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1.哺乳动物 虎 狼 鼠 鹿 貂 猴 貘 树懒 斑马 狗 狐 熊 象 豹子 麝牛 狮子 小熊猫 疣猪 羚羊 驯鹿 考拉 犀牛 猞猁 穿山甲 长颈鹿 熊猫 食蚁兽 猩猩 海牛 水獭 灵猫 海豚 海象 鸭嘴兽 刺猬 北极狐 无尾熊 北极熊 袋鼠 犰狳 河马 海豹 鲸鱼 鼬

2.鱼类 龙鱼 塘鳢 鲶鱼 鲨鱼 章鱼 刺鱼目 鲱形目 鲵 鳅鱼 鳟鱼 锦鲤 鲀鱼 神仙鱼 鳗鲡 热带鱼 鲽形目 鰕虎鱼 鳄鱼 鲈鱼 鳐鱼 鲤鱼 鳢鱼 金枪鱼 深海鱼 鲟鱼 鲑鱼 鮋鱼 杜父鱼 鳢形目 淡水鱼 孔雀鱼

3.鸟类 鹰 鹭 鹅 企鹅 犀鸟 遗鸥 隼 鹳 松鸡 鲣鸟 鹦鹉 鸳鸯 啄木鸟 鸮 鹮 鸵鸟 翠鸟 天鹅 蜂鸟 信天翁 鹤 雉 夜鹰 海鸥 鸸鹋 北极燕鸥

4.两栖动物 海狮 龟 蜥蜴 龟鳖 蟾蜍 大鲵

5.昆虫 蝴蝶 蜻蜓 蝎子 吸虫 珊瑚 纤毛虫 绦虫 螈 蚓螈 肉足虫 藤壶 水蚤 水蛭 蟋蟀 蜈蚣 蝗虫

6.其他动物 恐龙 草履虫 海参海蜇 海参 海绵 水母 水螅 海星 乌贼 海葵 海胆


动物的种类是非常多的,分类也是多种多样的。1.哺乳动物虎 狼 鼠 鹿 貂 猴 貘 树懒斑马 狗 狐 熊 象 豹子 麝牛 狮子小熊猫 疣猪 羚羊 驯鹿 考拉 犀牛 猞猁 穿山甲长颈鹿 熊猫 食蚁兽 猩猩 海牛 水獭 灵猫 海豚海象 鸭嘴兽 刺猬 北极狐 无尾熊 北极熊 袋鼠 犰狳河马 海豹 鲸鱼 鼬2.鱼类龙鱼 塘鳢 鲶鱼 鲨鱼 章鱼 刺鱼目 鲱形目 鲵鳅鱼 鳟鱼 锦鲤 鲀鱼 神仙鱼 鳗鲡 热带鱼 鲽形目鰕虎鱼 鳄鱼 鲈鱼 鳐鱼 鲤鱼 鳢鱼 金枪鱼 深海鱼鲟鱼 鲑鱼 鮋鱼 杜父鱼 鳢形目 淡水鱼 孔雀鱼3.鸟类鹰 鹭 鹅 企鹅 犀鸟 遗鸥 隼 鹳松鸡 鲣鸟 鹦鹉 鸳鸯 啄木鸟 鸮 鹮 鸵鸟翠鸟 天鹅 蜂鸟 信天翁 鹤 雉 夜鹰 海鸥鸸鹋 北极燕鸥4.两栖动物 海狮 龟 蜥蜴 龟鳖 蟾蜍 大鲵5.昆虫蝴蝶 蜻蜓 蝎子 吸虫 珊瑚 纤毛虫 绦虫 螈蚓螈 肉足虫 藤壶 水蚤 水蛭 蟋蟀 蜈蚣 蝗虫6.其他动物恐龙 草履虫 海参海蜇 海参 海绵 水母 水螅 海星乌贼 海葵 海胆






















One, animal and the sentence with harmonious nature?

Ox carefree on the hillside ground browses, ma Er runs on the prairie

2, world nature animal?


The biggest vertebrate on existent world is blue whale. Its height 33 meters, heft 181 tons.


The smallest vertebrate on the world is A Ma Wutong frog. Its height only 7.3 millimeter.


The biggest invertebrate on the world is You of king acerbity oar. Its height 15 meters, heft 400 kilograms.


The smallest invertebrate on the world is monad paramecium. Its height only 280 micron.

3, what animal does nature have?

The butterfly that color flies violently, visit a flower to brew sweet bee, the silkworm darling of spin knot chrysalis, the cicada of sing happily in a loud voice, contend for strong bellicose Qu Qu, the firebug that starlight twinkles, skill the dragonfly of plane of strong and vigorous, be similar in shape, simple and honest and lovely small ladybug, lifting the mantis that circle of a pair of bolo, glower opens, rebarbative fly, mosquito, cockroach is waited a moment

4, what animal does nature have?

The sort of the animal is rife, classification also is varied.

Reindeer of antelope of warthog of lesser panda of lion of musk-ox of panther of ursine elephant of fox of dog of zebra of sloth of tapir of monkey of ermine of deer of mouse of wolf of 1. mammalian tiger is taken an examination of pull arctic of hedgehog of platypus of sea-ox of cowfish of civet of otter of cowfish of orangutan of anteater of panda of giraffe of rhinoceros lynx pangolin stoat of whale of seal of hippo of armadillo of kangaroo of fox koala polar bear

Trout of fish of Qiu of salamander of eye of form of herring of eye of stickleback of octopus of shark of catfish of sleeper of fish of 2. fish dragon tropical fish of eel of fish of immortal of fish of Zuo of bright and beautiful carp Hu Yue of Zuo of plaice form eye tuna of fish of murrel of carp of piscine weever ray is deep-sea fish of Zuo of piscine sturgeon salmon

Woodpecker of an affectionate couple of parrot of bird of bonito of grouse of marabou of hawk of gull of involuntary discharge of urine of hornbill of penguin of goose of aigret of 3. avian eagle Zuo Zuo ostrich is halcyon swan hummer albatross tern of arctic of emu of mew of crane pheasant goatsucker

Giant salamander of toad of terrapin of lizard of chelonian of 4. amphibian sea lion

Locust of centipede of cricket of bloodsucker of daphnia of barnacle of sufficient bug of flesh of Yuan of Yin of Yuan of tapeworm of infusorian of coral of fluke of scorpion of dragonfly of 5. insect butterfly

Paramecium of dinosaur of 6. other animal is holothurian jellyfish is holothurian sponge jellyfish is hydroid sea urchin of starfish cuttlefish actinia

5, what animal is there in nature?

The sort of the animal is rife, classification also is varied. 1. Reindeer of antelope of warthog of lesser panda of lion of musk-ox of panther of ursine elephant of fox of dog of zebra of sloth of tapir of monkey of ermine of deer of mouse of mammalian tiger wolf is taken an examination of pull arctic of hedgehog of platypus of sea-ox of cowfish of civet of otter of cowfish of orangutan of anteater of panda of giraffe of rhinoceros lynx pangolin stoat of whale of seal of hippo of armadillo of kangaroo of fox koala polar bear 2. Trout of fish of Qiu of salamander of eye of form of herring of eye of stickleback of octopus of shark of catfish of sleeper of fish dragon fish tropical fish of eel of fish of immortal of fish of Zuo of bright and beautiful carp Hu Yue of Zuo of plaice form eye tuna of fish of murrel of carp of piscine weever ray is deep-sea fish of Zuo of piscine sturgeon salmon prevent. Woodpecker of an affectionate couple of parrot of bird of bonito of grouse of marabou of hawk of gull of involuntary discharge of urine of hornbill of penguin of goose of avian eagle aigret Zuo Zuo ostrich is halcyon swan hummer albatross tern of arctic of emu of mew of crane pheasant goatsucker 4. Giant salamander of toad of terrapin of lizard of chelonian of amphibian sea lion 5. Locust of centipede of cricket of bloodsucker of daphnia of barnacle of sufficient bug of flesh of Yuan of Yin of Yuan of tapeworm of infusorian of coral of fluke of scorpion of insect butterfly dragonfly 6. Paramecium of other animal dinosaur is holothurian jellyfish is holothurian sponge jellyfish is hydroid sea urchin of starfish cuttlefish actinia

6, the article table of nature animal?

There are a lot of lovely puppies inside nature, these animals are exceedingly lovely

7, does nature animal prey record?

Ant climbed the past, open the mouth, holding a formic egg gently, outside shaking hole of head ground Xiang Yi, go.

A sly fox is gotten out suddenly, hold a chicken, placing a tail to run away.

Quarrelsome fan wears cockscomb of end up of a big cock wing, extending before growing long neck arrow to be like the ground to bear down on; Abrupt, cry quite, bend is worn waist, rise high into the air and rise to attack to the cockerel.

8, the animal that introduces nature?

There are two on frog head the big eye that the circle rouses again, one Zhang Youkuan big mouth, the tongue is very long, belly for nothing, have 4 legs, can jump on the ground, also can swim in water, can give out " quack " cry. Frog lives in water or stand by the place of water edge, be in mostly nightly activity, basically eat a pest, beneficial to agricultural production. Frog is a kind of beneficial puppy. The head spinous of frog, mouth is wide wide, sing a song to come to what mandible rouses, frog is camouflage ace, belly is white, back is green. Frog is the hotshot that catch bug, it can protect crops. Frog catchs that long tongue that the tool of the pest is it, have on the tongue of frog barb and mucous, flying outdated of small winged insect, the one loll head of frog Shua, small winged insect was given to eat by it.

The mankind and frog are a good friend, we should protect fountainhead later, do not catch tadpole, do not eat frog meat.

9, the animal that nature photograph resembles?

Lynx, it is felid, 2 class protect the country animal, with appearance likeness of the cat, but bodily form and disposition and cat differ very big.

Lynx is main food is the animal such as boar, hare, grouse, the Palladium that because this says lynx,is protective crops had not been been. The lynx in food chain can reduce his to be affected to crops through taking the animal such as boar, make crops thrive, reckon without lynx wild animal can overrun.

10, the article case that doesn't animal world person know?

Yes, the article record that animal world keeps in a lot of mankinds not to understand.

Because the animal has a lot of individual action and communication kind in daily life, need understands through observe and learning ability.

For example, a few avian meetings reveal their feather to attract the opposite sex with specific means, or the affection that a few monkeys can convey them with body movement.

These behavior to the mankind it is factitious, the knowledge with specific need and skill ability understand the implication of its backside.

In addition, in animal world, put in a lot of different species and ecosystem, the relation between them and interaction are very complex also.

Although the mankind considered to had understood a few basic rules and knowledge through science, but still a lot of uncharted territories await exploration.

Accordingly, understanding animal world needs more observation and study, and need updates our knowledge and understanding ceaselessly.

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