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black sheep 不是黑色的绵羊


black sheep 不是黑色的绵羊

Black sheep = 害群之马 为什么black sheep是害群之马? 在一群纯白的绵羊当中,偶然会出生一头黑毛的羊,黑色的羊毛不及白色的珍贵,所以黑羊多被视为无用之辈或不良份子。 例句: Adam has always been the black sheep of the family. 亚当一直是家里最没出息的人。 ★拓展学习: "Black sheep" 不是字面上的意思 "黑色的绵羊",而是一个常用的英语习语,意思是指一个家庭、组织或群体中与其他成员不同、不合群或不受欢迎的人。通常,这个人被认为是有缺陷或有问题的,是被排除在外的。 - In my family, I'm the black sheep because I decided to become an artist instead of a doctor like my parents. (在我的家庭中,我是最没出息的,因为我决定成为一名艺术家而不是像我父母那样成为一名医生。) - The company's CEO was embarrassed by the actions of the black sheep on his team, who broke several company policies and caused a lot of problems. (公司的CEO为他团队中的害群之马的行为感到尴尬,这些人违反了公司的多项政策,引起了很多问题。) - The school's principal was disappointed to learn that the black sheep of the graduating class had been caught cheating on the final exam. (得知毕业班的害群之马在期末考试中作弊被抓,校长很失望。)

上一篇:记住:Think twice不是想两次!
下一篇:a white elephant 不是你想的白色的大象