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Exotic charm

Foreign allure

Cultural diversity

International flavor


In the heart of the bustling city, a quaint café offers a glimpse into the exotic charm of distant lands. The aroma of rich coffee blends with the scent of spices from afar, transporting patrons to a world of cultural diversity. Each sip of the brew is a journey through time and space, evoking memories of ancient bazaars and bustling marketplaces. The walls adorned with vibrant tapestries and artifacts tell stories of different lands, inviting one to explore the international flavor that lies beyond the familiar. Here, every corner whispers tales of foreign allure, making the café a sanctuary for those who seek to experience the world without leaving their seat.



❶ 请问圣彼得大教堂今天有没有开放?Is St. Peter's Cathedral open today?

这样回答 I'm afraid not. 恐怕没有。

❷ 请问怎么去大都会博物馆最方便?Which is the most convenient way to get to the Metropolitan Museum?

这样回答 You can take the subway. 您可以乘坐地铁。

❸ 我们在早上八点出发前往威斯敏斯特教堂,下午三点回到伦敦眼。We leave for Westminster Abbey at 8:00 a.m. and get back to the London Eye at 3:00 p.m..

这样提问 What's the itinerary of tomorrow? 明天的行程是什么?

❹ 几百年来,巴黎让全世界惊羡不已。For centuries Paris has attracted the admiration of the world.

同类表达 The Louvre Museum is a big attraction for all ages. 罗浮宫大大吸引着各个年龄层的人。

❺ 你登上埃菲尔塔顶了吗?Did you go up to the top of the Eiffel Tower?

同类表达 The scenic spots often visited by tourists are the Arch of Triumph, the Louvre Museum, and the Eiffel Tower. 游客们常去的景点有凯旋门、罗浮宫和埃菲尔铁塔。

❻ 我听说在塔顶可以将整个城市的美景尽收眼底。I heard you can get a breathtaking view of the entire city from the top.

同类表达 Look! The Eiffel Tower looks so magnificent in golden lights. 看!金光下的埃菲尔铁塔真是太美了!

❼ 我漫步在塞纳河畔,饱览两岸景色。I walked along the Seine River and enjoyed the views on both banks.

同类表达 Taking a stroll along the Seine River is enjoyable. 沿着塞纳河漫步真是太享受了。

❽ 威尼斯堪称世界上最美的城市之一。Venice is considered as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

同类表达 Venice is a good place to visit in summer. 夏日观光去威尼斯不错。

❾ 每年都有成千上万来自五大洲的游客到威尼斯观光。Every year thousands of tourists from the five continents visit Venice.

❿ 游客总是会惊诧于威尼斯的魅力。The visitors are always amazed at the charm of Venice.

上一篇:英语笑话:The Princess and the Frog 公主与青蛙
下一篇:名篇背诵:A Ramble After Rainfall 雨后漫步