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名篇背诵:To the Unknown Hero (Ⅰ) 致无名英雄(一)


名篇背诵:To the Unknown Hero (Ⅰ) 致无名英雄(一)

To the Unknown Hero (Ⅰ) 致无名英雄(一)

弗兰克·M. 奥布赖恩(Frank M. O'Brien)

This, of all monuments to the dead, is lasting and immutable . So long as men revere the finer things of life the tomb of the nameless hero will remain a shrine. Nor, with the shifts of time and mind, can there be a changing of values. No historian shall rise to modify the virtues or the faults of the Soldier. He has an immunity for which kings might pray. The years may bring erosion to the granite but not to the memory of the Unknown.

What were his dreams, his ambitions? Likely he shared those common to the millions: a life of peace and honest struggle, with such small success as comes to most who try; and at the end the place on the hillside among his fathers. Today to do honor at his last resting place come the greatest soldier of the age, famous statesmen from other continents, the president, the high judges and the legislators of his own country, and many men who, like himself fought for the flag. At his bier will gather the most remarkable group that America has seen. And the tomb which Fate reserved for him is, instead of the narrow cell on the village hillside, one as lasting and inspiring as Napoleon's.

- immutable [ɪˈmjuːtəbl] a. 永远不变的

- revere [vɪˈvɪə] vt. 敬畏,尊敬,崇敬

- modify [ˈmɒdɪfaɪ] v. 更改,修改

- inspiring [ɪnˈspaɪərɪŋ] a. 鼓舞人心的,启发灵感的



弗兰克·M. 奥布赖恩:有关资料待考,已知出版《伊利亚神父:启示录》(1998)及《太阳、纽约的故事》(2005)。
