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名篇背诵:Sunset (Ⅰ) 落日(一)


名篇背诵:Sunset (Ⅰ) 落日(一)

Sunset (Ⅰ) 落日(一)

纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)

In the light of a calm and golden sunset it becomes lovely beyond expression; the more lovely for the quietude that so well accords with the hour, when even the wind, after blustering all day long, usually hushes itself to rest. Each tree and rock, and every blade of grass, is distinctly imaged, and, however unsightly in reality, assumes ideal beauty in the reflection.The minutest things of earth and the broad aspect of the firmament are pictured equally without effort and with the same felicity of success. All the sky glows downward at our feet; the rich clouds float through the unruffled bosom of the stream like heavenly thoughts through a peaceful heart.

- quietude [ˈkwaɪətjuːd] n. 寂静,宁静

accord with 符合,调和

- blustering [ˈblʌstərɪŋ] a. 狂风大作的,狂暴的

- unsightly [ʌnˈsaɪtlɪ] a. 难看的,不雅观的

- firmament [ˈfɜːməmənt] n. 天空

- felicity [fəˈlɪsətɪ] n. 幸福,幸运

- unruffled [ʌnˈrʌfld] a. 平静的,沉着的


纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)是19世纪美国的著名作家,以其深刻的心理描写和对人性内在冲突的探索而著称。他最著名的作品包括《红字》(The Scarlet Letter),这部小说描绘了悔罪与社会道德的复杂关系,成为美国文学中的经典之作。霍桑的其他作品如《黑带子》(The House of the Seven Gables)和短篇小说集《夏天的侍者》(Twice-Told Tales)也展现了他对人类内心阴暗面的敏锐洞察力。

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