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Distance 距离

Path 路径

Route 路线

Journey 旅程

Travel 旅行

Itinerary 行程

Mileage 里程

Trek 长途跋涉

Way 道路

Course 路线


The journey of life is a winding path filled with unexpected twists and turns. Each step we take, whether forward or sideways, contributes to the distance we cover. The road is not always smooth; it is paved with challenges that test our resolve and shape our character. The distance we travel is not just measured in miles but in the lessons we learn and the experiences we gather.

As we venture further, we come to realize that the destination is not the only reward; the journey itself is equally, if not more, valuable. It's the process of growth, the accumulation of wisdom, and the forging of memories that truly enrich our lives. The path we choose to tread may be long and arduous, but it is our own, and it is this unique journey that defines us.




❶ 到那儿要很久吗?Will it take me long to get there?

同类表达 How far from here is it? 离这里有多远?

How long will it take us to get there? 我们到那里要多久?

How long will it take to get there by bus? 乘公交车到那里要多长时间?

❷ 从这里可以步行到那里吗?Is it with in walking distance?

同类表达 Can I walk there from here?

Can I get there by walking?

❸ 那可不是走路可以到的。It's not within walking distance.

同类表达 It's too far to walk.

❹ 远着呢。You've got a long way to go.

同类表达 It's a good distance.

It's pretty far.

It's not close at all.

❺ 从这里开车需四十分钟。It's a forty-minute drive from here.

同类表达 By car it will take forty minutes.

❻ 差不多有十五英里路呢。It's about fifteen miles.

同类表达 It's a good fifteen miles.

I'd say it's fifteen miles.

❼ 你已经很近了,离这儿只有三英里左右。You're pretty close. It's only about three miles from here.

同类表达 You don't have much further to go—only about three miles.

It's not far, only about another three miles.

❽ 就在附近。It's within spitting distance.

同类表达 It's just a stone's throw from here.

对话 A: Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗?

B: No. It's within spitting distance. 不远,就在附近。

❾ 已经进入视野了。It's just up on the horizon.

同类表达 You can see it on the horizon.

You can see it up ahead.

❿ 就在拐角处。It's just around the corner.

对话 A: Where is the diner? 餐厅在哪里?

B: It's just around the corner. 就在拐角处。

上一篇:英语笑话:Closer to God 上帝就在身边
下一篇:名篇背诵:To the Unknown Hero (Ⅱ) 致无名英雄