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1. 准备一个清洁的供桌或供台,放置在安静整洁的地方,避免靠近厕所或杂乱的地方。
2. 洗净双手,表达虔诚和尊敬之情。
3. 将小型佛像置于供桌上,放置在高处,以示尊崇。如果可能,可以用一个小座垫或绸布来垫底。
4. 点上香,象征着虔诚和清洁。可以选择一种纯净的香,如檀香或白香。
5. 点燃香之前,可以合上双手,闭目默念几句祷文或者表达内心的愿望。
6. 在佛像前敬献鲜花、水果或其他素食供品,这些代表着虔诚和感恩。
7. 可以诵经或者默念心经,表达对佛的尊敬和信仰。
8. 经过一段时间的供奉,可以合掌默念祈祷,表达自己的愿望和感恩之情。
9. 供奉结束后,可以轻轻合掌向佛像致敬,表示结束。



When consecrate of small-sized figure of Buddha, can follow the following move:

1.The altar that prepares a cleanness or offer a desk, place in quiet and neat place, avoid to stand by toilet or mixed and disorderly place.
2.Abluent both hands, expression is mixed piously respectable affection.
3.On altar of park of will small-sized figure of Buddha, place pinnacled, in order to show homage. If likelihood, can pay a copy with a small seat cushion or silken cloth.
4.On the dot sweet, symbolic move is mixed piously clean. Can choose a kind pure sweet, be like white sandalwood or Bai Xiang.
5.Ignite sweet before, can add up to both hands, the silent that close eye reads aloud a few prayer to perhaps express inner desire.
6.In flower of the Jingxian before figure of Buddha, fruit or other and maigre offerings, these delegates are worn mix piously be thankful.
7.Can Song classics or silent reads aloud heart classics, express the respect to Buddha and belief.
8.Through the consecrate of period of time, can add up to palm silent to read aloud pray, express oneself desire and the feeling that be thankful.
9.After consecrate ends, can add up to a palm to greet to figure of Buddha gently, express to end.

Consecrate figure of Buddha is a kind of expression is mixed piously the means of devoir, but the sincerity that more important is a heart and awe-stricken.
