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名篇背诵:Autumn Days 秋日


名篇背诵:Autumn Days 秋日

Autumn Days 秋日

凯特·D. 威金(Kate D. Wiggin)

These were beautiful autumn days at the White Farm. The orchards were gleaming, the grapes hung purple on the vines, and the odor of ripening fruit was in the hazy air. The pink spirea had cast its feathery petals by the gray stone walls but the welcome golden-rod bloomed in royal profusion along the brown waysides, and a crimson leaf hung here and there in the tree tops, just to give a hint of the fall styles in color. Heaps of yellow pumpkins and squashes lay in the corners of the fields; corn stalks bowed their heads beneath the weight of ripened ears; beans threatened to burst through their yellow pods .

- spirea [spaɪˈriːə] n. 绣线菊属植物

- golden-rod [ˈɡəʊldən rɒd] n. 黄花

- pumpkin [ˈpʌmpkɪn] n. 南瓜

- squash [skwɒʃ] n. 葫芦

- pod [pɒd] n. 豆荚


凯特·D. 威金(1856—1923),美国女小说家,出生于费城。既写给成人看的小说,也写给孩子看的小说,后者比较成功。作品有《松尼布鲁克农场的丽贝卡》(Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm ,1903),《鸟儿的圣诞颂歌》(The Birds's Christmas Carol ,1887),《卡雷妈妈的小鸡》(Mother Carey's Chicken ,1911)。威金的作品常常探讨家庭、童年和成长,深受读者喜爱。

上一篇:英语笑话:Parrot and Magician 鹦鹉和魔术师