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  麟游县城旅游九大景点:  1.九成宫遗址  九成宫遗址位于宝鸡市麟游县新城区,坐落在的杜水之北的天台山,东障童山,西临凤凰山,南有石臼山,北依碧城山,一派青山绿水、明媚秀丽的风光。这里属于渭北高原丘陵沟壑区,海拔近1100米,夏无酷暑,气候凉爽宜人。九成宫始建于隋文帝开皇十三年(593年),开始名叫“仁寿宫”,是隋文帝的离宫。唐太宗贞观五年(631年)修复扩建,更名为“九成宫”,“九成”之意是“九重”或“九层”,言其高大。唐高宗时曾一度改名为“万年宫”,意指颐和万寿,后又恢复原名。  2.玉女潭  玉女潭景区位于宝鸡麟游县城南8公里的鱼塘峡,景区境内有蒿坪庙、小石帆、玉女潭等景点。玉女潭两岸高山夹涧,形如飞凤,潭下峡谷怪石。传说西岳华山之神女玉女和众仙女来此潭边沐浴洗澡,梳洗打扮。使得潭水越来越清,越来越美,故名曰玉女潭。潭呈莲花形,绿波荡漾,四周绿草如兰。潭顶百尺飞瀑,从半山一泻入潭,声震群谷,十分壮观。隋唐帝王多次驾幸来此避暑,在玉女潭设宴观涛,筑造有观涛亭,遗址至今犹存。女皇武则天也曾效法神女,在潭中沐浴洗澡。  3.安舒庄森林公园  安舒庄森林公园,位于麟游县城南15公里处,是岐山山脉结秀之区。境内的石臼山高1539米,为岐山之巅,山绝顶有一巨石,平面正中有一臼窝,相传为药王孙思邈捣药所遗,故名石臼山。山北麓有创自唐初的观音院,凛冽甘甜的泉水出院中佛座下,遇旱不竭,逢涝不溢,如遇天将下雨,就有云雾自泉中飘出。《麟游县志》记载,山半石上有“茂公营记”四字,曾为唐太宗、唐高宗避暑时,大将许懋公率禁军驻扎于此。今半山的将台村,就是许懋公阅兵点将的地方。公园内现有大片的原始森林,山峦起伏,诸峰环绕,佳境天成。  4.石鼓峡石窟  石鼓峡石窟,位于麟游县城东北县北村附近的澄水河西岸,(距县城7.5公里)。雕刻于中唐时期的石佛造型高大逼真,线条流畅传神,是佛教石刻艺术精品。石窟洞口被一棵形似华盖的古柏遮掩,风雨难入窟内。澄水绕石刻而过,沿巨石飞泻而下,撞击声如擂鼓,因此得名石鼓峡,俗称响石潭。此地为麟山十二景之一的“石鼓春喧”,被誉为麟游的小壶口。  5.千佛院摩崖造像  千佛院摩崖造像在县城西南15公里处,为陕西省重点文物保护单位,该处从西坊村口源溪而行,山谷植被茂盛,一线清流,时上时下。春天,千山吐绿,百花竟放,生机盎然;夏天,树木葱茏,甚是凉爽;秋天,满山遍野,五颜六色,沿途美景,使人目不暇接。引人入胜的是到了山谷尽头的-帽山,近40平方米的石崖上雕凿了一千多尊佛像,最大的一尊像位于正中上方。余下一千多尊小佛像,喜、怒、哀、乐、忧、愁、怨、恨,诸多形态,千佛千面,绝无雷同。此处集人文景观与自然生态景观于一体,内容丰富,实为游览访胜之绝佳去处  6.唐宫廷水井  一九八0年九月基建施工时发现,水井位于九成宫宫城街道的南侧,是当年宫中一口重要的饮水井。井口呈圆形,刻有图案精美的八角葵花,既美观又防滑。内外沿之间刻有圆形斜面,整个井台全用质地细密的淡绿色麻石砌筑。里高外低,防止浊水倒流,以保证饮水卫生。井壁用弓形青砖浆砌,光滑无损,水深保持1.5米—2米左右,水质清澈透亮,味淳甘甜。水井砌筑严整,图案精美,体现出皇家的气魄和建筑水平的精妙。是迄今我国发现时代最早,保存最完好,砌筑最别致的一口宫廷水井。  7.碑亭  碑亭,位于麟游县县城的西北部(九成宫宫城北郊),北依碧城山,西傍屏山,南眺青莲山,东临天台山。院内树木参天,花团锦簇,环境优雅。内竖两通号称“人间第一帖,天下无双铭“的碑石:九成宫醴泉铭碑、万年宫铭碑。1985年,省文物局拨款重修了两座仿唐碑亭,古朴厚重,气势恢宏,吸引了国内外大批游人前来游览参观。(一)“三绝古碑”—九成宫醴泉铭碑唐《九成宫醴泉铭》碑现存于麟游县城西北角(九成宫路1号)。  8.青莲山公园  青莲山公园位于宝鸡麟游县城南,是一个综合型休闲娱乐公园。青莲山古称堡子城山,早在隋唐时为皇帝卫戍部队的驻地,并且山上修有城堡,因其得名。这里群峰峻秀,顶峰高耸,恰似一朵盛开的覆莲,所以又叫青莲山。整座山林木覆盖,郁郁葱葱。当年唐高宗李治登上此山,留下了“东望剪华,千林结影;南俯荼原,风云交映;西瞻陇坂,派水分流;北临石柱,川原朝宗”的精彩篇章。唐代大诗人王维路经此处,登上此山,留下了“隔窗云雾生衣上,卷幔山泉入镜中”的佳句。  9.慈禅寺石窟  慈禅寺石窟位于宝鸡麟游县城西南约3公里处,距西安160公里,南距宝鸡110公里。慈禅寺石窟始开凿于隋文帝时期,唐高宗李治和武则天时期续凿,并对过去的庙堂继续扩修,它是隋唐皇帝后妃及大臣在麟游避暑时礼佛的宫廷寺院。慈禅寺石窟现为全国重点文物保护单位。慈善寺石窟寺是隋、唐时期皇帝来九成宫避暑礼佛而建的皇家寺院,其地山环水绕,林木葱郁。慈善寺第一窟主佛即为隋代开凿镌造。隋代存在时间短促,所遗佛教文物较少,像慈善寺第一窟主佛这样高大完整保存到今天的隋皇宫石窟造像,极其珍贵。  


Lin swims the county travels 9 big tourist attractions: 1. The 9 relics that become palace are located in the 9 relics that become palace Lin of treasure chicken city swims prefectural new the city zone, be located the weather station hill of the north of the Du Shui that be in, east barrier bare hills, phoenix hill is faced on the west, there is mountain of stone joint of bones south, north depends on hill of green jade city, send beautiful and green hill green water, beautiful view. Highland of north of short for Weihe River is belonged to here upland gully area, altitude is close 1100 meters, xia Mo intense heat of summer, climate is cool and delightful. 9 into palace only then build at Sui Wen emperor to open emperor 13 years (593 years) , begin to be called " Ren Shougong " , be emperor of article of the Sui Dynasty from palace. Chastity watchs Tang Taizong 5 years (631 years) repair extend, more the name is " 9 into palace " , "9 into " meaning be " ninefold " or " 9 " , character its are lofty. The Ceng Yi when Tang Gaozong is spent incognito for " all ages palace " , mean cheek He Moshou, original name restores again after. 2. Area of scene of female pool of jade of jade female pool is located in treasure chicken Lin to swim the pound gorge of the 8 kilometers austral the county, scene area churchyard has the tourist attraction such as female pool of sail of temple of Hao level ground, gravelstone, jade. High mountain of two sides of jade female pool places gully, if form flies phoenix, the gorge below the pool blames stone. Fabulous Xi Yuehua jade daughter and numerous fairy come to the goddess of hill bath of this pool edge bathes, wash and dress dresses up. Make Tanshui clearer and clearer, more and more beautiful, friend name says jade female pool. The pool submits lotus form, green wave ripples, green grass is like all around orchid. The pool carries 100 feet flying waterfall on the head, from half hill one have diarrhoea enters a pit, sonic boom group cereal, very grand. Monarch of the Tang Dynasty of the Sui Dynasty drives favour to come for many times this is away for the summer holidays, in Guan Tao of fete of jade female pool, build go to have Guan Taoting, relics still is put up to now. Empress Wu Zetian ever also followed the example of goddess, in the pool bath bathes. 3. Park of Zhuang Senlin of Anshu of park of An Shuzhuang forest, be located in Lin to swim place of the 15 kilometers austral the county, it is the area of show of knot of Qi mountain mountain range. The hill of stone joint of bones of churchyard is 1539 meters tall, it is the peak of Qi hill, hill is zenithal have one megalith, there is check of one joint of bones in the middle of plane, according to legend pounds medical place to offer as a gift for Sai Miao of medical offspring of the nobility, hill of joint of bones of friend name stone. Shan Beilu has achieve the avalokitesvara courtyard from Tang Chu, the spring of brisk Gan Tian leaves hospital in Buddha below, meet dry spell not exhaust, meet waterlogged not excessive, if encounter a day to will rain, have cloud and mist from the trail in the spring. " Lin swims county annals " account, hill has on half stone " luxuriant public-operated is written down " 4 words, when ever was away for the summer holidays for Tang Taizong, Tang Gaozong, official rate of general Xu Mao is banned army be stationed hereat. Today of half hill station village, make the place of name a person for a particular job of diligent fair parade namely. There is big virgin forest inside the park, undulating hills, zhu Feng surrounds, day of the most pleasant stage is become. 4. Stone of Shi Guxia grotto rouses gorge grotto, be located in Lin to swim the clear water river near village of north of county northeast county on the west bank, (be apart from 7.5 kilometers of county) . The stone Buddha modelling that carves Yu Zhongtang period is lofty and distinct, line is fluent lifelike, it is high-quality goods of art of Buddhist carved stone. Grotto mouth of a cave by the Gu Bai cloak of canopy of a be similar in shape, harships enters hole hard inside. Clear water circles carved stone and pass, fall along megalithic flying have diarrhoea, clash is like beat of beat a drum, because this gets a Shi Guxia, common calls phonolite the pool. Here is Lin hill one of 12 scene " Shi Guchun noisy " , be known as the small bottle mouth that Lin swims. 5. 1000 Buddha courtyard rub cliff statue 1000 Buddha courtyard rub cliff statue in county southwest 15 kilometers are in, for Shaanxi province key cultural relic protects an unit, the place goes from brook of source of mouth of Xi Fang village, valley vegetation is flourish, qing Dynasty of a gleam of flows, up and down. Spring, 1000 hill are spat green, 100 flowers are put unexpectedly, exuberant; Summer, arboreous luxuriantly green, it is cool very; The autumn, all over the mountains and plains, multicoloured, on the way beautiful scenery, make person too many things to see. Fascinating is to arrive at the valley - cap hill, the chisel on the Shi Ya of nearly 40 square metre more than 1000 honour figure of Buddha, the biggest one honour resemble be located in in the middle of upper part. The rest of more than 1000 honour small figure of Buddha, happy event, anger, sad, happy, care, anxious, complain, hate, a lot of configuration, 1000 Buddha 1000, do not have absolutely duplicate. Here collect is humanitarian landscape and natural zoology landscape at an organic whole, content is rich, solid visit   of success superexcellent place to go to visit 6. Tang Gongting well discovered when capital construction construction 0 years 198 in September, well is located in city of the 9 palace that become palace street to, be wanted drink well is weighed readily in palace in those days. Wellhead shows a circle, quarter have the anise sunflower with elegant design, already beautiful prevent again slippery. Engrave between edge of inside and outside have circular inclined plane, whole well platform uses the build by laying bricks or stones of virescent Ma Shi with close quality of a material to build completely. In tall outside low, prevent chaotic water to flow backwards, water in order to assure wholesome. Wall of a well uses step of oar of arched blue bricks, smooth nondestructive, depth of water maintains 1.5 meters, 2 meters or so, water quality is clear and bright, flavour honest pleasant is sweet. Well build by laying bricks or stones builds in neat formation, design is elegant, the spirit that reflects a royal boldness of vision and building level is clever. It is discovery of heretofore our country the times is the earliest, save the most in good condition, build by laying bricks or stones builds well of the chiccest a palace. 7. Tablet wells balanced tablet wells balanced, be located in Lin to swim the northwest ministry of prefectural town (9 into outskirt of Gong Gongcheng north) , north depends on hill of green jade city, draw near on the west screen hill, south Qing Lianshan of look into the distance from a high place, weather station hill is faced east. The tree inside the courtyard is very tall, bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored decoration, environmental grace. Two stand inside so-called " the world the first post, the world is incomparable inscription " tablet stone: Tablet of tablet of 9 inscription of Cheng Gongli spring, inscription of all ages palace. 1985, bureau of province cultural relic allocated funds to build booth of tablet of two copy the Tang Dynasty again, massiness of of primitive simplicity, imposing manner extensive grand, attracted be visited domestic and internationally before large quantities of tourist look around. (one) " 3 absolutely ancient tablet " , tablet of 9 inscription of Cheng Gongli spring the Tang Dynasty " inscription of 9 Cheng Gongli spring " tablet is existent Yu Lin swims county northwest horn (9 into Gong Lu 1) . 8. Park of hill of green lotus of park of green lotus hill is located in treasure chicken Lin to swim south the county, be integrated model recreational amusement park. Qing Lianshan is ancient weigh fort child city hill, the place where troops are stationed of imperial garrison army is early when Sui Tang, and be repaired on hill have the castle, because its get a name. Here group of peak high show, peak is topping, just be like a blooming Fu lotus, call Qing Lianshan again so. Rectify a hill forest to enclothe, lush and green. In those days Tang Gaozong Lizhi ascends this hill, stayed " east Wang Jianhua, 1000 Linjie shadows; South Fu a bitter edible plant former, wind and cloud is handed in mirror; Slope of Xi Zhan Gansu, send water billabong; North faces stone column, plain Yuan Chaozong " wonderful sections and chapters. Dimension of king of Tang Dynasty great poet passes here, ascend this hill, stayed " on unripe garment of the cloud and mist that lie between a window, roll curtain spring enters lens in " beautiful line. 9. Grotto of temple of buddhist of kind of grotto of kind buddhist temple is located in treasure chicken Lin to swim county southwest arranges 3 kilometers place, be apart from Xi'an 160 kilometers, treasure chicken is apart from south 110 kilometers. Grotto of kind buddhist temple only then cut at period of Sui Wen emperor, tang Gaozong Lizhi and add of Wu Zetian period certain, the temple hall that goes to passing continues enlarge is repaired, it is the wife of a prince after emperor of the Tang Dynasty of the Sui Dynasty and chancellery swim in Lin the palace fane of Buddha of the ceremony when be away for the summer holidays. Grotto of kind buddhist temple is countrywide key cultural relic to protect an unit now. Beneficent temple the Cave Temple is emperor of the Sui Dynasty, Tang Shi period comes 9 be away for the summer holidays into palace ceremony Buddha and the royal temple that build, water of annulus of its ground hill is circled, forest luxuriantly green. Beneficent temple the first hole advocate Buddha is Suidai cut engrave to build namely. Time of acting existence of the Sui Dynasty is short, cultural relic of buddhism of place involuntary discharge of urine is less, like beneficent temple the first hole advocate Buddha is so lofty and complete save palace of today's the Sui Dynasty grotto statue, extremely precious.   

