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银行理财经理职责? 银行理财经理前景如?英文双语对照


银行理财经理职责? 银行理财经理前景如?英文双语对照
























七、兴业银行理财经理 累吗?


参加支行晨会: 一般分为两部分前面15分钟是理财部自己的晨会,轮流主持,进行产品学习,总结销售卖点及话术。财经播报,财经新闻与我们在销售的产品有什么样的关联性,昨日业绩冠军分享。后面15分钟全行晨会,通报昨日全行业绩,理财经理将行内重点销售产品向全行员工讲解,行长对各条线工作进行部署。









One, responsibility of director of bank conduct financial transactions?

The duty of manager of bank conduct financial transactions is:

1, be in charge of extending client of individual high net value, assist do good client to safeguard reach relationship management;

2, be in charge of doing good product to recommend to individual client, cooperate to reach the sale goal of of all kinds product;

3, offer the information related financial product to support for individual client, make footprint of heel of good carry out and service;

4, cooperate company sale to taste promotion of announce, market and road of of all kinds product to act wait for an activity;

5, superior makes the other job matter that handle.

2, foreground of manager of bank conduct financial transactions if?

I feel this is the profession that has perspective very much, basically be to enter comparatively well-off society slowly, the investment demand of common people is bigger and bigger, manager of conduct financial transactions such part is rigid demand, can have professional knowledge especially, can link individual character demand of the client, recommend agile investment combination, security of give attention to two or morethings, liquidity requirement, side client realizes the rise in value keeping a cost of fortune, realize the requirement of belongings sex income, also have certain threshold nevertheless, basically be professional personal integrity, the respect such as professional competence, as long as can with the client appeal to beg put in the first, side client implementation invests a target, as far as possible evasive investment risk, win the client's reliance, the cause that also had oneself naturally develops!

3, is manager of bank conduct financial transactions the person of the bank?

Manager of bank conduct financial transactions is a bank formal employee, informal employee must not hold the position of post of director of conduct financial transactions. The working duty of manager of bank conduct financial transactions is:

1, the sale of responsible company product and promotion;

2, plan according to market sale, the branch that finish sells index;

3, develop new market, develop new client, raise sale outstanding achievement of the branch;

4, provide service of specializationed conduct financial transactions for high grade client.

4, is pressure of manager of bank conduct financial transactions great? Is pressure of manager of bank conduct financial transactions great?

Distinction is very big. Manager of conduct financial transactions belongs to client manager, ark member belong to customer service manager. Conduction business is different, wage scale, performance, the car fills etc different.

5, the position that manager of conduct financial transactions is in a bank?

Basically be in charge of matters concerned of conduct financial transactions, be in a bank is quite significant position

6, duty of post of director of bank conduct financial transactions?

The main responsibility of manager of bank conduct financial transactions is to extend client of individual high net value, recommend the financial product of the bank to the client, offer investment proposal and program of conduct financial transactions for the client, and make footprint of heel of good carry out and service.

Specific work includes to trade daily the job, research that has all sorts of investment strategy, design, carry out, dog the change such as risk of macroscopical economy, monetary policy, credit, offer investment proposal in time, implement system of each risk management, control a venture strictly, compose invests politic report and investment combination report to wait.

In addition, manager of bank conduct financial transactions still needs to invite make an appointment with client and product of promotion conduct financial transactions, do fortune program and asset configuration for the client, provide advisory service

7, is manager of conduct financial transactions of the bank that start line of business tired?

Job of manager of bank conduct financial transactions is very tired

Attend morning of subbranch of a bank to meet: General component is two parts in front 15 minutes of morning that are him ministry of conduct financial transactions are met, chair by turns, have product study, summary sale sells dot and word art. Finance and economics sows a newspaper, news of finance and economics and we have what kind of associated sex in the product of the sale, outstanding achievement champion is shared yesterday. Morning of 15 minutes of complete travel is met from the back, report performance of entire yesterday industry, manager of conduct financial transactions sells the key inside travel the product to explain to complete travel employee, the president undertakes deploy to each line job.

Treatment is good nevertheless

8, income of manager of which bank conduct financial transactions is high?

The main responsibility of the manager of conduct financial transactions of a lot of share-holding system banks and foreign capital bank is a sale, finished index ability to receive corresponding income only, the preferment of individual post also is with economic norms link up with. If come down one year to be able to pull products of 1000 much conduct financial transactions to deposit money, deduct a percentage from a sum of money basically can be achieved 500 thousand. Individual income is complete with link up with of economic norms task.

9, deduct a percentage from a sum of money of manager of client of bank conduct financial transactions how many?

Manager of client of bank conduct financial transactions does not have deduct a percentage from a sum of money, this is its own job, can count the individual assesses outstanding achievement.

10, how does manager of bank conduct financial transactions defend a client?

Major is affirmative, product of the conduct financial transactions on the market is very much now, as eligible manage finance and economics manages, the knowledge of product of conduct financial transactions that masters the much on the market is very important, in the meantime, favor was not to avoid, communication feeling

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