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hope against hope 不是希望与希望对抗


hope against hope 不是希望与希望对抗

Feeling jumpy, Harry set off, hoping against hope he'd be able to find a way out of there. 误译:哈利感到毛骨悚然,要赶快离开那里。他用希望对抗希望,但愿能摸出去。 正确:哈利感到毛骨悚然,要赶快离开那里。他心中抱着一线希望,但愿能摸出去。 说明:“hope against hope”的英文释义是:to hope very strongly that something will happen, although you know it is not likely,即“抱着万一的希望,存一线希望”。

上一篇:off the hook 不是脱钩
下一篇:too hot for sb. 不是对某人太热