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"锅sir"(音译为guō sī)和"锅圈"是两个不同的词语,它们有以下区别:

1. 定义: "锅sir"是一种食物,也称为炒菜片。它由薄切的肉片、蔬菜和调味料组成,通常在煮锅或平底锅中炒制而成。而"锅圈"是指一种圆形的面食点心,外观类似于环形的面包圈。它通常由面粉、酵母、油和糖等原料制成。

2. 制作方法: "锅sir"是通过将食材切成薄片,然后炒煮而成,通常会加入调味料和蔬菜等。而"锅圈"是用面粉、酵母等原料制作面团,经过发酵后,将面团成圈状再烘烤或油炸而成。

3. 类型: "锅sir"可以有很多种类,如牛肉锅sir、鸡肉锅sir等,而"锅圈"通常是指甜味的面团圈,常见的有原味、巧克力味、葡萄干味等。

4. 文化差异: "锅sir"是广东话中的称呼,是广东美食之一,主要出现在广东和港澳地区。而"锅圈"则更常见于台湾、中国大陆和华人社区。


























How does chaffy dish sell to deserve to send outside boiler Sir?

Such matching chaffy dish sells outside boiler Sir that send, call to had been booked beforehand, outside perhaps crying, sell, this inn can match the condiment of good boiler bottom, tool that distributes dish, meal, beverage to wait beforehand according to your order, divide a carton mount, a big outfit electron pot, another installs condiment to match dish to wait, brand Logo and conduct propaganda are completely on the box that pack, can say special intention, finally by outside sell caballero service.

How does chaffy dish certificate sell to use outside boiler Sir?

Above all, you need to open the official website that sells outside boiler Sir or the chaffy dish that use a program and choose you to want to order.

In settle accounts page, input code of your chaffy dish certificate or discount code, click next " application " .

Your discount will show automatically in order total, you can continue to pay and submit order form next. Ask an attention, different coupon may have different use limitation and term of validity, read coupon service instruction carefully before use without fail please.

The distinction of the small chaffy dish of boiler Sir and great chaffy dish?

Price is different, edible number is different, the small chaffy dish of boiler Sir is general one person edible, autarky, the personnel of conflagration boiler edible is unnecessary 2 people, general and OK 3-4 person is used at the same time, it is a few cheaper that bottom of boiler of small of course chaffy dish should compare bottom of conflagration boiler boiler

How is boiler Sir used?

Is boiler Sir baked dish how to use?

1. uses first do not stick bake dish, before enabling, be rinsed clean with clear water and wipe, put into oven next, bake 10 minutes for nothing with 200 degrees, the refrigeration after be being taken out comes normal temperature, wipe with soft cloth can use. Note: ? See this  of Ling of > of Ci of badge of appearance asking A Chinese-style unlined garment rotten? of knock ㄊ balance is OK the biggest play its do not touch a gender, lengthen coating to use time.

2. does not touch coating to be in work for long below high temperature, pore can expand, the meeting after cooling suddenly immediately constrictive, breathe out like breathing out the skin with the person, can make hangover hides in pore not to come out, erode do not touch coating, bring about coating finally to drive do not touch a gender. The proposal is roast temperature under 240 degrees, can lengthen service life; to prevent inhomogenous be affected by the heat more, bake temperature cannot exceed 290 degrees to cannot be burned for nothing.

3. will be not baked or wait for baked food to be put for long in do not touch a mould in, because its accumulate the warm air in food, candy portion and the corrosive that oil forms can be corroded and the metallic stuff of oxidation coating bottom.

4 do not touch bake the temperature such as dish of beard after using to fall a bit, catharsis of reoccupy clear water, cannot clean with cold water instantly. Not usable and acidity scour is cleaned, encounter stubborn besmirch, clean with sponge or soft cloth. Cut with rough emery cloth or steel wire ball, the metal shovels snake melon cloth to clear.

5 avoid to collide strongly as far as possible, chafe and make coating is damaged, scratch. Take gently put, had better avoid to pile up, procrastinate brush do not touch coating.  

The hardness that 6. putamen handles, wear-resisting is spent, be able to bear or endure corrode sex more excel positive pole is handled, the surface presents grey black, acid-proof alkaline, exceed strong hardness, maintain easily and clean, . Watch mask has 50% to leave ability in swimming, do not touch a gender namely. Suit to make cake model and pizza model especially, use frequency can amount to above 20000 times.

7. uses putamen pattern first, the clear water before enabling is abluent, after 150 degrees of drying, wipe the surface with a few grease.

8 dry impetuous maintains completely with lukewarm bath after using, do not heat with blaze directly, or roast temperature exceeds 280 degrees.

Boiler Sir and the distinction that boiler encircles?

" boiler Sir" (transliteration is ī of Gu ō S) encircling " with " boiler is two different terms, they have the following distinction:

1.Definition: " boiler Sir" is a kind of food, also call a fried dish piece. It by thin cut cutlet, vegetable and flavoring composition, fry in skillet or pan normally make and become. And " of " boiler circle is the mug-up of cooked wheaten food that points to a kind of circle, the exterior is similar to annular biscuit circle. It is made by the raw material such as flour, yeasty, oil and candy normally.

2.The method that make: " boiler Sir" is to pass the slice that feed capable person, fry next boil and become, connect regular meeting to join flavoring and vegetable to wait. And " of " boiler circle is the raw material such as shortbread, yeast the dough that make, after the course ferments, become dough circularity again roast or deepfry and into.

3.Type: Sir" can have " pot a lot of sort, wait like beef boiler Sir, chicken boiler Sir, and " of " boiler circle is to point to normally sweet dough circle, commonly raw ingredient, chocolate flavour, currant flavour waits.

4.Culture difference: " boiler Sir" is the appellation in Cantonese, it is one of Guangdong cate, basically appear in Guangdong and area of HongKong and Macow. And " of " boiler circle is commonner at Taiwan, chinese mainland and Chinese community.

Anyhow, although Sir" and " boiler encircle " boiler," has " boiler " this word, but they are two different terms, point to the food with different generation respectively, have the different method that make and local color.

Is boiler Sir baked dish how to use?

1. uses first do not stick bake dish, before enabling, be rinsed clean with clear water and wipe, put into oven next, bake 10 minutes for nothing with 200 degrees, the refrigeration after be being taken out comes normal temperature, wipe with soft cloth can use. Note: ? See this  of Ling of > of Ci of badge of appearance asking A Chinese-style unlined garment rotten? of knock ㄊ balance is OK the biggest play its do not touch a gender, lengthen coating to use time.

2. does not touch coating to be in work for long below high temperature, pore can expand, the meeting after cooling suddenly immediately constrictive, breathe out like breathing out the skin with the person, can make hangover hides in pore not to come out, erode do not touch coating, bring about coating finally to drive do not touch a gender. The proposal is roast temperature under 240 degrees, can lengthen service life; to prevent inhomogenous be affected by the heat more, bake temperature cannot exceed 290 degrees to cannot be burned for nothing.

3. will be not baked or wait for baked food to be put for long in do not touch a mould in, because its accumulate the warm air in food, candy portion and the corrosive that oil forms can be corroded and the metallic stuff of oxidation coating bottom.

4 do not touch bake the temperature such as dish of beard after using to fall a bit, catharsis of reoccupy clear water, cannot clean with cold water instantly. Not usable and acidity scour is cleaned, encounter stubborn besmirch, clean with sponge or soft cloth. Cut with rough emery cloth or steel wire ball, the metal shovels snake melon cloth to clear.

5 avoid to collide strongly as far as possible, chafe and make coating is damaged, scratch. Take gently put, had better avoid to pile up, procrastinate brush do not touch coating.  

The hardness that 6. putamen handles, wear-resisting is spent, be able to bear or endure corrode sex more excel positive pole is handled, the surface presents grey black, acid-proof alkaline, exceed strong hardness, maintain easily and clean, . Watch mask has 50% to leave ability in swimming, do not touch a gender namely. Suit to make cake model and pizza model especially, use frequency can amount to above 20000 times.

7. uses putamen pattern first, the clear water before enabling is abluent, after 150 degrees of drying, wipe the surface with a few grease.

8 dry impetuous maintains completely with lukewarm bath after using, do not heat with blaze directly, or roast temperature exceeds 280 degrees.

How does boiler Sir send come?

Such matching chaffy dish sells outside boiler Sir that send, call to had been booked beforehand, outside perhaps crying, sell, this inn can match the condiment of good boiler bottom, tool that distributes dish, meal, beverage to wait beforehand according to your order, divide a carton mount, a big outfit electron pot, another installs condiment to match dish to wait, brand Logo and conduct propaganda are completely on the box that pack, can say special intention, finally by outside sell caballero service

Is boiler Sir small order entered for what do not go?


1, the mobile phone is toxic, can install the software reducing toxin such as mobile phone chamberlain to reduce toxin;

2, the rubbish of cache is too much inside the mobile phone, took up the moving memory of the mobile phone, clear mobile phone cache can;

3, the software that saves inside the mobile phone and file are too much took up the memory of the mobile phone, it is OK to often delete unused file and software

How doesn't search reach boiler Sir small order?


1, the mobile phone is toxic, can install the software reducing toxin such as mobile phone chamberlain to reduce toxin;

2, the rubbish of cache is too much inside the mobile phone, took up the moving memory of the mobile phone, clear mobile phone cache can;

3, the software that saves inside the mobile phone and file are too much took up the memory of the mobile phone, it is OK to often delete unused file and software

Does fashionable small chaffy dish name?

The dot nods starlight: Chaffy dish is very small, like starlight, let a person feel pure, have some of romance again.

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下一篇:单反和数码相机区别? 单反数码相机死机咋办?英文双语对照
