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Rent a car: 租车

Car rental service: 汽车租赁服务

Vehicle: 车辆

Sedan: 轿车

SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle): 运动型多功能汽车(越野车)

Minivan: 小型商务车

Luxury car: 豪华车

Compact car: 小型车

Economy car: 经济型车

Reservation: 预订

Insurance: 保险

Deposit: 押金

Daily rate: 日租费

Weekly rate: 周租费

Monthly rate: 月租费

Contract: 合同

Mileage: 里程

Fuel policy: 燃油政策

Additional driver: 额外驾驶员


Renting a car is an excellent option for those who seek the comfort and convenience of personal transportation without the long-term commitment of ownership. Whether it's for a weekend getaway or a cross-country business trip, car rental services provide a wide array of vehicles to suit every need.

When you rent a car, you can choose from various types of vehicles, such as sedans for a smooth city drive, SUVs for off-road adventures, or minivans for family outings. The process is straightforward: make a reservation, sign a contract, pay the deposit, and you're ready to hit the road. The daily or weekly rates are typically affordable, and some companies even offer special discounts for long-term rentals.

One of the significant advantages of renting a car is the flexibility it offers. You can plan your itinerary without worrying about the availability of public transport or the inconvenience of sharing a ride. Moreover, car rental services often include insurance and sometimes even a refundable deposit, ensuring peace of mind during your journey.

However, it's essential to understand the fuel policy and any additional fees that may apply, such as for extra drivers or out-of-state travel. Reading the contract carefully and asking questions about any unclear terms can help avoid unexpected costs.

In conclusion, car rental services are a valuable resource for anyone looking to travel with ease and independence. With a car at your disposal, the open road becomes an invitation to adventure, and the journey becomes as enjoyable as the destination.







❶ 我想租一辆小型车。I'd like to rent a compact car.

对话 A: I'd like to rent a compact car. 我想租一辆小型车。

B: Please fill out the form first. 请您先填这张单子。

❷ 请出示您的驾照好吗?May I see your driver's license, please?

同类表达 Can you show me your driving license?

对话 A: May I see your driver's license, please? 请出示您的驾照好吗?

B: Yes. Here you are. 好的,给你。

A: Thank you. 谢谢。

❸ 你们有哪几种车?What kinds of cars do you have?

对话 A: What kinds of cars do you have? 你们有哪几种车?

B: Here is the list of cars. Take your time for choosing. 这是车单,请慢慢选。

❹ 我驾车十年无事故。I have driven ten years with no accident.

对话 A: How about your driving skill? 你的驾驶技术怎么样?

B: I have driven ten years with no accident. 我驾车十年无事故。

❺ 车一天的租金是多少钱?What is the rent for the car per day?

对话 A: What is the rent for the car per day?车一天的租金是多少钱?

B: That depends. Different cars would have different rents. 看情况,不一样的车型,租金也不一样。

❻ 我还车时需要把油加满吗?Do I have to fill up when I check in?

对话 A: Do I have to fill up when I check in? 我还车时需要把油加满吗?

B: Yes. And keep the receipt with you. 是的,请保存好发票。

❼ 需要1 000元的押金。There is a 1,000 yuan deposit.

对话 A: Do you charge deposit? 你们要收取押金吗?

B: Yes. There is a 1,000 yuan deposit. 是的,需要1 000元押金。

❽ 这个价钱含保险费吗?Does this include insurance?

对话 A: Does this include insurance? 这个价钱含保险费吗?

B: No, it doesn't include insurance. 不,这不包含保险费。

❾ 开车里程数有限制吗?Is there any mileage limit?

同类表达 What is the mileage limit?

❿ 你开车太快了。You're driving like a maniac.

同类表达 You are driving too fast.

对话 A: You're driving like a maniac. It's dangerous. 你开车太快了。这样很危险。

B: I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I promise. 对不起。我发誓以后不会了。

上一篇:英语笑话:Train Tickets and the Engineers 火车票与工程师
下一篇:名篇背诵:Feeling in Love 爱的感觉