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1. **准备供品**:准备一些供奉财神菩萨的物品,如水果、鲜花、香烛、糖果、酒水等。这些物品可以代表尊敬和祝福。

2. **设立供桌**:在家中或寺庙里设立供桌,将供品摆放整齐。可以在供桌上放上财神菩萨的画像或雕像。

3. **烧香祭拜**:点燃香烛,虔诚地向财神菩萨祈求财富和好运。可以诵经或默念祈愿文,表达自己的心愿。

4. **敬酒祭神**:将酒水倒在供桌上,表示敬意和祝福。可以倒酒、点香、献花,向财神菩萨表示敬意。

5. **心诚意正**:在供奉财神菩萨时,心诚意正非常重要。诚心诚意地祈求财富和好运,相信财神菩萨会保佑你。

6. **定期祭拜**:可以选择每月、每季或每年固定的日子,定期祭拜财神菩萨,以示对他的尊敬和信仰。


Taoism mammon a term applied to a kindhearted person carries consecrate of the following means commonly:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Prepare the article of Bodhisattva of mammon of a few consecrate, wait like water of fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, candied, wine. These article can represent respect and blessing.

2.** establishs altar ** : Be in the home or altar is established in cloister, put offerings orderly. The picture that can put mammon a term applied to a kindhearted person on altar or statuary.

3.Hold a memorial ceremony for of ** burn joss sticks does obeisance to ** : Ignite joss sticks and candles, petition to mammon Bodhisattva piously carry of fortune become reconciled. Can Song classics or silent study invocatory language, express oneself cherished desire.

4.** proposes a toast ** of god of hold a memorial ceremony for: Pour wine water on altar, express devoir and blessing. Can pour wine, drop sweet, present a flower, show respect to mammon Bodhisattva.

5.** heart sincerity ** : When consecrate mammon Bodhisattva, heart sincerity very important. Earnestly and sincerely invocatory fortune become reconciled carries, believe mammon Bodhisattva can bless you.

6.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ** : Can choose every month, every season or the time that secure every year, fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to mammon Bodhisattva, in order to show the respect to him and belief.
