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"讲价" 是一种商业或购物过程中的交涉技巧,意指消费者或买家试图通过议价来获得更低的价格。这是一种普遍的文化现象,特别是在许多亚洲和非洲国家。

关于 "讲价" 的英语词汇:





Wheeling and dealing

关于 "讲价" 的英语句子:

He's really good at bargaining; he managed to get a discount on that expensive watch. 

- 他真的很会讲价;他成功地在那块昂贵的手表上获得了折扣。

I don't like haggling over prices; I prefer fixed prices. 

- 我不喜欢就价格讲价;我更喜欢固定价格。

The market vendors are used to negotiating with customers. 

- 市场的摊贩习惯于与顾客讲价。

She's good at wheeling and dealing when it comes to buying cars. 

- 当涉及购买汽车时,她很擅长讲价。

Haggling is a common practice in many countries around the world. 

- 在世界许多国家,讲价是一种常见的做法。

关于 "讲价" 的英语作文:The Art of Bargaining - 讲价的艺术

Bargaining, or haggling, is an integral part of shopping experiences in many parts of the world. It involves a negotiation between the buyer and the seller to reach an agreeable price for a product or service.


In some cultures, it's expected that consumers will bargain, while in others, fixed prices are the norm. However, the basic principles of bargaining remain the same: understanding the value of the item, setting a budget, and being willing to walk away if the price isn't right.


Bargaining can be seen as a game of strategy and wit, where both parties try to outsmart each other to achieve their desired outcome. It requires patience, communication skills, and a good understanding of market prices.


In conclusion, the art of bargaining is not just about getting a good deal; it's also about building relationships, understanding cultural norms, and enjoying the process of negotiation.



❶ 可以讲价吗?Shall I make an offer?

对话 A: Shall I make an offer? 可以讲价吗?

B: Sorry. Our price is fixed. 不好意思,我们不讲价。

❷ 这已经是折扣价了。This is a discount price.

对话 A: How much is the bed? 这个床多少钱?

B: 2,000 yuan . 2 000元。

A: Can you lower the price? 价格能便宜一些吗?

B: This is a discount price. 这已经是折扣价了。

❸ 能再便宜一些吗?Can you make it cheaper?

同类表达 Can't you make it less expensive?

How about knocking something off the price?

❹ 200元是成本价。200 yuan is the cost price.

对话 A: Can I buy the pair of glasses with 200 yuan ? 这副眼镜200元怎么样?

B: No, 200 yuan is the cost price. 不行,200元是成本价。

❺ 这是我们保本的最低价了。That's the lowest we can sell without losing money.

❻ 您愿意出多少钱?How much are you willing to pay?

对话 A: I will take it if you offer me a lower price. 你再降低点价格我就买了。

B: How much are you willing to pay? 您愿意出多少钱?

A: 100 yuan . 100元。

❼ 你给打几折?How much discount do you offer?

对话 A: We can give you a discount. 我们可以给您打折。

B: That's great. How much discount do you offer? 太好了。你给打几折?

A: 20% is the highest discount we can offer. 最多打八折。

❽ 能不能再多一些折扣?Is there any way you could give me a bigger discount?

对话 A: Is there any way you could give me a bigger discount? 能不能再多一些折扣?

B: 15% is the highest discount we can offer. 最多打八五折。

❾ 我付不起这个价格。That's more than I can afford.

对话 A: How much is the skirt? 这条裙子多少钱?

B: It's 100 dollars. 100美元。

A: Oh, that's more than I can afford. 哦,我付不起这个价格。

❿ 不买就算了。Take it or leave it.

对话 A: I'll take it if you offer me a lower price. 你再便宜点我就买了。

B: Take it or leave it. 不买就算了。

上一篇:初中记事的英语作文:Tree-planting Day 植树节