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翻译辨析:at the end of the day 怎么理解?


翻译辨析:at the end of the day 怎么理解?

原 文:

At the end of the day, it's his responsibility, and there's nothing you can do.

原 译:


辨 析:


at the end of the day 是英语中的一个成语,常用于口语,其意思是when all is taken into consideration(当一切都考虑进去的时候,即分析了各种可能性后得出结论)或when everything has happened or been settled(一切都已办妥了之后)。所以这一句可译为:不管怎么说,这是他的责任,你一点儿办法也没有。

带有at the end of... 的英语成语很多,下列句子仅是几例:

(1)With all the homework to be done, he was at the end of his rope.(有那么多功课要做,他简直累坏了。) at the end of his rope的意思是「束手无策」、「筋疲力尽」或「忍无可忍」,也作at the end of one's row 或 at the end of one's tether。

(2)Their washing machine has long been at the end of the road.(他们的洗衣机早就坏了。)at the end of the road的意思是「用坏的」、「完蛋了的」,与「路」没有关系。

(3)A hundred years ago, this place was at the end of the rainbow, and people were rushing there through all means. (一百年前,那里是〔美国人〕实现梦想的地方,人们千方百计地到那儿去。)the end of the rainbow出自于神话传说,指「所有愿望都能实现的地方」。

