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原 文:

His speech at the meeting was nice and short, and to the point.

原 译:


辨 析:

译文主要错在第一部分对nice 的理解上。这里的nice 不是「好」的意思,应将nice and short看成一个整体,nice修饰后面的short,起强调作用,意思相当于very,因此nice and short的意思是「很短」。后面的to the point可译做「中肯」,所以全句可译做:他在会上的讲话很短,但是很中肯。或简化为:他在会上的讲话简明扼要。


  • Most students are good and hard working. 大部分学生都很用功。(不是「又好又用功」。)

  • This time he was really good and angry. 这一次他可是真的很生气/气得不轻。(「又好又生气」显然不合逻辑。)

  • We hit him beautiful and hard. 我们狠揍了他。

  • I'm sure, by morning you'll feel nice and sick. 我敢肯定,到了早上你会很不舒服。

  • We had a good supper, and grew rare and happy. 我们美美地吃了一顿晚饭,高兴极了。

  • I'll see to it bright and early in the morning. 天一亮我就去办这件事。

  • 「That boy was bad.」「Yes! He was good and bad.」「那个孩子很坏。」「可不,坏透了。」

类似的短语good and well则相当于thoroughly,如:The two of us went for a ride in the afternoon, and got lost good and well. 下午我们出去兜风,结果完全迷了路。

下一篇:考研写作常用高分句型 投诉信