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名篇背诵:Tradition 传统


名篇背诵:Tradition 传统

Tradition 传统

T. S. 艾略特(T. S. Eliot)

It is not of advantage to us to indulge a sentimental attitude towards the past. For one thing, in even the very best living tradition there is always a mixture of good and bad, and much that deserves criticism; and for another, tradition is not a matter of feeling alone. Nor can we safely, without very critical examination, dig ourselves in stubbornly to a few dogmatic notions , for what is a healthy belief at one time may, unless it is one of the few fundamental things, be a pernicious prejudice at another. Nor should we cling to traditions as a way of asserting our superiority over less favoured peoples. What we can do is to use our minds, remembering that a tradition without intelligence is not worth having, to discover what is the best life for us not as a political abstraction, but as a particular people in a particular place; what in the past is worth preserving and what should be rejected, and what conditions, within our power to bring about, would foster the society that we desire.

- sentimental [ˌsentɪˈmentl] a. 多愁善感的

dig oneself in 确立自己的立场

dogmatic notions 教条主义概念

- pernicious [pɜːˈnɪʃəs] a. 有害的,无益的

- superiority [suːpɪərɪˈɒrətɪ] n. 优越,优势

- foster [ˈfɒstə] v. 促进


T. S. 艾略特(1888—1965),美国诗人、批评家、剧作家,1948年诺贝尔文学奖得主,出生于美国密苏里州圣路易斯,但后来成为英国公民,并在英国度过了大部分职业生涯。

重要作品有:《普鲁弗洛克及其他观感》(Prufrock and Other Observations ,1917),《一位夫人的写照》(Portrait of a Lady , 1915),《空心人》(The Hollow Men ,1925),四部《诗集》(1920,1909—1925,1909—1935,1909—1962),代表作《荒原》(The Waste Land ,1922)是20世纪西方文学中的划时代作品,是现代诗歌的里程碑。剧本代表作《大教堂谋杀案》(Murder in the Cathedral ,1935),此外有《家人团聚》(The Family Reunion ,1939),《鸡尾酒会》(The Cocktail Party ,1950)。批评著作有《传统与个人才能》(Tradition and the Individual Talent ,1919),《圣树》(The Sacred Wood ,1920)。

艾略特还以其卓越的文学评论闻名,其作品如《传统与个人才能》(Tradition and the Individual Talent)等,对文学理论和批评产生了重要影响。

上一篇:名篇背诵:A Little Great Man (Ⅱ) 小小的大人物(二)
下一篇:英语笑话:Train Tickets and the Engineers 火车票与工程师