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Regulation: 规定

Rule: 规则

Policy: 政策

Guideline: 指导方针

Standard: 标准

Protocol: 协议

Norm: 准则


Regulations play a vital role in maintaining order and ensuring fairness in various aspects of life. They are established by authorities or organizations to guide and control behavior, setting clear standards for acceptable conduct. These rules are essential for the smooth operation of societies, businesses, and institutions.

In legal systems, regulations ensure that laws are consistently applied and that individuals and entities adhere to legal standards. In businesses, company policies regulate employee behavior, operational procedures, and safety protocols, creating a structured and efficient work environment. Educational institutions implement rules to foster a conducive learning environment and uphold academic integrity.

While regulations are crucial for maintaining order, they must be designed thoughtfully. Overly rigid rules can stifle creativity and flexibility, while too lenient guidelines may lead to inconsistency and disorder. Therefore, it is important for regulations to strike a balance between control and freedom, ensuring they are both effective and fair.

In summary, regulations are fundamental to the organization and function of various systems, providing necessary structure and guidance to achieve desired outcomes.






❶ 你能告诉我一些公司的规定吗?Can you tell me about the rules of our company?

同类表达 Could you tell me if there are any special rules about the job? 你能告诉我这份工作是否有特殊规定吗?

❷ 咱们公司对着装有什么要求吗?What is the dress code in our company?

同类表达 Are we allowed to wear casual clothes? 我们允许穿便装吗?

Should I wear formal clothes? 我应该穿正装吗?

❸ 不要忘了上下班打卡。Don't forget to punch in and punch out.

同类表达 Where should I punch in? 我应该在哪里打卡?

You need to clock in and clock out. 你需要上下班打卡。

❹ 我们通常有一个小时的午休时间。We usually take a one-hour lunch break.

同类表达 How long is our tea break? 我们的茶歇时间有多久?

Do we have coffee breaks? 我们有工间休息吗?

❺ 我们每个月五号发工资。We get paid on the fifth of every month.

同类表达 Every year, usually in December, we receive a bonus. 通常在每年的十二月份,我们会得到分红。

❻ 我们采用绩效考核制度。We have a merit system.

同类表达 We have adopted a merit-pay system. 我们采用绩效计酬制。

There is a performance review every month. 每月都有绩效考核。

❼ 一定不要迟到或旷工。Be sure not to be late or absent.

同类表达 Your pay may be docked if you're late for work. 上班迟到会扣薪水。

❽ 我们每周一开例会。We have meetings on Mondays.

同类表达 We report work every Friday. 我们每周五汇报工作。

❾ 如果你要请假就必须填请假条。You have to fill out a request form if you want a day off.

同类表达 If employee wants to ask for a sick leave, he has to present the related documents. 如果员工想请病假,必须出具相关证明。

❿ 加班会有补休。If you work overtime, you get comp time.

同类表达 Do you pay for working overtime? 你们加班发工资吗?

If we work on weekends, we could be paid overtime. 如果我们周末上班,就能得到加班费。
