: Protein pink is a kind of replenishers that goes to the lavatory to be used easily, help muscle grows and can restore.

7.Rest more: The body needs to rest adequately and restore, so that muscle is OK,grow and restore.

Anyhow, need of gymnastical weightening finish holds to and patient, need reasonable food and training plan, and sufficient rest and restore.

What does gymnastical weightening finish eat?

The weightening finish that add muscle needs to absorb enough protein and quantity of heat, it is a few food that can consider below:

1. lean lean: The lean lean such as flesh of lean beef, thin pork, chicken, duck contains the protein of high quality, also contain a lot ofthe nurture such as B of iron, zinc, vitamin to pledge at the same time.

2. fish: Fish also is protein good origin, and contain a lot ofthe beneficial nutrition material such as Omega-3 fatty acid. Suit quite fish of benefit of salmon, tuna, cod, dragon waits.

Gymnastical a thin person how weightening finish?

A thin person can raise food commonly, eat the means ability such as lean lean and staple food to gain flesh more gain weight.

If a thin person wants to gain flesh gain weight, the proposal should assure at ordinary times everyday energy is absorbed be more than everyday of energy use up, conduce to thereby increase energy to supply. And be in daily life also should eat a few staple food and lean lean more, for instance flesh of steamed bread, rice, chicken, duck, the carbohydrate that contains inside staple food is more, and what contain inside lean lean is adipose and protein is richer, can let human body achieve more energy, can make a thin person gains flesh thereby.

Should decrease in the life eat the food with fat and adipose exorbitant content, because of these although food can gain flesh quickly, but the burden that can increase gastric bowel to, go against digest.

Novice fitness how weightening finish?

Hello, 1. Food increases quantity of heat: Increasing dietary intake is the key of weightening finish, the proposal increases protein, carbohydrate and adipose intake.

2.Increase protein to absorb: Protein is sarcous basically makes part, proposal everyday the protein intake in food 1.5 times of not less than weight.

3.Eat food of high quantity of heat more: Wait like the legume with beef, pork, chicken, fish, protein high content and nut.

4.Raise food second with appetite: Can increase everyday appetite and eat second, eat 5-6 food everyday, every eat appetite is right amount.

5.Reasonable take exercise: Weightening finish needs sound training plan, the proposal undertakes weight training is mixed motion having oxygen, increase muscle quality in order to help.

6.Assure to rest amply: Enough rest is the key that muscle grows, assure the Morpheus time of 7-8 hour everyday, avoid excessive exhaustion.
