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  • 随着全球化的不断推进,英语已经成为国际交流的重要语言。无论是在商务、教育还是日常生活中,掌握一定的英语表达能力都是十分必要的。健康是人们永恒的话题,了解和使用与健康相关的英语短语,不仅能帮助我们在国际环境中更好地交流,还能增进我们对健康生活方式的认识。


    1. Stay hydrated - 保持水分

      • 例句:Make sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day.
    2. Balanced diet - 平衡饮食

      • 例句:A balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health.
    3. Get enough sleep - 充足的睡眠

      • 例句:It's important to get enough sleep to function properly.
    4. Regular exercise - 规律运动

      • 例句:Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
    5. Mental health - 心理健康

      • 例句:Taking care of your mental health is just as important as physical health.
    6. Physical fitness - 身体健康

      • 例句:Joining a gym can improve your physical fitness.
    7. Preventive care - 预防性护理

      • 例句:Regular check-ups are part of preventive care.
    8. Well-being - 福祉

      • 例句:Yoga is known to improve one's well-being.
    9. Nutritional value - 营养价值

      • 例句:Fruits and vegetables are high in nutritional value.
    10. Vitamins and minerals - 维生素和矿物质

      • 例句:Eating a variety of foods ensures you get all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
    11. Immune system - 免疫系统

      • 例句:A strong immune system can help fight off infections.
    12. Stress management - 压力管理

      • 例句:Learning stress management techniques can improve your overall health.
    13. Organic food - 有机食品

      • 例句:Many people choose organic food for its perceived health benefits.
    14. Vegetarian diet - 素食饮食

      • 例句:A vegetarian diet can be a healthy choice for some people.
    15. Gluten-free - 无麸质

      • 例句:Some people follow a gluten-free diet due to gluten intolerance.
    16. Low-fat - 低脂

      • 例句:Low-fat dairy products can be part of a heart-healthy diet.
    17. High-protein - 高蛋白

      • 例句:High-protein diets are popular among bodybuilders.
    18. Calorie counting - 计算卡路里

      • 例句:Calorie counting can help you maintain or lose weight.
    19. Portion control - 控制份量

      • 例句:Portion control is key to managing your weight.
    20. Sugar-free - 无糖

      • 例句:Diabetics often look for sugar-free alternatives.
    21. Low-sodium - 低钠

      • 例句:A low-sodium diet can help control blood pressure.
    22. Heart-healthy - 心脏健康

      • 例句:Olive oil is considered heart-healthy.
    23. Dietary fiber - 膳食纤维

      • 例句:Dietary fiber is important for digestive health.
    24. Food allergies - 食物过敏

      • 例句:People with food allergies must be cautious about their diet.
    25. Nutritionist - 营养师

      • 例句:Consulting a nutritionist can help you plan a healthy diet.
    26. Physical therapy - 物理治疗

      • 例句:Physical therapy can help recover from injuries.
    27. Cardiovascular - 心血管的

      • 例句:Cardiovascular exercises are great for your heart.
    28. Respiratory system - 呼吸系统

      • 例句:Smoking can damage your respiratory system.
    29. Digestive system - 消化系统

      • 例句:Eating too fast can affect your digestive system.
    30. Muscular system - 肌肉系统

      • 例句:Weightlifting can strengthen your muscular system.
    31. Endocrine system - 内分泌系统

      • 例句:Hormones play a crucial role in the endocrine system.
    32. Nervous system - 神经系统

      • 例句:Stress can affect the nervous system.
    33. Skeletal system - 骨骼系统

      • 例句:Calcium is important for maintaining a healthy skeletal system.
    34. Lymphatic system - 淋巴系统

      • 例句:The lymphatic system plays a role in immune function.
    35. Hydration - 水合

      • 例句:Drinking water is crucial for maintaining proper hydration.
    36. Hygienic - 卫生的

      • 例句:Maintaining good personal hygiene is important for health.
    37. Vaccination - 接种疫苗

      • 例句:Vaccination is a key preventive measure against many diseases.
    38. Screen time - 屏幕时间

      • 例句:Excessive screen time can have negative effects on health.
    39. Wellness - 健康

      • 例句:Pursuing a lifestyle of wellness can lead to a happier life.
    40. Healthcare provider - 医疗服务提供者

      • 例句:Consult your healthcare provider before starting a new medication.

