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1、文化旅游资源的开发不够,规划不当。 我国拥有丰富的文化旅游资源,可供观光的旅游景区约1万余处,现在已开发并可以接待国内外游客的仅有1800余处,不足1/5,文化旅游资源价值还没有得到充分的挖掘。同时也存在规划不当的问题。例如:世界文化遗产的“丽江古城”,正是由于对风景区已超常开发,使得其人工化,商业化现象十分严重,逐渐失去了原有的民族气息,历史文化“古城南京”在古城墙边上架设电梯的计划更是严重的景区开发过度。

2、文化旅游配套基础设施落后。 文化旅游基础设施,不仅包括传统意义上的旅游交通业、饭店业,也包括融入新技术的旅游信息化基础设施。我国基础设施建设方面还存在着很多问题,如交通问题、饭店旅店业问题、文化旅游信息化问题等,尤其在一些经济不发达的地区,即使它拥有很优秀的文化旅游资源,但缺乏相应的配套设施,比如交通不方便,饭店入住不好等,也会导致文化旅游业受到限制。

3、发展资金不足,投融资渠道单一。 文化旅游业以文化为底蕴,以历史文物景观及文化活动的浏览观光服务为核心,涉及到各个方面,它是一个产业集群,因此它的发展需要大量的资金投入,而我国目前文化旅游主要资金主要来自于政府投入,民营资本介入很少,其他像金融行业也没有发挥作用,融资渠道单一,而政府所能提供的毕竟是有限的。

4、法规体系不健全。 中国旅游法律体系应是以《中华人民共和国旅游法》居主导地位的完整的法律体系。其中除旅游基本法外,还应当包括旅游业的各个方面。但目前看来,这一体系的框架结构上存在着一些问题,同时各项旅游专业法规也不够健全,主要是范围跟不上行业发展的步伐,具有暂时性,后续法规缺乏。由于对旅游业进行监督和管理的法律缺失,导致恶性竞争、虚假广告、合同欺诈以及破坏旅游资源的等各种违法现象充斥着我国的旅游市场,例如“香港阿珍”事件,还有众所周知的“海南三亚宰客”事件,这些都必将导致该地区旅游业收入的急速下滑。严重影响了文化旅游产业的长远健康发展,

5、缺乏优秀文化旅游产业专业人才。 21世纪,人才是最重要的资源,然而我国旅游业是最近兴起来的,在人才的培养上明显落后与缺乏,尤其是精通以文化为依托的来发展旅游业的人才,更是稀缺。 文化旅游业发展的对策分析


1, the development of culture travel resource is insufficient, the program is undeserved. Our country has rich culture travel resource, the travel scene area that can supply sightseeing arranges 10 thousand more than place, what already was developed now and can welcome domestic and international visitor is only 1800 more than place, be not worth 1/5, value of source of culture brigade idle fund has not gotten sufficient mining. Also put in the problem with undeserved program at the same time. For example: Of world culture bequest " beautiful Jianggu city " , because already exceeded constant development to beauty spot, make its artificialize, commercialize a phenomenon very serious, lost original ethical breath gradually, historical culture " ancient city Nanjing " the scene area development with the more serious plan in elevator of the erect on edge of ancient city wall is excessive.

2, infrastructure of culture travel form a complete set is backward. Culture tourism infrastructure, include line of business of the travel transportation on traditional sense, restaurant not only, also include to blend in the travel informatization infrastructure of new technology. Respect of construction of our country infrastructure still is existing a lot of problems, wait like problem of informatization of travel of problem of traffic issue, restaurant inn trade, culture, be in the area with a few underdeveloped economy especially, although it has cause of very outstanding culture brigade idle fund, but the establishment of form a complete set with corresponding lack, traffic is for instance no-go, restaurant is entered bad to wait, also can bring about culture tourism to be restricted.

3, development capital is insufficient, drop financing channel onefold. Culture tourism is details with culture, with the browsing sightseeing of landscape of historical cultural relic and culture activity the service is core, involve each aspects, it is an industry group, because its development needs much capital investment, and preamble of our country eye changes travel main fund basically comes from throw at the government, civilian battalion capital intervenes very few, other also did not produce effect like financial industry, financing channel is onefold, and what the government can offer is finite after all.

4, code the system is diseased. Chinese travel jurisprudence should be with " mode of travel of People's Republic of China " the complete jurisprudence that occupies dominant position. Outside eliminating travel basic law among them, still ought to include each fields of tourism. But look at present, there are a few problems on the frame structure of this one system, code of each travel major is not quite perfect also at the same time, advocate the pace that if limits does not follow to go up,industry grows, have provisionality, follow-up code is lacked. Because make supervisory the law with management to be short of break to tourism, cause malign competition, false advertisement, contract con and the waits for all sorts of illegal phenomena to flooding our country travel market that destroys travel resource, for example " precious of Hong Kong A " incident, still have well-known " Hainan 3 inferior slaughter a guest " incident, the quickness that these are sure to cause income of this area tourism glides. The long-term health that affected culture travel industry badly develops,

5, lack professional of industry of outstanding culture travel. 21 centuries, the talent is the most important resource, however our country tourism is arisen recently come, apparently backward on the talent's education with lack, have a good command of especially the will develop tourism talent that relies on with article melt into, more rare be short of. The countermeasure that culture tourism develops is analysed
