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  • 煤炭作为全球能源的重要组成部分,其开采技术与安全规范一直是工业领域关注的焦点。了解煤矿开采的基本术语,对于从事相关工作的专业人员、研究人员以及学生来说至关重要。这些术语不仅涉及到煤炭的开采过程,还包括了煤矿的安全、管理以及环境保护等多个方面。


    1. 煤层 - Coal Seam

      • 例句:The mine primarily extracts coal from the Lower Kittanning coal seam.
      • 翻译:该矿主要从下基廷宁煤层中开采煤炭。
    2. 开采方法 - Mining Method

      • 例句:Longwall mining is a highly efficient method of extracting coal.
      • 翻译:长壁开采是一种高效的采煤方法。
    3. 煤厚 - Coal Thickness

      • 例句:The average coal thickness in this seam is about 1.5 meters.
      • 翻译:这个煤层的平均煤厚约为1.5米。
    4. 走向长度 - Strike Length

      • 例句:The strike length of the coal seam is approximately 10 kilometers.
      • 翻译:该煤层的走向长度大约为10公里。
    5. 倾向宽度 - Dip Width

      • 例句:The dip width of the coal seam varies due to geological folding.
      • 翻译:由于地质褶皱,煤层的倾向宽度变化不定。
    6. 开采高度 - Mining Height

      • 例句:The mining height for this operation is set at 2.5 meters.
      • 翻译:这次作业的开采高度设定为2.5米。
    7. 容重 - Specific Gravity

      • 例句:The specific gravity of coal is crucial for calculating its weight.
      • 翻译:煤炭的容重对于计算其重量至关重要。
    8. 日循环数 - Daily Cycle

      • 例句:The mining team aims to complete three daily cycles.
      • 翻译:采矿队的目标是完成三个日循环。
    9. 日产量 - Daily Output

      • 例句:The daily output of coal has increased by 15% this month.
      • 翻译:这个月的煤炭日产量增加了15%。
    10. 煤炭回收量 - Coal Recovery

      • 例句:Improving mining techniques can significantly enhance coal recovery.
      • 翻译:改进采矿技术可以显著提高煤炭回收率。
    11. 掘进 - Drivage

      • 例句:Drivage operations are underway to extend the mine's reach.
      • 翻译:正在进行掘进作业以扩展矿井的开采范围。
    12. 回采 - Stoping

      • 例句:Stoping is the process of extracting valuable minerals from the stope.
      • 翻译:回采是从采场中提取有价值矿物的过程。
    13. 开拓 - Development

      • 例句:Underground development is essential for accessing new coal seams.
      • 翻译:地下开拓对于获取新的煤层至关重要。
    14. 井田 - Minefield

      • 例句:The minefield contains multiple seams with high-quality coal.
      • 翻译:井田包含多个含有高质量煤炭的煤层。
    15. 煤储量 - Coal Reserves

      • 例句:Accurate assessment of coal reserves is critical for mining planning.
      • 翻译:准确评估煤炭储量对于采矿规划至关重要。
    16. 煤资源 - Coal Resources

      • 例句:The region is rich in coal resources, supporting many mines.
      • 翻译:该地区煤炭资源丰富,支持了许多矿井的运营。
    17. 煤种 - Coal Type

      • 例句:This mine produces both anthracite and bituminous coal types.
      • 翻译:这个矿井生产无烟煤和烟煤两种类型的煤炭。
    18. 褐煤 - Lignite

      • 例句:Lignite is a young type of coal with higher moisture content.
      • 翻译:褐煤是一种较年轻的煤炭类型,含有较高的水分。
    19. 无烟煤 - Anthracite

      • 例句:Anthracite is known for its high carbon content and heating value.
      • 翻译:无烟煤以其高碳含量和发热值而闻名。
    20. 长焰煤 - Bituminous Coal

      • 例句:Bituminous coal is widely used in electricity generation.
      • 翻译:烟煤广泛用于发电。
    21. 气煤 - Gas Coal

      • 例句:Gas coal is a type of coal that produces a flammable gas when heated.
      • 翻译:气煤是一种在加热时产生可燃气体的煤炭类型。
    22. 肥煤 - Fat Coal

      • 例句:Fat coal has a high caking ability and is used for making coke.
      • 翻译:肥煤具有很高的结焦能力,用于制造焦炭。
    23. 焦煤 - Coking Coal

      • 例句:Coking coal is essential for the steel production process.
      • 翻译:焦煤对钢铁生产过程至关重要。
    24. 瘦煤 - Lean Coal

      • 例句:Lean coal is used in power plants to reduce emissions.
      • 翻译:瘦煤用于发电厂以减少排放。
    25. 煤柱 - Coal Pillar

      • 例句:Coal pillars are left to support the roof of the mine.
      • 翻译:留下煤柱以支撑矿井的顶板。
    26. 顶板 - Roof

      • 例句:Proper roof management is crucial for mine safety.
      • 翻译:正确的顶板管理对矿井安全至关重要。
    27. 底板 - Floor

      • 例句:The floor of the mine needs to be stabilized for safe operations.
      • 翻译:为了安全操作,需要稳定矿井的底板。
    28. 瓦斯 - Gas

      • 例句:Gas monitoring is essential to prevent explosions in coal mines.
      • 翻译:气体监测对于防止煤矿爆炸至关重要。
    29. 煤尘 - Coal Dust

      • 例句:Proper ventilation helps to control coal dust levels in the mine.
      • 翻译:适当的通风有助于控制矿井中的煤尘水平。
    30. 矿井水 - Mine Water

      • 例句:Effective water management is necessary to prevent flooding in the mine.
      • 翻译:有效的水管理对于防止矿井洪水至关重要。
    31. 矿井火灾 - Mine Fire

      • 例句:Detecting mine fires early is critical to prevent disasters.
      • 翻译:早期发现矿井火灾对于预防灾难至关重要。
    32. 矿井通风 - Mine Ventilation

      • 例句:Mine ventilation systems are designed to provide fresh air and remove contaminants.
      • 翻译:矿井通风系统旨在提供新鲜空气并去除污染物。
    33. 矿井安全 - Mine Safety

      • 例句:Mine safety regulations are strictly enforced to protect workers.
      • 翻译:矿井安全规定严格执行以保护工人。
    34. 矿井环境 - Mine Environment

      • 例句:The mine environment can be harsh due to dust, noise, and temperature.
      • 翻译:由于灰尘、噪音和温度,矿井环境可能非常恶劣。
    35. 矿井生态 - Mine Ecology

      • 例句:Restoring the mine ecology after mining is an important part of sustainable practices.
      • 翻译:采矿后恢复矿井生态是可持续实践的重要组成部分。
    36. 矿井设计 - Mine Design

      • 例句:Mine design must consider both safety and efficiency.
      • 翻译:矿井设计必须考虑安全性和效率。
    37. 矿井建设 - Mine Construction

      • 例句:Mine construction follows a detailed plan to ensure proper development.
      • 翻译:矿井建设遵循详细计划以确保正确开发。
    38. 矿井维护 - Mine Maintenance

      • 例句:Regular mine maintenance is conducted to ensure equipment reliability.
      • 翻译:定期进行矿井维护以确保设备可靠性。
    39. 矿井监测 - Mine Monitoring

      • 例句:Mine monitoring systems are essential for detecting potential hazards.
      • 翻译:矿井监测系统对于检测潜在危险至关重要。
    40. 矿井管理 - Mine Management

      • 例句:Effective mine management is key to the success of mining operations.
      • 翻译:有效的矿井管理是采矿作业成功的关键。
    41. 矿井开采 - Mine Extraction

      • 例句:Mine extraction techniques have evolved significantly over the years.
      • 翻译:矿井开采技术多年来有了显著的发展。
    42. 矿井地质 - Mine Geology

      • 例句:Understanding mine geology is fundamental to safe and efficient mining.
      • 翻译:了解矿井地质是安全高效采矿的基础。
    43. 矿井测量 - Mine Surveying

      • 例句:Accurate mine surveying is necessary for mapping the subsurface.
      • 翻译:准确的矿井测量对于绘制地下地图至关重要。
    44. 矿井机械 - Mining Machinery

      • 例句:The introduction of new mining machinery has improved productivity.
      • 翻译:引入新采矿机械提高了生产力。
    45. 矿井设备 - Mining Equipment

      • 例句:Proper maintenance of mining equipment is crucial for operational safety.
      • 翻译:适当维护采矿设备对操作安全至关重要。
    46. 矿井运输 - Mine Transportation

      • 例句:Efficient mine transportation systems are vital for moving coal and materials.
      • 翻译:高效的矿井运输系统对于移动煤炭和材料至关重要。
    47. 矿井提升 - Mine Hoisting

      • 例句:Mine hoisting systems are used to raise coal from the underground to the surface.
      • 翻译:矿井提升系统用于将煤炭从地下提升到地面。
    48. 矿井支护 - Mine Support

      • 例句:The mine support structures must be robust to withstand the underground pressure.
      • 翻译:矿井支护结构必须坚固以承受地下压力。
    49. 矿井排水 - Mine Dewatering

      • 例句:Mine dewatering systems are essential for preventing flooding.
      • 翻译:矿井排水系统对于防止洪水至关重要。
    50. 矿井闭坑 - Mine Closure

      • 例句:Proper planning is required for the mine closure and rehabilitation process.
      • 翻译:矿井闭坑和修复过程需要妥善规划。

